V1 March 2018

Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board

Business Plan 2018 - 2020

Document Control

Ratified by Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board: March 2018

Author: Nicolette Barry Job Title: - Safeguarding Board Manager Date Revision Due: March 2019


BBO…………..Board Business Office

CHASC……….Communities, Health, Adult Social Care

JChair ……………Join Chairs Meeting

MAP & P……...Multi-Agency Policy and Procedure

MS…………….Marie Seaton Chair of BSAB

NB……………..Nicolette Barry BSAB Manager

PP & P…………Policy, Procedure and Practice Subgroup

Q & P………….Quality and Performance Subgroup

SAFE………….Safeguarding Adults for Everyone Forum

SAR……………SAR Subgroup

SARs …………Serious Adult Reviews

SCR……………Serious Children Review

SAT…………….Safeguarding Adults Team

Training………..Training Subgroup


Over the last year, Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) has gone “Back to Basics” and has undergone a restructure in order to ensure that it is able to carry out its statutory role effectively and enable delivery of robust safeguarding services within Buckinghamshire. This Business Plan has been developed to deliver the Board’s refreshed Strategic Plan, the aim is for it to continue to evolve and transform the way adult safeguarding services are delivered across Buckinghamshire. This will enable the BSAB, through to 2020, to meet the ever changing nature of safeguarding through the range of statutory responsibilities arising from the Care Act 2014. At the heart of this plan are the six key principles that underpin all adult safeguarding work: Empowerment, Protection, Proportionality, Partnership, Prevention, Accountability; and these reflect the Board’s vision and provide direction to the further development and improvement of safeguarding practice across the Buckinghamshire partnership. Safeguarding Adults is a responsibility for all agencies supporting adults and is enshrined in the Care Act 2014 and its accompanying guidance.

The Local Authority has a lead, co-ordinating role to ensure that all those who provide services to local residents work together effectively to address the safeguarding agenda in Buckinghamshire. In April 2015, the Care Act 2014 came into force and provides the statutory framework for adult safeguarding including statutory duties for developing safeguarding adults’ boards. Buckinghamshire already has a Safeguarding Adults Board which ensures and oversees the effectiveness of the arrangements made by individual agencies and the wider partnership to safeguard adults at risk from abuse or neglect. The BSAB’s remit is one of strategic co-ordination and leadership as it contributes to the wider goals of promoting the wellbeing of adults.

One of the changes that the Board has made in the Strategic Plan and therefore the Business Plan is closer working with other Boards working in Buckinghamshire including the Health and Wellbeing Board, Safer Stronger Bucks and more importantly the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. It is anticipated that there will be work streams highlighting joint priorities that will go across the various Boards not only to make better use of resources but also to ensure that one measure is given to service users, carers and the wider public about the importance of safeguarding the most vulnerable in our society whether adults or children.

The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board has used this year of self-reflection to look closely at the vision it wishes to set for safeguarding adults through to 2020. At the heart of this remains the Board’s mission statement which is:-



In order to achieve this, the Board has developed its new Safeguarding Adults Strategic Plan 2018/2020 which sets out its vision regarding safeguarding adults and within this, identifies a number of key priorities and objectives. This plan has been affected by a number of factors including the issues raised in the two statutory Safeguarding Adult Reviews carried out by the Board in 2017/2018 which highlighted the issues of self-neglect, feedback from service users and carers, as well as the need to continue to push forward with embedding the principles and philosophy behind “Making Safeguarding Personal”.

This document describes the activities the BSAB will be undertaking from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2020 to enable it to realise the vision outlined in its Safeguarding Adults Strategic Plan 2018/2020. This Business Plan will be implemented through the work of Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board sub-groups which will each be focusing on specific objectives. Activities will be monitored throughout the year and progress will be reported on annually in the BSAB Annual Report.

For more information about the work of the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board and to view this Strategic Plan 2018-2020 go to

The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board will achieve its vision through the work on the following priorities:-

1. / To ensure that there is effective communication with residents in Buckinghamshire, between professional, agencies, between different Boards (Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, Safer Stronger Bucks, Health and Wellbeing) and Partnerships.
SCIE – The safeguarding board should concern itself with a range of issues which can contribute to the wellbeing of its community and the prevention of abuse and neglect. (SCIE guidance for Boards)
Action Required / Lead / How will we achieve this? / Measures and Time Scales / Outcomes / Cost implications
Minimum / Moderate / High
1.1 / The Board and its partners to continue to develop and update existing Safeguarding materials which include posters/cards
To ensure that when materials are designed that where appropriate these are co-produced with the Children’s Board, or relevant agencies such as Women’s Aid, Health Etc. / BBO
ASC / Website to remain updated.
Twitter account to be updated on a daily basis and to be signed up to be all board partners/agencies
Newsletter to be produced and distributed
Posters and materials to remain updated and available for Board members to print and produce.
Mystery shopping to check information is available
Feedback from services user surveys / Increased number of referrals from members of public, service users and carers to safeguarding.
Greater knowledge amongst general population regarding identifying and reporting abuse.
Materials being used across a range of locations in Bucks.
Hits on website. / Website domain name £80.00 every 3 years.
Twitter / Newsletter costs of time to produce/ printing
Service user/Carer expenses average cost group £250 or £25 to £75 per individual. / Leaflets / posters
Costs of printing
£25 to £70.00 depending on numbers
Poster design - £120 to 360.00
1.2 / That learning is shared from other SAR’s on a national basis, SCR’s and Domestic Homicide reviews. / SAR
Training / To consider learning from other SAR’s, SCR’s and Domestic homicide reviews and provide this to the Board. To add to action plans as necessary.
To consider if there is any need to develop training materials or access to courses, E learning around learning from SAR’s etc. / Board members and their organisations will learn from a range of enquiries and practices will change as a result. / Costs of the MAP&P time; reviewing policies; updating MAP&P’s;
BM/Admin support time keeping up-to-date on national policy. / ELearning £2.00 per person per course, cost of Board staff to produce E learning.
E.g.197 completed e learning which makes it £394.00.
183 booked for face to face training at £1 per booking equates to £183.
Training events Internal free room/trainer
25 people
£50.00 / Training events Internal (25 people
Large event
Internal Green park 100 people half day £175.00
Adams park
100 people all day
1.3 / To assess whether staff in organisations are aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to adult safeguarding. / PP & P
Q & P / To ensure that it is clear in all policies and procedures the roles and responsibility of those working with adults with support and care needs around safeguarding.
To carry out a review as part of the annual audit with children’s board on safeguarding practices, focusing on individual responsibility. / That there is a greater understanding amongst professionals of their role in safeguarding adults. / Costs of the MAP&P time; reviewing policies; updating MAP&P’s; BM/Admin support time keeping up-to-date on national policy.
1.4 / Links to be made between Bucks Safeguarding Adults Board, subgroups and other Boards, including Children’s Board, Safer Stronger Bucks, Health and Wellbeing Board. Regional Boards is Oxford, Berkshire and Milton Keynes etc. / Chair / To share Annual Reports amongst Boards, to be involved in joint Board protocol and work plan.
Joint events and training events. Areas of work at present are Transitions and Domestic Abuse(plans for big tent event – costs to be shared between Boards) / That there is joined up work in Buckinghamshire around Safeguarding as well as across the local area. / Joint chair/board meeting. / Attendance by Board staff at regional and local meetings, time, mileage / train fare. / events Internal (25 people
Large event
Internal Green park 100 people half day £175.00
Adams park
100 people all day
£3.500 (Big Tent)
Conduct an evaluation of BSAB website / BBO / Board members to be involved in checking and using website.
Survey of professionals to find out how useful website is. / Improved hits on website and knowledge of staff. / BM/Admin support time
2 / To understand the nature of abuse and neglect within Buckinghamshire and to put structures in place to reduce the likelihood of abuse occurring
SCIE Guidance – The strategic plan must specify how the SAB will seek to prevent abuse and neglect and how it will help & Protect people with care and support needs at risk of abuse and neglect. It should be informed by data analyse and comparison over time and with other boards. Use should be made of qualitative data so that for example the experiences and voices of survivors’ of abuse and neglect are heard and inform the strategic plan.
Action Required / Lead / How will we achieve this? / Measures and Time Scales / outcomes / Cost implications
Minimum / Moderate / High
2.1 / To continue to develop a whole system picture of abuse within Bucks. / Q & P / Further development of Dashboard with a particular focus on location of abuse both in terms of area and type of accommodation in Bucks. / Production of multi-agency information which enables the Board and partners to target abuse within Bucks.
In particular in relation to location of abuse. / Time/resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC / .
2.2 / To undertake an audit programme of areas of abuse identified within the Care Act and through local SAR’s and nationally/locally highlighted issues. / Q & P / To carry out an audit programme through each year:
1)Transitions Audit
2)Care Home – review of audit
3)Self-neglect audit
4)Domestic abuse and LD audit.
5)Modern Slavery audit / That audits show as change in practice through work from the Board and partners i.e. implementation of Policies / Procedures, training etc. / Time/resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC / Publication of reports and evaluation by external agency such as University
2.3 / Engagement with service users/ carers and the wider public in identifying and addressing issues of abuse. / SAFE and Board / Through a range of initiatives including:-
1)Service users feedback from Safeguarding
2)Involvement of SAFE within Board
3)Use of Twitter and social media
4)Board newsletter
5)Engagement with Health watch
6)Engagement with other Boards through Joint protocol and joint work plans / Board is informed by service users and carers regarding their experience of abuse and safeguarding and this in turn informs the Board’s work plan. / Time/resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC
Twitter and website
Chair meeting / Service user/Carer expenses average cost group £250 or £25 to £75 per individual / .Large event
Internal Green park 100 people half day £175.00
Adams park
100 people all day
2.4 / That there is a wider understanding of Domestic abuse (particular focus on LD) and its relationship with Adult Safeguarding amongst Board members, professionals and wider public. / Chair / Dashboard to be developed to focus on this area.
Training to be developed on addressing issues of domestic abuse and LD
Website to provide resources on this area.
To ensure Multi agency PP & P includes this form of abuse.
To look at developing materials focused on Domestic abuse and adults with care and support needs. / That the Board feels confident at the end of 2018 that it understands the nature of Domestic abuse and the prevalence in Bucks.
Those workers in Bucks understand this form of abuse and are able to identify report and support victims of abuse.
Public awareness is raised regarding domestic abuse and adult safeguarding. / Time/resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC
Website /
Time and resource of Training subgroup / ELearning £2.00 per person per course, cost of Board staff to produce E learning
E.g.197 completed e learning which makes it £394.00.
183 booked for face to face training at £1 per booking equates to £183
Training events Internal free room/trainer
25 people
£50.00 / Leaflets/posters
Costs of printing
£25 to £70.00 depending on numbers
Poster design - £120 to 360.00
Training events Internal (25 people
Large event
Internal Green park 100 people half day £175.00
Adams park
100 people all day
2.5 / That there is a wider understanding of Modern Slavery and its relationship with Adult Safeguarding amongst Board members, professionals and wider public. / Chair / Dashboard to be developed to focus on these areas.
Training and information to Board members on this form of abuse.
Website to provide resources on Modern Slavery.
To ensure Multi agency PP & P includes this form of abuse. / That the Board feels confident at the end of 2018 that it understands the nature of and prevalence of modern slavery in Bucks.
Those workers in Bucks understand this form of abuse and are able to identify report and support victims of abuse.
Public awareness is raised regarding Modern Slavery in Bucks. / Time/resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC
Website /
Time and resource of Training subgroup / ELearning £2.00 per person per course, cost of Board staff to produce E learning
E.g.197 completed e learning which makes it £394.00.
183 booked for face to face training at £1 per booking equates to £183
Training events Internal free room/trainer
25 people
£50.00 / Leaflets/posters
Costs of printing
£25 to £70.00 depending on numbers
Poster design - £120 to 360.00
Training events Internal (25 people
Large event
Internal Green park 100 people half day £175.00
Adams park
100 people all day
2.6 / That there is a wider understanding of Self-Neglect and its relationship with Adult Safeguarding amongst Board members, professionals and wider public. / Chair / Dashboard to be developed to focus on recording self-neglect.
Training and information to be developed and to be delivered to workforce.
Website to provide resources on self-neglect.
To ensure Multi agency PP & P includes these forms of abuse
Development and use of Self-Neglect Toolkit. / That the Board feels confident at the end of 2018 that it understands the nature of self-neglect and prevalence within Bucks.
Those workers in Bucks understand this form of abuse and are able to support people who self-neglect.
Public awareness is raised regarding these areas of abuse / Time/resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC
Website /
Time and resource of Training subgroup / ELearning £2.00 per person per course, cost of Board staff to produce E learning
E.g.197 completed e learning which makes it £394.00.
183 booked for face to face training at £1 per booking equates to £183
Training events Internal free room/trainer
25 people
£50.00 / Leaflets/posters
Costs of printing
£25 to £70.00 depending on numbers
Poster design - £120 to £360.00.
Training events Internal (25 people
Large event
Internal Green park 100 people half day £175.00
Adams park
100 people all day
2.7 / To continue work on areas that were working on in 2017/18
  • Abuse in care homes
  • SCAMS and Mental Capacity
  • Transitions
  • Cyber crimes
/ Q & P
T & F
Training / Dashboard to continue to contain information regarding abuse in care homes, SCAMs etc.
Audits to be carried out in regard to three areas.
Work streams to continue from 2017/18
That learning is implemented and possible training materials/events are developed.
Possible event to look at raising awareness of wider public or section of public such as faith community etc. / That the Board feels confident at the end of 2018 that it understands the nature of abuse in these three new areas and the prevalence in Bucks.
That there is joined up work on these three areas between Boards. / Resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC
Website /
Time and resource of Training subgroup / ELearning £2.00 per person per course, cost of Board staff to produce E learning
E.g.197 completed e learning which makes it £394.00.
183 booked for face to face training at £1 per booking equates to £183
Training events Internal free room/trainer
25 people
£50.00 / Large event
Internal Green park 100 people half day £175.00
Adams park
100 people
2.8 / To take on Board areas of common concern between Boards:-
  • Suicide and Self-Harm.
  • Substance abuse/Mental Health
/ Dashboard to provide information on these forms of abuse.
Board to be aware of work going on within other areas of council.
Audits to look at prevalence of
issues within Safeguarding Adults.
To raise awareness of issues for Board members and staff working with adults with care and support needs.
Possible development of training materials, though may wish to do these with Safer stronger bucks as the lead. / That the Board feels confident at the end of 2018 that it understands the nature of abuse in these three new areas and the prevalence in Bucks.
Those workers in Bucks understand these areas and are able to identify report and support victims of abuse.
Public awareness is raised regarding these areas of abuse and how to report. / Resources of Board Business office
Subgroup time and support from CHASC
Website /