Teacher: Abbott Subject: Language Arts pgs 1&2; Science pgs 3&4__ Unit:_3______

Dates: December 18-22, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Lang review lesson “Identifying/Using Tenses of Verbs” / Obj Language skill using homophones their, there, they're" / Obj. Writing assignment -complete beginning, middle, and conclusion of a narrative using parts of speech filling in the blanks / Christmas Color Surprise handouts *Christmas Party Breakfast @ 9:30
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS 4.20.A.B / TEKS 4.20.A.B / TEKS 4.15.C.1.D.1;4.20
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / *students will complete WNB pg 214; Sp. handout "Christmas in Many Languages" Word Find / *review the definitions of homophones “their, there, they’re, as well as the context clues in which they're used after read aloud Their Vacation / *students will complete mad lib "Twasthe Night Before Christmas" / *Watch Christmas movie after party
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / *students will complete extra practice WNB pg 240 “Past, Present, and Future Tenses” / *give students handout "Case of Worried Elf"-complete story using their, there, and they're using context clues / *students will share with a buddy their new version of the story
Higher order thinking/questioning: / How do we identify tenses of verbs? / How do writer’s use homophones “their, there, they’re” within context of writing?
Academic Vocabulary: / Verb tenses; Christmas in many languages / Homophones, their, there, they’re / Mad libs, dialect
Resources: / Handout “Letter to Santa” / Handout-copy of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”
Technology Integration: / ISTATION WRITING
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Intervention-"Motivation Writing" (Pgs 149-154)/ISTATION WR “Paragraph building/voice” (2nd attempt)
Dates: December 18-22, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / WINTER PROGRAM PRACTICE 12:45-2:00 / The students know that Earth consists of useful resources and its surface is constantly changing;
Examine properties of soils, including color and texture; Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed / EARLY DISMISSAL 12:00 / EARLY DISMISSAL 12:00
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS, 4.5C, 4.7A
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / *after viewing STEMROCK Video about natural resources and soil, students will create a foldable that defines nonrenewable resources
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?)
Higher order thinking/questioning: / How are nonrenewable resources found?
Academic Vocabulary: / nonrenewable resources
Resources: / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB
Technology Integration:
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Foldable to define nonrenewable resources with examples