Staff Research Expertise Directory

/ School / Interest Areas / Research Methods Used / Selected Publications / Doctoral Supervisor /
/ Curr & Ped / Mathematics Education.
Teacher education / Action/design Research;
Case Study;
Survey and mixed methods / Anthony, G., & Hunter, R. (2005). A window into mathematics classrooms: Traditional to reform. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 40 (1 &2), 25-43.
Anthony, G., & Walshaw, M. (2007). Effective pedagogy in Mathematics/Pangarau: Best / Y


/ Curr & Ped / Teacher Education;
Thinking and Metacognition;
History of Education / Qualitative;
Case Study
/ Curr & Ped / Māori Education;
Māori Research; Gifted Education;
Special Education/ Inclusion / Kaupapa Māori Research;
Action Research;
Qualitative / Bevan-Brown, J. (1996/2003 update in press). Special Abilities: A Māori Perspective. In D. McAlpine & R. Moltzen (Eds.) Gifted and talented. New Zealand perspectives. Palmerston North: Massey University, ERDC Press.
Bevan-Brown, J. (2001). Evaluating special education services for learners from ethnically diverse groups: Getting it right. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 26, 138-147. / Y
/ Curr & Ped / Mathematics Education.
Gifted Education / Qualitative / Bicknell, B. (2006). Investigating parental roles of mathematically gifted students. In P. Grootenboer, R. Zevenbergen, & M. Chinnappan (Eds.), Identities ,cultures and learning spaces: Proceedings of the 29th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (pp. 76-83). Sydney: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia.
Bicknell, B., & Riley, T. (2005). Students’ perspectives on a withdrawal program in mathematics. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 14(2), 27-33
Bicknell, B., & Riley, T. (2005). Addressing mathematical promise. Set: Research information for teachers.
/ ADHE / Music education, vocal development, music leadership, primary and early childhood education, professional development / Qualitative, case study, narrative / Boyack, J.E. (2000). “Sing? Not Me!” A study of Student Teachers’ Self-efficacy. Unpublished Masters’ Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. / N


/ Curr & Ped / Educational computing; ICT and
e-Learning; Learning and Educational Technologies;
Educational Change; Innovations in Teaching; Distance Education; Teacher Education / Survey; Case Study;
Ethnography; Narrative;
Policy Analysis / Brown, M., & Murray, F. (2006). ICT and young children: Laying the foundations for the digital future. Computers in New Zealand Schools, 18 (2), 43-48.
Brown, M. (2005). Telling tales out of school: The political nature of the digital landscape. In K-W Lai (ed.), e-Learning communities: Teaching and learning with the Web (pp. 23-38). Dunedin: Otago University Press.
Brown, M. (2005). The growth of enterprise pedagogy: How ICT policy is infected by neo-liberal ideology. Australian Journal of Educational Computing, 20 (2), in press ISSN 08169020. / Y
/ ADHE / Gender and education, biculturalism, critical pedagogy, physical education / Ethnographic research/document analysis/case study/survey / Brown, S. (2003). Elite athletes and masculinities: Physical Recreation in Queensland secondary schools. In J. A. Vadeboncoeur & S. Rawolle (Eds.), Educational Imaginings (pp. 241-268). Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: Australian Academic Press. / Y
/ Curr & Ped / Inclusive Education;
Early Intervention;
Behaviour Diversity / Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies / Carroll-Lind, J., Chapman, J., Gregory, J., & Maxwell, G. (2006, Nov). The key to the gatekeepers: Addressing the ethical issues surrounding the rights of children to speak on issues that concern them. Child Abuse and Neglect, The International Journal, 30, 979-989.
Cullen, J. & Carroll-Lind, J. (2005). An inclusive approach to early intervention. In D. Fraser, R. Moltzen, & K. Ryba (Eds), Learners with special needs in Aotearoa New Zealand, 3rd ed (pp. 220-243). Southbank, Victoria: Thomson Dunmore Press.
Bourke, R., Bevan-Brown, J., Carroll-Lind, J., Kearney, A., McAlpine, D., Mentis, M., O’Neill, J., Poskitt, J., Prochnow, J., Bevan-Brown, W., Grant, s., Morton, M., & Ward, A. (2002). Special Education 2000. Monitoring and evaluation of the policy. Phase Three Final Report. Report to the Ministry of Education. Palmerston North: Institute for Professional Development and Educational Research, Massey University.
Riley, T., Bevan –Brown, J., Bicknell, B., Carroll-Lind, J., & Kearney, A. (2004). The extent, nature and effectiveness of planned approaches in New Zealand Schools for providing for gifted and talented students. Report to the Ministry of Education. Palmerston North: Institute for Professional Development and Educational Research, Massey University. / Y


/ PVC’s Office / Learning disabilities; reading disabilities/ dyslexia: Academic self-concept; Cognitive and social-motivational processes / Quantitative:
Experimental; quasi-experimental; single-subject / Chapman, J.W., Tunmer, W.E., & Prochnow, J.E. (2004). Repressed resilience? A longitudinal study of reading, self-perceptions, and teacher behaviour ratings of poor and average readers in New Zealand. Thalamus, 22, 9-15.
Chapman, J.W., & Tunmer, W.E. (2005). Achievement-related self-perceptions and reading development: Can Reading Recovery recover self-concept? In H. W. Marsh, R. G. Craven & D. M. McInerney The new frontiers of self research (275-300). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Iversen, S., Tunmer, W.E., & Chapman, J.W. (2005). The effects of varying group size on the Reading Recovery approach to preventive early intervention. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38, 456-472.
Tunmer, W.E., & Chapman, J.W. (2007). Language-related differences between discrepancy-defined and non-discrepancy-defined poor readers: A longitudinal study of dyslexia in New Zealand. Dyslexia, 13, 42-66. / Y


/ Ed Studs / Philosophy of Education; Willing to consider any topic, but preference given to those related to my teaching and research interests / Philosophical / Clark, J.A. (2006) Social justice, education and schooling: some philosophical issues. British Journal of Educational Studies 35(2), 272-287
Clark, J.A. (2006)Dogmas of ethnicity. In Rata, E. & Openshaw, R. (eds) Public Policy and Ethnicity. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 170-184. / Y

/ Te UM / Indigenous Education, Visual Art Education, Biculturalism/
Multiculturalism / Profile,
Qualitative/interpretive methods / Clark, H.P. (2006) Distinction without Diversity: The 2006 New Zealand Draft Curriculum and Pasifika Art, Aotearoa/ New Zealand Association Journal, Volume 1 (2).
Clark, H.P. (2004). Hanau Kahikiku me Kahikimoe: A Call for A Kanaka Maoli Theory for Visual Culture Education. Education Perspectives, Journal of the College of Education, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Vol. 37 (1). / Y


/ Ed Studs / Educational leadership; Feminist theory; Gender & education; Biculturalism / Case Study;
Discourse Analysis / Court, M. (2007) Changing and/or Re-inscribing Gendered Discourses of Team Leadership in Education? Gender and Education, 19:5.
Court, M. (2005) Crossing Cultural Boundaries or Caught in Political Crossfire? New Zealand Journal of Educational Leadership, 20:1, pp.47-61. / Y
/ Curr & Ped / Education for sustainability;
Science education;
Technology education;
Gender issues;
Understanding / Programme evaluation;
Case study;
Phenomenography / Davies, J. (2007) Learning to lead in global action, Dominion Post, May 9: B7.
Davies, J. (2005) Revising the national technology curriculum through action research: Practical and political action in New Zealand. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 10 (3), 22-36. / Y
/ Ed Studs / Educational Administration;
Evaluation; Leadership & Principalship;
Professional Development;
Organisational Evaluation;
Organisational Culture and improvement / Qualitative;
Observation & interview / Edwards, W.L. (2001). Ethical Issues in Principal Appraisal: A New Zealand Perspective. Middlewood, D, & Cardno, C. (Eds). In Managing teacher appraisal performance. London: Routledge Falmer.
Edwards, W.L. (1999) Evaluating the Management Team’s Performance: One School’s Approach. New Zealand Journal of Educational Administration, 14. / Y
/ Ed Studs / Children's writing; Visual Language / Case study / Finch, B. & Jackson, W. (2002). Young film-makers: what understandings do they need? Australian Screen Education, No. 29.
Finch, B. & Pritchard, R. (2001). Whose voice? Using case narratives to think about teaching writing. English in Aotearoa, 44.
Finch, B. (2005). Considering pedagogies for consent in research with children. Waikato Journal of Education, 11 (1) 61.72.
/ Ed Studs / Theory, research, culture, feminist research; family; veterinary/
professional education / Qualitative, interpretive, people research; innovative, creative, holistic / Research: the art of juggling (2000). Massey University. / Y
/ Te UM / Maori education, matauranga Maori / Qualitative: Maori-centred research: research methods derived from indigenous knowledge / Graham, J. (2007). Kia ū, kia mau ki tō Māoritanga: A Whakapapa (genealogical) Approach to Research. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 6, 57-68.
Graham, J.P.H. (2006). He apiti hono, he tatai hono: That which is joined remains an unbroken line- Using Whakapapa (genealogy) as the basis for an indigenous knowledge research framework. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 34, 86-95.
Graham, J.P.H. (2003). Kanohi ki te kanohi -Establishing Partnership Relationship between School and Maori Communities. SET Research Information for Teachers, 2, 8-12. / N


/ Ed Studs / The development of early literacy skills;
The evaluation of literacy programmes in schools; Spelling. Literacy assessment issues in primary schools / Quantitative and Qualitative; case study;
quasi-experimental designs; programme evaluations / Greaney, K. (2004), First to Fourth to Thirteenth and (in all Probability) Still Dropping. New Zealand’s International Literacy Results; some personal thoughts about the reasons for the gap. Delta, 56, 2, 53-64.
Greaney. K & Ryder, J. (2005). Evidence of Phonological-Based Word Identification Deficits among Children With Reading Difficulties. Set 1, Wellington. NZCER. 2-6.
Greaney, K. & Tunmer, W. (2007) An Analysis of Data Generated from the Supplementary Test of Achievement in Reading. Kairaranga, 8, 1.25-30. / Y
/ Ed Studs / Literacy; Boys and Literacy Achievement; Teacher Efficacy; Self-Efficacy Beliefs; Teacher Education / Quantitative and Qualitative / Hansen, S. (2002). Boys and Writing. SET No 1. Writing in the year 11 secondary English classroom: What do boys and girls believe? English in Aotearoa, 46, June.
Hansen, S. (2006) “I Can’t Do Everything!” English Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs. The International Journal of Learning Volume 13 No 7. Coomn Ground Publishing: Australia. / Y
/ Ed Studs / Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language; intercultural teaching; teacher and learner beliefs and perceptions / Qualitative, collaborative, participatory, action research, case study, ethnographic approaches / Haworth, P., Cullen, J., Mepham, J., Simmons, H., Schimanski, L., McGarva, P. & Woodhead, E. (2006). The flight of our kite: The Wycliffe Nga Tamariki Kindergarten story. Final Report on Centre of Innovation Research to Ministry of Education. Napier: Napier Kindergarten Association, ISBN 0-478-13561-0. ISBN 0-478-13562-9 on
Haworth, P., & MacIntyre, L. K. (2006). Learning your subject in English. In Adams, P., Openshaw, R., & Trembath, V. (eds.), Score more: Essential academic skills for tertiary education, pp. 34-38. Melbourne: Thomson Dunmore Press.
Lu, L., Haworth, P., & Edwards, W. (2006) Promoting Bilingualism in a Group of Chinese Children in New Zealand. Many Voices, 25, 4-6.
Haworth, P., Cullen, J., Simmons, H., Schimanski, L., McGarva, P., & Woodhead, E. (2006). The role of acquisition and learning in young children’s bilingual development. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9(3), 295-309.
Haworth, P. A. (2005). Learning about teaching NESB students in a class. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 11(1), 91-109.
Haworth, P. (2003). Students from diverse language backgrounds in the primary classroom. In Barnard, R. & Glynn, T. (Eds.) Bilingual children’s language and literacy development, pp. 136-165. Clevedon, Avon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. / Y

/ Ed Studs / History and Social Studies Education in New Zealand;
secondary schools / Historical / Hucker, G. (2003). Defying Those Who Would
Forget - A Hall of Remembrance and Its Narrative. History Now, 9(2), 10-14.
Hucker, Graham. (2000). Anzac Day and Chunuk Bair Day: Ceremony and Ritual
in a Country Town. The New Zealand Journal of Social Studies, (9)1, 24-27.
/ ADHE / Early Childhood Education;
Professional development.
Critical Analysis of programming and teaching / Action;
Sociocultural / Jordan, B. (2004). Scaffolding and co-construction; is there a difference that matter? In A. Anning, J. Cullen, & M. Fleer. (Eds.). Early childhood education – Society and Culture. UK: Sage.
Jordan, B. (2004). Professional development making a difference for children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Palmerston North: Massey University. College of Education. / Y
/ Curr & Ped / Teacher Education;
Science Education;
Access to Higher Education; Values;
Technology Education / Qualitative; Quantitative / Jorgensen, L., & Bhattacharya, M. (2007). Integrated Approach to Learning Environment Design for Secondary Science Teachers. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 18(1), 123-133.
Jorgensen, L.M. (2004). To be or not to be? The question of producing professionals in one-year teacher education programmes. Proceedings of the Teacher Education Forum of Aotearoa New Zealand (TEFANZ) biennial conference, Auckland, July 5-7.
Jorgensen, L., & Baldwin, G. (2004). Homework - pointless practice? New Zealand Principal, 19(3), 26-27.
Jorgensen, L.M. & Hansen, S.E. (2004). Assessing reflection through portfolios. Thinking Classroom, 5(4), 5-11.
Jorgensen, L.M. & Ryan, S.R. (2004). Relativism, values and morals in the New Zealand curriculum framework: Implications for teacher education. Science & Education, 13(3), 223-233. / Y


/ Curr & Ped / Inclusive education; Exclusive education;
School culture
Learning / Action research;
Qualitative / Kearney, A., &Kane, R. (2006). Inclusive education in New Zealand: Reality or Ruse? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 10 (2-3), 201-219.
Raskauskas, J., Carroll-Lind, J., & Kearney, A. (2005). Text-bullying: Is it related to relational or verbal aggression? SET: Research Information for Teachers, 7, 7-10.
Bourke, R., Kearney, A.C., & Bevan-Brown, J.M. (2004). Stepping out of the classroom: Involving teachers in the evaluation of national special education policy. British Journal of Special Education, 31(3), 150-156.


/ Te UM / Maori Education / Content Analysis / N


/ ADHE / Lifespan development; Learning Recovery; Socio-emotional; attachment; designing/applying sorting methods to social science/ education / Mostly number-related research / Kirkland, J., Bimler, D., Drawneek, A, McKim, M., & Schölmerich, A. (2004). An alternative approach for the analyses and interpretation of attachment sort items. Early Child Development and Care, 174, 701-719.