July 2 – July 9, 2017


Sun, July 2Holy Eucharist8:0010:00 a.m.

South Hills Church (SHC)1:45 p.m.

Youth Group SJD/SHC 6:00 p.m.

Mon, July 3Welcoming Meeting 10:30 a.m.

Tues, July 4Office Closed – Independence Day

Wed, July 5Holy Communion Healing Service10:00 a.m.

Lost Tribe Small Group - SJD12:00 p.m.

Annex Meeting4:00 p.m.

Small Group – DeTringo’s6:30 p.m.

Roshaven’s Small Group – Charlene Wirick’s6:30 p.m.

Thurs, July 6Band Rehearsal6:00 p.m.

Sun, July 9Holy Eucharist8:00 10:00 a.m.

Vestry Meeting11:15 a.m.

South Hills Church (SHC)1:45 p.m.

Youth Group SJD/SHC6:00 p.m.


Thrivent Day at the RaysThrivent Member Network invites everyone to enjoy a fun day at Tropicana Field. Join us onSaturday, August 12thwhen the Tampa Bay Rays play the Cleveland Indians. Game time is6:10 p.m. Group ticket price is $28. At this time, we don't have any information on a bus, so watch the bulletins for more details.


FALL FESTIVAL formally known as the Bazaar, sponsored by WSJD will have a sign-up sheet on the table today. Cher Cerebe is putting together a great team of volunteers of all ages from the church for this event. She would love to welcome YOU to be part of this team. Please contact her at or (813) 284-6187.

ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to remember or honor a loved one with flowers, please use the envelopes found in the pews. A donation of $20 is suggested. Please include the date of when you would like your flowers to be placed on the altar.

ALARM SYSTEM IS LIVE as of Sunday, June 25th,the door alarm system was activated. This means you need a User Code to DISARM the system (you still need a key to unlock the door). If you have no further need for a key, please turn it in at the office and put it in the Sr. Warden’s box. For any questions, contact Don Fisher, Sr. Warden.

SJD MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORMS are now available in the parish hall. Anyone who sees a need for maintenance or repair to the building or grounds, is encouraged to complete a form and put it in the completed form tray located below the blank forms. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Diehl.

SMALL GROUPS meet weekly in several locations. In a small group you will experience spiritual growth,develop wonderful friendships, give and receive encouragement and discover and use your spiritual gifts, all in a casual, safe, interactive setting. See Elizabeth DeTringoor Father Kevin for more information.

MEMBER PHOTOS We are updating our records with photos of our congregation. We are asking for everyone’s help with this project. We have placed a camera with detailed instructions on the table near the Sunday school room. Please use a blank wall as your back drop for all pictures. We are asking that you take anindividualheadshot (shoulders up) of each other,as well as a family photo, if possible. Please complete the form found with the camera as this will ensure we have the correct name with the face(s).

DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS is noon on Monday for the following Sunday and announcements must be no longer then four lines due to space constrictions. Please email Candy at with any announcements.

SJD MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORMS are now available in the parish hall. Anyone who sees a need for maintenance or repair to the building or grounds is encouraged to complete a form and put it in the completed form tray located below the blank forms. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Diehl.

SUNDAY COFFEE HOUR DONATIONSyou don't have to be a baker to donate some goodies for Sunday Coffee Hour. Store bought donations are just fine. But PLEASE, bring something. Just leave them in the kitchen when you arrive at Church. We appreciate it. Thanks!

THE LORD’S LIGHTHOUSE needs financial support and nonperishable food. The mission no longer needs plastic containers. Please place your donations in the Lord’s Lighthouse area of the Parish Hall. Checks may be written to St. John Divine, earmarked for the Lord’s Lighthouse.

HEALING STARTS HERE grief support group will meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each monthat 10:30 a.m. All are welcome.

PRAYER REQUESTS for prayers at services and in the bulletin, please fill out a card at the Information Center. YELLOW cards are for thanksgivings; BLUE cards are for intercessions and Red cards are for Military. Requests are for 2 Sundays with the exception of Military. If you need longer time, please specify the date you would like the request removed, then place your cards in the basket or call the office (813) 633-3970.


PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION Al Blades, Al Selke, Alex Schmidt, Alyson Barrett, Angela Clare, Antoinette Palmer, Ashley Marie Alcombright, The Baker Family, Barbara Van Eyken, Barbara & Sonny Smyth, Betty Reithoffer, Billy Palmer, Bill Schulze, Bob Slaughter, Bob & Blanche Hopkins, Bridgie Brelsford, Carl Brant, Carol Croll, Carol Terwilliger, Carol Cook, Cora Ruff, Craig Sullivan, David Nuchols, Dennis & Jackie Accardo, Elaine Eckert, Eleanor Diehl, Fred Pfeil, Greg Lieble, Grey & Lee Dennison, Howard Olson,Ingrid Thompson, Janet Prairie, Jeff Adams, Jeff Bowling, Jeff Tutt, Jim Ray, Jo Banner, Johnny Garibaldi, Judy Pieper, Kathleen Finn, Kristina Verna, Landon Van Loan, Lee Miller, Lily Cockran, Linda Lashua, Lorre Bokma, Luke Burel, Lynn Hanrahan, Mac Bokma, Mafalda Hart, Marge Pyles, Mary Garrod, Matthew Arp, Maureen Martinsky, Pat Cisintyan, Pat Smegielski, Paul Miller, Pierson Gibis, Richard Gingrich, Rick Maues, Rodney Jeaneen, Russell Baker, Scott, Laura & Matthew Drummond, Shaun Cochran, Fr. Tracy & Susan Wilder, and Vi Nardi.

PRAYERS FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES Alain Diehl, Amanda Eckert, Brian S. Smith, David W. H. Varjian, Donald Freeman, Jeffrey Scott Johnson, Josh Fugle, Liz Arp, Luke Fugle, Nicole Primiano Ray Nichols, Steven Santiago, Will Davis and William Del Castillo.

PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING For those having Birthdays this week: Jean Kelsey, Michelle Garis, Alan Tisdale, Marcia Schwarm, Bailey Risner, and Bridgie Brelsford. For those having Anniversaries this week: Barbara & Harald Van Eycken, Barbara George Baker and Magda & Bradford Bell.