Pilot Project on the Care and Maintenance of Historic Graveyards

Mayo County Council Heritage Office in partnership with South West Mayo Development Company (SWMDC) are currently piloting a project on the care and maintenance of historic graveyards.

Historic graveyards are an important feature of the historic landscape and frequently provide clues to understanding our past. In recent years the increased awareness among local communities of the importance of these sites has inspired many graveyard clean-up schemes. While well-founded projects can enhance the appearance of old graveyards and simultaneously fulfil an important educational role, ill-conceived graveyard schemes can do untold damage. It is of immense importance that all those who have any association with graveyards should be made aware of best practice guidelines.

It is proposed to work with one local graveyard committee in 2007 to carry out a Conservation Report of their graveyard. The purpose of the Conservation Report is to identify and inform any works that are required and to outline an ongoing programme of maintenance for the site. Best practice guidelines will be developed for the care and maintenance of historic graveyards throughout the county. These guidelines will be a cornerstone for any for any works completed by SWMDC in the future. Once the required specified works have been undertaken in the selected graveyard, the graveyard will be used as a model of best practice for other historic graveyard clean-up projects throughout the county.

We are currently seeking a suitable graveyard in which to pilot the first phase of this initiative, the Conservation Report.

Ideally the graveyard should:

·  be in the South West Mayo area

·  contain a recorded monument and/or a protected structure

·  contain notable trees

·  be in public ownership

All interested community groups are invited to tender to be selected for the pilot.

Should you have any queries with regard to the suitability of your graveyard for this project please contact Deirdre Cunningham, Heritage Officer Mayo Co. Council on 094 9024444.

Please see application form. Should you be interested please complete and return to South West Mayo Development Company, Rural Social Scheme, Main Street, Balla, Co Mayo by Tuesday the 16th January 2007.

This is an action of the County Mayo Heritage Plan 2006–2011

Mairead Carney Deirdre Cunningham

Coordinator/Rural Social Scheme Heritage Officer

SWMDC Mayo Co Council

8th December 2006