Examen de inglés Selectividad Bon's tips (www.bontips.com)


The plane turned slowly and she looked down on the collection of doll houses and duck ponds. The "No Smoking" signed flashed on. People fastened their seatbelts. Packed away paperbacks and magazines and above all the noise of the engines conversations seemed to hum. Ana looked down through the cabin again at the toy town, wondering what it would be like to really live there for six whole weeks.

She had read about England, of course. Everybody had read about it at the school. She knew, for example it was a constitutional monarchy, that London was the capital with about seven million people living in it, that the currency was the sterling pound, and the main agricultural products were dairy farming, livestock and farming.

But none of that made it seem any more exciting. She trembled suddenly – a sick feeling, that had nothing to do with his plane's dropping height, was invading her. She had been away from home before, of course. Last summer she had spend two weeks in Majorca with Catherine. And the summer before that, when she was fourteen she and Dolores had actually been allowed to go on a school trip to Madrid.

But that was different; Catherine and Dolores were her friends. She had known them and their families all her life. They talked the same language and understood the same jokes. In the spring holidays she and Dolores had even fallen in love with the same boy.

In England there would only Sandy to talk to – whom she had written, but never met. The sick feeling turned to near panic.

a) Add True of False, quoting the relevant information from the text (3 p.)

1. When the "Non Smoking" sign appeared, Ana put away her things, ready for landing.

2. Ana has already been on holiday twice without her parents.

3. Ana feels excited about staying in England.

b) Answer the following questions in your own words (2 p.)

1. What did people do before landing?

2. What is the relation between cultural values and the education system?

c)Complete the following sentences. The meaning has to be the same as that of the one above. (2 p.)

1. I have just been visiting the town. I was born in the town.

I have...

2. "How far did you go?" she said to her friends.


3. I went to a lot of dances when I was a teenager.


4. Peter can't join the police forces because he is not tall enough.


d) Write a composition (from 80 to 100 words) on the topic:

Advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad (3 p.)