LESSON PLANS - (Subject to Change)

Week/Date: 09/29/2014 Grade/Subject: (6)World History-Ancient Civ. Prepared by: Cecile M. Hemphill

Learning Goals:
Students will learn how to write an analytical essay by going through the steps of analyzing primary documents, completing a guided essay, and writing a rough draft. / Daily Objective: Students will be able to
analyze primary documents, take that information, develop answers to a question, and write a five paragraph analytical essay elaborating on those answers.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Bell Ringer / How did the Nile River benefit the people of Egypt? / How long is the Nile River? / What was predictable every year about the Nile River and how did the people of Egypt take advantage of this? / Name three ways the Nile River shaped ancient Egypt. / Make an acrostic using the letters in NILE to describe the Nile River.
Procedure / DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?
I do: Show DBQ PPt. Introduce topic, :How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?
Introduce term, “primary document”.
We do: Students interact with DBQ Ppt.
Go through DBQ packet with students. Read Background Essay together.
You do: Work together to answer Background Essay Questions. Check together. / DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?
I do: Introduce Hook Exercise.
We do: Go through Documents A-C with students.
You do: Students work to complete Documents A-C. Check answers with students. / DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?
I do: Introduce Documents D-E to students.
We do: Go through documents D-E with students.
You do: Students work to complete Documents D-E. Check answers with students. / DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?
I do: Introduce Guided Essay.
We do: Go through steps of Guided Essay.
You do: Students work and complete Guided Essay. / DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?
I do: Introduce Rough Draft.
We do: Go through steps of Rough Draft with students.
You do: Students work on their Rough Draft.
Final Analytical essay due by Friday, 10/10/14, typed or neatly written
Question / What is the importance of primary source documents? / What is the importance of primary source documents? / What is the importance of primary source documents? / What is the importance of primary source documents? / What is the importance of primary source documents?
Assessment / Students will read and answer questions to primary documents dealing with the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” / Students will read and answer questions to primary documents dealing with the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” / Students will read and answer questions to primary documents dealing with the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” / Students will complete a five paragraph analytical essay that answers the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” / Students will complete a five paragraph analytical essay that answers the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?”
Materials / PPT/DBQ/Textbook / DBP/Textbook / DBQ/Textbook / DBQ/Textbook / DBQ/Textbook
ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s in the Lesson Plan folder.
Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Adapted Assignments
Multi media Read aloud while students follow along
Individual Instruction Seating
Peer Tutoring/grouping Visual Aids
Alternative Assessments Strategies / Vocabulary:
Egypt, Nile, shape, primary document, guided essay, Analytical Essay.