I.  Call to Order – 7:01pm

II.  Roll Call – See Attendance Report

III.  Guest Speaker – Campus Health

a.  Description of Services Offered (see recording);

b.  Description of Mental Health Services Offered (see recording);

c.  Financial Options/Implications for Students

i.  No talk of an increased Health Services fee (in regards to a question posed by President Spencer);

ii.  Perhaps sponsorship of the new Heath Services building to reduce referred student costs;

d.  Discussion of Placement and Payment for New Health Facilities;

i.  Central Station is no longer an option for placement;

ii.  Parking Garage is no longer an option for placement;

iii.  Special parking lot should be a part of the new location;

iv.  On-Site location is preferable.

e.  Health Education Presentation (see recording).

IV.  Executive Cabinet Reports

a.  President Spenser’s report submitted in writing;

b.  Executive Vice President Dennis’ report submitted in writing;

c.  Academic Vice President Awadallah’s report submitted in writing;

d.  Services Vice President Smith’s report submitted in writing.

V.  Reports of Boards and Standing Committees

a.  E-Board did not meet due to weather;

b.  Academic Policy Board did not meet due to weather;

c.  Appropriations Board met and considered items that will appear in New Business;

d.  Development Board met and discussed various College Council’s effectiveness;

e.  Student Organization’s Board met and considered the approval of three new RSOs to be approved in New Business;

f.  Student Activities Board did not meet due to weather.

VI.  Council Reports

a.  College of Arts and Sciences;

i.  Lunch with the Dean Noon on Monday, Feb. 9th at Noon;

ii.  Freshman Council planning Candidate Forum;

iii.  Art Exhibition SAC Multi-Purpose Room on April 9th from 11:30am to 6:00pm. Applications are available Feb. 1st.

b.  College of Business:

i.  Guest speaker was cancelled due to weather;

ii.  Attempting to acquire Wallstreet Journal for students;

iii.  Council Constitution amendments are being considered.

c.  College of Education:

i.  New offices;

ii.  Lunch with the Dean pending.

d.  College of Medicine:

i.  Absent;

e.  College of Music:

i.  Guest speaker;

ii.  Diversity presentations;

iii.  Over-realization budget approved for furniture for student lounge;

iv.  Lunch with the Dean pending.

f.  Speed School:

i.  Nominations for the WSP Award;

ii.  College recently received a 20 million dollar donation, the largest any single college has received to date;

iii.  Officer Elections pending in the next few weeks.

g.  School of Nursing:

i.  Nursing Student Council News Letter on its second issue;

ii.  New students recently attended an introduction ceremony;

iii.  Lunch with Dean scheduled for Monday, Feb. 23;

iv.  Renovations of offices recently undertaken – each class now has its own private meeting space.

h.  Graduate School:

i.  Event to be held March 6th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm at the Chao Auditorium;

ii.  Brainstorming on travel expenses;

iii.  Graduate Student Dinner Dance;

iv.  Council Constitution amendments are being considered.

i.  School of Law:

i.  Vacant staff position (for School) – Council working on short term solution to the problem that their constituents may experience;

ii.  Mock interviews for law firm admission conducted;

iii.  Several students competing in regional competitions.

j.  Dental School:

i.  Vender fair (Student Convention);

1.  45 vendors invited;

2.  Surprise guest speaker;

ii.  Student research competition;

iii.  Elections just held, officer positions filled.

k.  Kent School:

i.  Dance Marathon, volunteers needed (Feb. 20th);

ii.  Social Work Month (March);

iii.  Social Work Fair – free food, services, to be held in March;

iv.  Information campaign for Veteran’s benefits;

v.  Food and clothing drive (March);

vi.  Elections currently being held, results in early March;

vii.  Social Work Party (collect money to help social workers city-wide);

viii.  Career Fair (May).

l.  School of Public Health:

i.  Meet the Dean’s Night held;

ii.  Open House cancelled due to weather;

iii.  Working with administration to enforce laptop requirements;

iv.  Working on a networking and career development event (Feb-March);

v.  Working on public health week (April).

VI. New Business:

a.  Approval of the January 13th, 2008 Senate Minutes passed;

b.  Consideration of Senate Appropriations Requests passed;

c.  Consideration of the Student Organizations Board Approvals passed;

d.  Approval of Executive Board Committee Changes passed;

e.  First Reading of Resolution 8, “Administration Policies of Collegial Governance” referred to the Executive Board with no objections.

f.  First Reading of Resolution 9, “Safety on HSC Campus” referred to the Executive Board with no objections.

g.  First Reading of Resolution 10, “A Resolution to 24 Access to all Libraries on Campus” referred to the Executive Board with no objections.

h.  First Reading of Motion 1, “A Motion on Senate Involvement”

i.  By friendly amendment, was renamed Resolution 11;

ii.  Subsequently, President Carrier requested that the Resolution be fast-tracked;

iii. The motion for fast-track was approved, opening the floor to discussion on the Resolution itself;

iv. The question was called in which Resolution 11 (previously Motion 1) was rejected by a voice vote.

VII. Announcements:

a.  Chief Justice Brauch – Election timetables updated, changes to which may be found on: http://louisville.edu/sga/elections/updates.html

b.  Senate will be held in Chao Auditorium next week with Mayor Jerry Abramson as out guest.

VIII. Adjournment: