Standing Committee onC-III/132/DR-am-annotated

Democracy and Human Rights19 November 2014

International law as it relates to national sovereignty, non-intervention in the internal affairs of States and human rights

Annotated list of amendments

This document contains all the amendments that were submitted by the deadline of 29September 2014. It also contains the amendments submitted by the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians, and the synthesis amendments proposed by the Belgian co-rapporteur.

The annotations indicate the decision that was taken at the 131st Assembly (to accept or reject the amendment) and the body that took the decision (the Standing Committee or the drafting committee).

The amendments are presented in the order in which they appear in the Revised draft resolution.

  • The left column contains the paragraph number in the Revised draft resolution
  • The central column contains the text of the amendment and the original paragraph numbering
  • The right column contains the decision that was taken and the body that took the decision.

Legend in the left column of the table:

  • PP: Preambular Paragraph
  • OP: Operative Paragraph

- 1 -C-III/132/DR-am-annotated

Paragraph number in the Revised draft resolution / Amendment / Decision
TITLE / Amend the title to read as follows:
International law as it relates to National sovereignty, non-intervention in the internal affairs of Statesand the need to respect, promote and protect internationalhuman rights
(Switzerland) / Withdrawn by Switzerland
PP1 / Preambular paragraph 1
Amend to read as follows:
(1)Recalling the relevant provisions of previous resolutions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations General Assembly with regard to international law, national sovereignty, non-intervention in the internal affairs of States and human rights, and the body of relevant legal instruments of the United Nations, particularlyand the UN Charter,and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and the relevant international human rights law instruments,
(Switzerland) / Adopted by Standing Committee
Amend to read as follows:
(1)Recalling the relevant provisions of previous resolutions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations General Assembly with regard to international law, national sovereignty, non-intervention in the internal affairs of States and human rights, and the body of relevant legal instruments of the United Nations, particularly the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all of which are of paramount importanceto the promotion of the rule of law among nations,
(Ukraine) / Adopted by Standing Committee
Amend to read as follows:
(1)Recalling the relevant provisions of previous resolutions of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations General Assembly with regard to international law, human rights, national sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States and human rights, and the body of relevant legal instruments of the United Nations, particularly the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
(India) / Adopted by Standing Committee
PP2 / Preambular paragraph 2
Amend to read as follows:
(2)Reaffirming that the sovereign equality of States is the basis for international cooperation and anessential factor of stability,
(Islamic Republic of Iran) / Adopted by Standing Committee
PP3 / Preambular paragraph 3
Amend to read as follows:
(3)Considering that international law defines the legal responsibilities of States in the conduct of their international relations and establishes the obligations of each State towards all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdictiontheir conduct with each other, and their treatment of individuals within State boundaries,
(Canada) / Adopted by Standing Committee
Amend to read as follows:
(3)Considering that international law defines the legal responsibilities of States in their conduct with each other, and determines their treatment of individuals within their territories and subject to their jurisdictionState boundaries,
(Switzerland) / Withdrawn by Switzerland
PP5 / Preambular paragraph 6
Amend to read as follows:
(6)Aware that the rule of law, peace and security, human rights and sustainable development are strongly interrelated and mutually reinforcing,
(Islamic Republic of Iran) / Rejected by Standing Committee
PP6 / New preambular paragraph 4bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 4 to read as follows:
(4bis)Reaffirming that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interrelated, interdependent and mutually reinforcing, and that all human rights must be treated in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing and with the same emphasis,
(Switzerland) / Adopted by Standing Committee
Combined in preambular paragraph 6
Preambular paragraph 7
Synthesis proposal by the Belgian co-rapporteur
(7)Reaffirming Notingthe universal, indivisible, interdependent, indissociable and complementary nature of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the solemn commitment made by all States to respect, observepromote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people individuals on their territory and falling within their competence, including refugees and internally displaced persons, and underscoring that this is fully compatible with the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States enshrined in the UN Charter,
(Belgian co-rapporteur) / Adopted by Standing Committee
Amend to read as follows:
(7)Noting the universal nature of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the obligation of solemn commitment made by all States to respect, observe and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all individuals within their territory and subject to their jurisdiction people, and underscoring that this is fully compatible with the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States enshrined in the UN Charter,
(Canada) / Replaced by thesynthesis proposal by the Belgian co-rapporteur
Amend to read as follows:
(7)Noting the universal nature of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the solemn commitment made by all States to respect, observe and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people; further noting thatthe universality of human rights can best be achieved through an understanding of the cultural diversity of societies; and underscoring that this is fully compatible with the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States enshrined in the UN Charter,
(Islamic Republic of Iran)
Amend to read as follows:
(7)Noting the universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelatednature of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the solemn commitment made by all States to respect, observe and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people, and underscoring that this is fully compatible with the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States enshrined in the UN Charter,
Amend to read as follows:
(7)Noting the universal nature of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the solemn commitment made by all States to respect, observe and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people, including refugees, displaced persons and those under occupation, and underscoring that this is fully compatible with the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States enshrined in the UN Charter,
Amend to read as follows:
(7)Noting the universal nature of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the solemn commitment made by all States to respect, promoteobserve and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people, and underscoring that this is fully compatible with the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States enshrined in the UN Charter,
Amend to read as follows:
(7)ReaffirmingNotingthe universal nature of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the solemn commitment made by all States to respect, observe and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people, and underscoring that this is fully compatible with the principles of State sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States enshrined in the UN Charter,
PP7 / New preambular paragraph 4quater
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 4 to read as follows:
(4quater)Emphasizing the responsibilities of all States, in conformity with the UN Charter, to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind on the basis of race, colour, sex, language or religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,
(Switzerland) / Adopted as sub-amended by Standing Committee
P8 / New preambular paragraph 1bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 1 to read as follows:
(1bis)Stressing the importance of the existing international legal framework for women’s rights and gender equality, in particular the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and existing UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security (resolution 1325 and others),
(Meeting of Women Parliamentarians) / Adopted by Standing Committee
PP9 / New preambular paragraph 4ter
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 4 to read as follows:
(4ter) Reaffirmingfurther that, while national and regional particularities and historical, cultural and religious contexts must be borne in mind, all States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, have the duty to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms,
(Switzerland) / Adopted by Standing Committee
PP10 / Preambular paragraph 9
Amend to read as follows:
(9)Recognizing that the promotion and protection of human rights is a prioritymatter of concern for all members of the international community,
(Islamic Republic of Iran) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(9)Recognizing that the promotion andprotection of human rights is a matter of concern for all members of the international community,
(Cuba) / Adopted by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(9)Recognizing that the protection of human rights is a matter thatof concernsfor all members of the international community,
(India) / Rejected by drafting committee
PP11 / New preambular paragraph 7bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 7 to read as follows:
(7bis)Underscoring the central role played by the UN Human Rights Council as a means of monitoring State policy for the promotion and protection of fundamental rights,
(France) / Adopted by Standing Committee
PP12 / Preambular paragraph 10
Delete and replace with:
(10)Recognizing that States must respect the human rights monitoring mechanisms established in the international human rights law instruments to which they are party Noting that by ratifying international human rights law instruments, States accept the monitoring mechanisms foreseen in the instruments,
(Canada) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(10)Noting that by ratifying international human rights law instruments, States accept the monitoring mechanisms foreseen in the instrumentsundertake to implement those instruments,
(China) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(10)Noting that by ratifying international human rights law instruments, States commit to implement those instruments, in practice and in lawaccept the monitoring mechanisms foreseen in the instruments,
(Cuba) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(10)Noting that by ratifying the core international human rights law instruments, States affirm their commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, accept the monitoring mechanisms foreseen in the instruments,
(India) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(10)Noting that by ratifying international human rights law instruments, the States parties accept the monitoring mechanisms foreseen in the instruments,
(Islamic Republic of Iran) / Rejected by drafting committee
PP13 / New preambular paragraph 9bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 9 to read as follows:
(9bis)Recalling the resolution adopted by the 128th IPU Assembly (Quito, 2013) on Enforcing the responsibility to protect: The role of parliament in safeguarding civilians’ lives, in particular operational paragraph 6 encouraging parliaments “to monitor the executive’s submission of country reports as required by the relevant treaty bodies, particularly those relating to human rights, [and] to become more involved with regional and international human rights mechanisms”,
(France) / Adopted by Standing Committee
PP14 / Preambular paragraph 5
Synthesis proposal by the Belgian co-rapporteur
(5)Stressing that an independent judiciary, representative, accountable and inclusive institutions, an accountable administration, and active civil society and community organizationsindependent media are important components of the rule of law at the national and international levels and necessary to guarantee democracy as well as respect for, and the promotion and protection of all human rights,
(Belgian co-rapporteur) / Adopted as sub-amended by Standing Committee
Amend to read as follows:
(5)Stressing that an independent judiciary and active civil society and community organizations areis an important components of the rule of law at the national level and necessary to guarantee the protection of human rights, and recognizing the contribution made by civil society to the promotion and protection of human rights,
(China) / Replaced by thesynthesis proposal by the Belgian co-rapporteur
Amend to read as follows:
(5)Stressing that an independent judiciary, and active civil society and community organizations are important components of a responsible and accountable administrationandaninformed citizenrycan strengthen the rule of law at the national level and necessary areimportant to guarantee the protection of human rights,
Amend to read as follows:
(5)Stressing that representative, accountable and inclusive institutions, an independent judiciary, independent media and active civil society and community organizations are important components of the rule of law at the national and international levels and necessary to guarantee democracy and the protection of human rights,
Amend to read as follows:
(5)Stressing that an independent judiciary and active civil society and community organizations are important components of the rule of law at the national level and necessary to guarantee respect for and the promotion and protection of human rights,
Amend to read as follows:
(5)Stressing that an independent judiciary and active civil society and community organizations are important components of the rule of law at the national level and necessary to guarantee the protection of all human rights,
PP15 / New preambular paragraph 3bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 3 to read as follows:
(3bis)Recalling the permanent responsibility of each individual State to protect its populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity,
(Canada) / Adopted by Standing Committee
PP16 / New preambular paragraph 6bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 6 to read as follows:
(6bis)Mindful that justice, particularly transnational justice in conflict and post-conflict societies, is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable peace, and reiterating that States bear primary responsibility for investigating and prosecuting international crimes,
(Romania) / Adopted as sub-amended by Standing Committee
PP17 / New preambular paragraph 7bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 7 to read as follows:
(7bis)Stressing that women are the main victims of situations of crisis and conflict, and that armed conflicts, terrorist acts and drug trafficking heighten women’s vulnerability and place them at greater risk of gender-based violence and abuse in the form of rape, kidnapping, forced and early marriage, exploitation and sexual slavery,
(Meeting of Women Parliamentarians) / Adopted by drafting committee
PP18 / New preambular paragraph 7ter
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 7 to read as follows:
(7ter)Emphasizing that, in such situations, specific groups of women, such as young girls, refugees and internally displaced women, are even more at risk and in greater need of protection,
(Meeting of Women Parliamentarians) / Adopted by drafting committee
PP19 / Preambular paragraph 8
Amend to read as follows:
(8)Recalling the responsibility of Occupying PowersStates for the protection of the human rights of persons living in the occupied territories, in accordance with the 1907 Hague Regulationsconcerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 12August 1949 and other international humanitarian law instruments,
(Islamic Republic of Iran) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(8)Recalling the responsibility of occupying States to uphold and protect for the protection of the human rightsof persons living in occupied territories,
(Monaco) / Adopted as sub-amended bydrafting committee
PP20 / Preambular paragraph 11
Delete and replace with:
(11Considering that the application of a “double standard” in statements on or reactions to violations of international human rights law will ultimately undermine the very validity of that law, Considering that instances of abuse of international human rights law mean that the system of implementation needs to be strengthened, but do not call into question the validity of the law itself,
(France) / Adopted as sub-amended bydrafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(11)Considering that instances of abuse of international human rights law meanthat the system of implementation needs to be strengthened so that it is not misused for political or other reasons, but do not call into question the validity of the law itself,
(Islamic Republic of Iran) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(11)Considering that instances of violation and abuse of international human rights law mean that the system of implementation needs to be strengthened, but do not call into question the validity of the law itself,
(Switzerland) / Rejected by drafting committee
Amend to read as follows:
(11)Considering that instances of violationsabuse of international human rights law mean that the system of implementation needs to be strengthened, but do not call into question the validity of the law itself,
(India) / Rejected by drafting committee
PP21 / New preambular paragraph 11bis
Add a new paragraph after preambular paragraph 11 to read as follows:
(11bis)Aware of the seriousness of the threats posed to international human rights law by the terrorist movements attempting to supersede the State by taking military action to seize territory and systematically murdering civilians,
(France) / Adopted by drafting committee
PP22 / Preambular paragraph 12
Amend to read as follows:
(12)Desirous of seeing positive developments in the system of international cooperation and the settlement of international disputes between States through dialogue and other peaceful means of their own choice, in accordance withthe UN Charter within the framework of the international collective security system,