Islandeady-Glenisland Parish Newsletter
St Patrick’s Church, Islandeady and Holy Rosary Church, Glenisland.
Parish Priest: Fr Pat Donnellan- 094-9024125 or 087-2311236. Email:
Web: / / /
Remembering in Masses:
FRI eve 23rd & SAT am 24th - Fr Donnellan will be saying Masses on Clare Island.
SAT 24th (Gl.) 7 pm:
Months Mind. Annie Moran, Drumnaguncan, & husband Frank & their son Paddy.
SUN 25th (Is.) 11 am: M Mind. Mena Burke, Cornanool, & husband Paddy. / 1st Anniv
Tom Linnane, Cloggernagh. / 10th Anniv. Nora Cain & husband Michael, Sheeaune. /
Anniv. Maudie Murphy, Sheeaune, & husband Tom & Dec of Duffy & Murphy Families.
MON 26th (Is.) 12 noon: Funeral Mass for Donald Walker, Drimneen RIP.
SAT 31st (Gl.) 7 pm:
Jimmy & Margaret Deffely, Glenisland. / Paddy Ryan & wife Baby, Killaughbawn.
SUN 1st (Is.) 11 am:
Anniv. Bea Gibbons, Cloggernagh, & her husband Austie & their daughter Mary. /
Ann Maloney (10th Anniv), Bohess, & Pakie & Mary Maloney & their grandson Stephen.
RIP - Don Walker, Drimneen (St Aidans MON from 10 am with Mass at 12 noon).
- Dan O’Neill, Galway & Castlebar (with relations in Sheeaune).
- Paddy Joe Needham, Barnsley & Lismolin (brother of Richie Needham, Doon).
- Anne Fitzgerald, nee McGowan, Castlebar (burial in Glenisland last Monday).
Next SUN starts 3 lovely Feasts: SUN 1st Feb St Brigid (St Brigid’s Crosses)
/ MON 2nd Feb Candlemas Day / TUES 3rd Feb St Blaise (Blessing of Throats)
Ø Candles for the Church and for your Home can be left on the table before the Altar.
Ø Crosses & Candles & Throats will be Blessed at Masses next Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues.
Ø Marian Movement ‘Praying for Priests’ in Glenisland Church every SUN 7 pm.
February monthly SICK CALLS will be attended to on WED 4th Feb in Glenisland Church area (starting 11 am) & THUR 5th in Islandeady Church area (starting 11 am).
Adoration of the Eucharist in Glenisland Church on MON/WED 7 to 8 pm and
Adoration in Islandeady Church SUN/MON/TUES 7 to 8 and THUR 8 to 9 pm.
Pobal Dé – People of God helping / ministering in CHURCH next week:
Readers: Gl. – M Dooley (4th Sun in Ord Time B. P174). Is. – E Moylette.
Min of Eucharist: Gl. – C Ruane. / Is. – B Graven, E Jennings, L Keaveney.
Mass Servers: Gl. – as in ‘Newsflash’. / Is. – Team 2 (this SUN to following SAT).
Ø Lists of Glenisland Altar Society, Min of Eucharist & Readers in Sacristy.
Ø Offertory Collectors Feb: Is. Breege Carney, Austin Gibbons, Patrick Malone.
Ø Finance Committee helping for February: Team B.
Ø Altar Society Feb: Derrycooraune/Cornagushlaun.
Ø St Brigid’s Crosses made by St Joseph’s secondary school for sale after Mass as
fundraisers for a Lourdes Pilgrimage.
Ø St Brigid’s Crosses made by ‘Mary of the Roses’ charity shop for sale after Mass.
Ø Mary of the roses Charity shop: Crochet / Art / Painting Classes. Ph: 087 3942886.
Ø Please join us for a Cuppa/chat in The Presbytery Glenisland this SAT after 7 Mass.
Ø Please join us for a Cuppa and chat in St Aidans room this SUN after 11 am Mass.
Mass of Thanksgiving for Religious working in the Diocese in Tuam Cathedral on SUN 1st Feb at 3 pm. Refreshments afterwards in St. Jarlath’s College. You are warmly invited.
Ø Card Game every MON night in Islandeady Comm Centre at 9 pm. All welcome.
Ø Fine Gael district meeting in TF Castlebar this MON 26th at 8.30 pm. All welcome.
Ø WED get-together/dinner every WED 11 to 3 in Comm Centre. Newcomers welcome.
Ø Islandeady GAA Lotto on SUN 1st Feb at 8.30 pm in The Halfway. Jackpot €12,500.
Islandeady Community Council February Newsletter available after Mass this weekend. Items for Glenisland ‘Newsflash’ can be send to:
Thank You to everyone that supported the recent St Stephens Day Walk from The Key West, raising €1,520 for Neurofibromatosis Ireland. Well Done to all involved.
Anger Issues ? Knock Counselling Service, in conjunction with the Irish Association for Anger Management are running a 2 day Anger Management programme in Knock on Sat 7th & Sun 8th Feb. Contact Peter Devers 09493 75032 or log onto
Westport College of Further Education enrolment evening TUES 27th from 6pm to 9pm for a range of FETAC and Hobby night courses. Further Information can be accessed on our college website or phone 098 25241.
St. Brid’s Special School Castlebar (beside entrance to Celtic football pitch) Annual Open & Enrolment Day THUR 5th Feb 10 – 3.30 pm. Caters for special needs pupils 4 – 18 years - Primary and Post Primary Levels. Come and see what the school has to offer.
Islandeady Cycle Group in association with Jacks Cottage & over 100 individuals from the wider community have organised a special 24 hour Cyclathon to help raise funds for the refurbishment & development of one of Islandeady icon heritage centres - Jacks Old Cottage. 100 people will execute a 24 hour continuous cycle in Jacks Cottage using turbo frames from 5 pm next SAT 31st to 5 pm SUN 1st. Everybody welcome anytime to drop in & give support to the volunteers participating or indeed to take a short spin on the turbo frames any time. See or Phone Joe 087-9443623.
Valentines 80’s Disco in aid of Medjugorje fund on FRI 13th Feb from 10pm to 1 in TF Castlebar Spot prizes, fancy dress (optional) & great night of fun promised. Adm €10.
Pilgrimages for 2015:
Walsingham - England's National Shrine. April 24th. 4 nights. Ph Patricia 087 9708927.
Padua/Lake Maggiore. June 30th. 7 nights. Ph 012410816 or John B at 09328337.
Fatima. August 27th. 7 nights. Phone Therese 012410822 or John B at 09328337.
Holy Land. October 12th. 8 nights. Contact Therese 012410822 or John B 09328337.
Interested in serving as a Diocesan Priest in the Archdiocese of Tuam? A vocations information day will be held SAT 14th Feb. Phone Fr Fintan at 093-24166 for details.
Ø Candles for the Church and for your Home can be left on the table before the Altar.
Ø Crosses & Candles & Throats will be Blessed at Masses on Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues.
Ø Marian Movement ‘Praying for Priests’ in Glenisland Church every SUN 7 pm.
Ø Monthly hour of PRAYER for Marriage and Family Life is WED 4th February.
Ø First Friday Vigil including Mass in Glenisland Church FRI 6th from 8 to 11 pm.
Phone Family Centre Castlebar 094 9025900 if interested in the following courses:
Mindfulness for Stress Reduction, Enneagram, Assertiveness Communications, Writing for Wellbeing / & many more courses ….. Details on notice board & brochures in porch.
Volunteers needed to give basic computer lessons on aone to one basisat the WED social get-together. If available Phone Philomena 087 9626075 or Patricia 094 9044797.
Computer practise in a social atmosphere: Have you a laptop or thinking of getting one ? Would you like to know more? Then why not come along to a group of like minded people. Every TUES 10am -12 noon in Islandeady Comm Centre – starting next 27th Jan
February 2015 - Islandeady Community Council Parish Newsletter
ChurchNotices forFebruary 2015
-Offertory CollectorsFebruary:BreegeCarney,
Austin Gibbons, Patrick Malone.
- FinanceCommitteehelping for February:Team B.
- AltarSociety February:Derrycooraune/Cornagushlaun.
Recent Deathsassociated with the Parish:
- Paddy Joe Needham, Barnsley &Lismolin(brother of Richie Needham, Doon).
- Anne Fitzgerald, nee McGowan,Castlebar, with burial inGlenisland.
- Pat Jennings,Kilbree.
- Dr John Murphy,Cummer,Glenisland.
- Sadie Moran,Corha,Islandeady.
- Evelyn O’Brien,Deergrove,Islandeady.
- Dan O’Neill, Galway &Castlebar(with relations inSheeaune).
- Annie Moran,Drumnaguncan, died Christmas Day in her 102ndyear.
- Mena Burke,Cornanool, buried Christmas Eve.
- Kathleen Carney, Dublin &Ballyhaunis(aunt of MaryReidy,Rushbrook).
- KathleenSloyan,Coolmeen, Mayo Abbey (mother of Catriona Doyle,Derrada).
-Austin Moran,Castlehill,Crossmolina(father of Michael Moran,Cornanool).
- Luke Kelly,Moneen,Castlebar(brother of Tony Kelly,Carrowbeg,Ayle).
- Johnny O’Donnell,Crimlin(Brother of Nellie Gibbons,Derryharriff).
- Martina Loftus,Balla(sister-in-law of JohnMcLoughlin,Beltra).
- Sister Evelyn O’Connor, of the Sisters of Charity, Newark, New Jersey (sister of Martin O’Connor,Monageeraun).
- Sheila Doran, Luton, England (mother of Peter Doran,Dooleague).
- TonyGinnelly,Towneena.
May They Rest inPeace.
Sincere Sympathy is extended to all their bereaved relatives and friends.
Recent BaptismsinIslandeady:
- Sophie Lauren Winston Kelly,Cloonan, daughter of Jade & Alex.
- Tom Michael O’Boyle,Leitir, son of Annette & Gerard.
- Leighton Thomas Gibbons,Derryharriff, son of Rachel &Tomás.
Congratulations to the parents and their families.
- JoannePhilbin,Carrowbeg, to John McGrath.
- Sharon Cannon,Cornagushlaun, to Kevin Patten.
- Leah Di Lucia, Westport, toSeánCooney.
Congratulations to thenewly wedsand their families.
Bilberries Playschool celebrates 10 years with Official Opening of new facility
On a glorious Saturday evening, An Taoiseach,EndaKenny, performed the official opening of Bilberries Playschool inIslandeady. The opening on September 13thalso marked 10 years of Bilberries Playschool since its opening on Sept 13th2004.
A community project started inIslandeadyCommunity Centre, the service has grown from strength to strength. To date, over 250 children from the parish and surrounding areas have benefited from the service, there are two staff employed and strong friendships have formed amongst parents and children embedding an even greater sense of community. While the Community Centre provided an excellent launch for establishing the playschool in the heart of the community, before long the standard requirements for operating a playschool determined a purpose built facility was badly needed. The site adjacent to St Pauls NS proved an ideal solution and the building relocated to the purpose built facility in September 2012.
After a long wait Bilberries Community Playgroup were thrilled last year to get Capital Grant funding for the much needed Outdoor Play Area. Designed in conjunction with Early Years Services, the new outdoor play area provides the development for children to play outdoors in a natural environment with plenty of opportunities to discover and use their creativity. This natural stimulating outdoor play area with water activity centre, track for ride-onsand the fabulous seated Gazebo make this a wonderful space for the pre-schoolers in all seasons. The playschool is part of the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) scheme and avails of CCS funding.
Throughout this process, Mayo County Childcare and EarlyYears Serviceprovided invaluable advice, encouragement and support, and both Jim Power and Jenny Barnard and their team were thanked on the day. Noreen Coyne, Bilberries Committee paid tribute to the staff CoraMcNicholasand Connie Burke and particularly to all the voluntary committees over the years which made Bilberries such a success.
Noreen also thanked Mr. TonyVarley, School Principal and the Board of Management inCloggernaghNS for their support and cooperation throughout the project.AnTaoiseach,EndaKenny cut the ribbon assisted by LiamMoylettefrom Bilberries Playschool and the very first group to attend Bilberries, now young teenagers, unveiled the official plaque along with MaryWalshe, the first Playschool Leader.
With over 20 children enrolled for 2014/2015, Bilberries Community Playschool continues to be a huge success.
Computer practice in a social atmosphere
Have you a laptop or are you thinking of getting one
Would you like to know more about it?
Did you take some Computer lesions and need more practice?
Then why not come along to a group of likeminded People in the same boat.
Every Tuesday from 10am– 12 noon inIslandeadyCommunity Centre
Starting 27thJan 2015
It’s Nevertolate to start!!
Volunteers Needed
VolunteersNeededto give basic computer lessons
onaone to one basison a Wednesday at
TheIslandeadySocialget- together.
If Available please contact Philomena:087 9626075
orPatricia at The Centre :094 9044797.
Mary of the Roses
Mary of the Roses shop in Westport is recommencing their art and craft classes on every Tuesday & Thursday from 10.30 - 12.30pm.
Learn a craft, knitting, crochet,jewellery, sketching,painting.
Thereis mindfulness classes, journaling writing also on request.
Contact087 3942886for more information on the above
Community Council News:
Parish Dinner: Our Annual Parish Dinner took place in the Community Centre on Sunday, 18thJanuary. In spite of the inclement weather some forty six people turnedout .Proceedings got under way with mass at 2pm, followed by a four course meal and then musical entertainment. Everybody enjoyed the afternoon and the opportunity to meet with friends in the comfortable surroundings of our Community Centre.
Special thanks to Fr. Pat and to Fr. Chas for the beautiful and uplifting mass, to Timmy and Geraldine for the wonderful food, to Paul for the choice and variety of music, to all the volunteers for helping and to all those who came along to enjoy theday.Lookingforward to a bigger and better event next year. Raffle prize winners were as follows: Michael Feeney, Maura Carney, PaddyTuohy, Nora Tunney, NatRuane, Mary O’Malley, Anne Marie Carney, James Burke, Judy Byrne, Nora O’Brien, Philomena Browne and James O’Malley.
Village Enhancement:Our group took a break over Christmas but will resume activity very soon to draw up a plan of action for the year ahead. We are currently awaiting a response from the Area Engineer, MCC in connection with a commencement date for works atAughagowerX and The Three Bridges which have already been agreed. Contact has also been made with the Road Traffic Officer, An GardaSiochanaregarding road safety issues and accident blackspot atAughagowerX. He has discussed these issues with the Area Engineer and he is awaiting a report from the Road Safety Auditor. Contact has also been made with the School Transport Supervisor, BusEireannregarding safety issues for school children being collected at this location and we await a report from their inspector.
We welcome ideas and suggestions regarding further enhancement of our community so if you wish to put forward any suggestions please feel free to contact your Community Council representative.
We are also examining plans for further development at Reid’s X.
Community Council Election: The term of office of the current Community Council will finish at the end of March and the process of electing a new council is under way. Shortly the current Community Council representatives will visit the houses in their electoral areas seeking volunteers to join the new council. If you have in interest in making our community a better place to live in then please give serious consideration to allowing your name go forward for election.
Next Community Council meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 10thFebruary at 8pm in The Community Centre.
Contact Information for theParish Newsletter
IslandeadyCommunity Centre,Islandeady
Phone:094 9044797
InformationForthe March Newsletter, must be in
No Later than Monday, February16th 2015@ 12 noon