Manitoba Wildlands EIS Cross Examination Questions for Manitoba Hydro/NCN

Linear Disturbance in the Boreal Forest

  1. According to Manitoba Hydro / NCN response to CNF/MH/NCN I – EIS – ECO FUNC – 83a, the total footprint for the Wuskwatim Generation Project is 1631ha. Correct?
  1. According to Manitoba Hydro / NCN response to CNF/MH/NCN I – EIS – ECO FUNC – 83a, the total footprint for the Wuskwatim Transmission Project is 2786.3ha. Correct?
  1. And the combined footprint for Wuskwatim is then 4417.3ha? Correct?
  1. According to Manitoba Hydro / NCN response to CNF/MH/NCN I – EIS – ECO FUNC – 83a, this footprint calculation includes areas impacted by clearing, flooding, and erosion. Does it include anything else?
  1. According to the Manitoba Hydro / NCN response to CNF/MH/NCN I – EIS – ECO FUNC – 83b, the Wuskwatim footprint, including areas affected by linear disturbance and edge effects is between 7,400 and 19,930 ha. Can you tell us the reasons for large difference between the low and high ends of the estimate?
  • “Volume 1 (Wuskwatim Generation Station Project), Section 8.5.2, Table 8.5-2 (Page 8-42) provides a summary of the Wuskwatim Generation Station impacts, indicating a total area of 1,649 ha (includes GS footprint in its entirety, the flooded area and incremental erosion). The irregularity of the GS footprint outline and its proximity to the water impairs the calculation of edge effects beyond the GS footprint, with the exception of the access road. Volume 4 (Wuskwatim Transmission Project), Section 5.5, Table 5.5 (Page 55) estimates 26 edge effects along the Wuskwatim access road to be between 360 and 1,160 ha. Volume 1 (Wuskwatim Transmission Project), Section, Table 7.2 (Page 40) indicates a total impact area of 2,781 ha for the Transmission Project. Volume 4 (Wuskwatim Transmission Project), Section 5.5, Table 5.5 (Page 55) estimates edge effects as a result of the Transmission Project of between 2,610 and 14,340 ha. Accordingly, the total area of land directly impacted is 4,430 ha (although it is noted that not all of this area is impacted in the same manner). The total area of impacted land including edge effects is between 7,400 and 19,930 ha.”
  1. What is Manitoba Hydro’s footprint in the boreal forest region of Manitoba? (Generation and transmission facilities) If no answer, ask to estimate?
  1. Does this footprint calculation include flooded and developed areas only? What else does it include – and buffer zones?
  1. Does this footprint calculation include shoreline erosion?
  1. Does this footprint calculation include effects of linear disturbance and edge effects? Does it represent the extent of total area impacted?
  1. What is the total footprint of human development in the boreal forest region of Manitoba? Can you estimate?
  1. What percentage of this area is attributable to Manitoba Hydro activities? Can you estimate?
  1. Doesn’t Manitoba Hydro, in its planning exercises, consider how its activities fit into the total picture of development in the boreal forest?
  1. Does Manitoba Hydro plan for future developments in the boreal forest region? (i.e. aren’t Gull, Notigi, Conawapa part of this overall plan for future development?)
  1. How much of the future footprint of human development in the boreal forest region of Manitoba will be attributable to Manitoba Hydro activities?
  1. How does MH/NCN assess its development in relation to the overall human footprint in a region?
  1. Does Manitoba Hydro study the effects of linear disturbance in the context of planning for its activities in the boreal forest region of Manitoba?
  1. Has Manitoba Hydro undertaken any research to determine a threshold at which linear disturbance becomes unacceptable in the boreal forest region of Manitoba?
  1. Has there been any discussion within Manitoba Hydro and is there any literature that discusses the extent of overall fragmentation that would be unacceptable?
  1. Has a limit to the number of linear disturbances that would be acceptable in the boreal forest region been determined?
  1. IF THE RESPONSES INDICATE THAT MB HYDRO DOES NOT ADDRESS THIS IN THEIR PLANNING, THEN ASK: Does Manitoba Hydro not consider the issue of linear disturbance important? Why are these discussions not taking place as part of Manitoba Hydro planning?

Manitoba WildlandsApril 2004