Constitution Template

Affinity Group Name Drafted on (Insert Date) ______

ARTICLE I - Name of Organization

The name of this affinity program shall be (insert name and acronym if applicable) ______

ARTICLE II – Purpose of Organization

State the purpose of the organization. You may also include the mission, vision, goals, objectives, etc.

ARTICLE III - Membership

Section I - Membership in this organization will not be restricted on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, sex or age

Section II – State the process and terms to be eligible for membership

Section III – State what a member must do in order to be recognized as an active member.

Section IV – State why and how membership privileges may be revoked.

ARTICLE IV – Officers

Section I – Elected Officers:

The elected officers of this organization will be:

A. Chair/Liaison to UVM Alumni Association Board of Directors

B. Vice-Chair

C. Membership/Marketing Chair

G. Additional officers, if deemed appropriate. ‘

Section II – Duties: The duties of the officers shall be as follows: (Explicitly list the roles and responsibilities of each officer)

A. Chair/Liaison to UVM Alumni Association Board of Directors

B. Vice-Chair

C. Membership/Marketing Chair

Section III. – Removal of Officers: An officer’s title will be revoked under the following circumstances: (State why and how an officer may be removed from their duties.)

ARTICLE V – Elections

Section I – State when elections will take place:

Section II – Nominees will present their qualifications by:

Section III – Define the method that will be used for decision making.

Section IV – State the procedure for transitioning of new and current officers.

ARTICLE VI – Members and Meetings

Section I – State the process for building the membership:

Section II – State the frequency of general meeting of the group:

Section III – State the frequency of executive board meetings of the group:

ARTICLE VII – Amendments and Ratifications

Section I - State the procedure for proposing and approving amendments to the constitution:

Section II - The Office of Alumni Relations must review all amendments in the same manner as a completely new constitution.

Section III – State how the constitution will be ratified.

UVM Alumni Association 411 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 1-888-458-8691