Minutes of the CS Lewis Academy Charter School Board of Directors

Dated November 17, 2016

1.  The meeting was called to order at 1937 by Chairperson Nathan Butterfield

2.  The Chairperson conducted the roll call.

Members Present: Nathan Butterfield, Melinda Turner, Emily Wright, Megan Clayson, Heather Allinson

Members Absent: Mike Cataldo
Others in Attendance: (Staff, vendors, authorizer) Diane Nelson, Cody Laird, Thayne Smith

3.  Public Comment: None

4.  Director’s Report: Diane Nelson

We have the van from UTA. It is getting registered and licensed. Our student count is 296. The transfer rate is low and the lowest in the area. We finished APPT for the second time tonight and the growth is awesome. The website problem has been resolved. We are working on getting this up and ready.

5.  Heather Allinson moved, Megan Clayson seconded to approve the Minutes of September 15, 2016
Motion passed unanimously.

Megan Clayson moved, Melinda Turner seconded to approve the Minutes of October 18, 2016.

Motion passed unanimously.

6.  PTO Report: Megan Clayson

Book fair November 29 thru December 2 before and after school and during the concert and the movie night. A link was sent out to parents to volunteer. Uniform exchange on December 1st along with the book fair. Movie night on December 3rd at 5:30.

7.  Finance Report: Thayne Smith

We reviewed the financial reports. These reports are available upon request.

8.  Bonus Discussion: Nathan Butterfield and Diane Nelson

Nathan Butterfield sent the board a memo about a bonus for one individual. Diane Nelson will discuss performance bonuses for the rest of the staff.

Meagan Clayson moved, Heather Allinson seconded to approve the memo sent out to the board by Nathan Butterfield. Voting, Motion passed unanimously.

9.  Committees:

The committees are working hard to get things going. The one committee wrought a policy to help the teachers implement rules to help all students learn in their elective classes. There is a three - strike policy then the student will be taken out of the elective class for the rest of the term. This will work on a term basis so every term this will start over. The grant committee got a grant for a new oven which is a double oven. Selling the old oven is going to help us update more items in the kitchen. They are working on writing a grant to get a grant through H-Wire. This grant will get us more chrome books/ mobile labs.

10.  Board Training: Nathan Butterfield

The UCAP training for the board is up and running. We need to work on these.

11.  Board Meeting:

We discussed not having a board meeting in December. We decided not to hold a meeting in December. We will still have our financial meeting. We reviewed what we need to cover in January.

12.  Adjournment:

Melinda Turner motioned to adjourn, Megan Clayson seconded, Voting, Motion carries.

Adjourned at 2008 Approved on: January 19, 2017