Introductory Webquest

The following experience is designed to make your reading of the novel more meaningful. Since much of the story is set during the Holocaust and involves many Jewish customs, a basic understanding of the history and the culture is necessary to fully appreciate it. Enter this experience with an open and thoughtful mind. A journey into this history will expose you to both the best and to the worst of humanity. It is both a journey into the potential evil that we as humans can perpetrate on our fellow man and into the potential power of the human spirit when faced with that evil. You may type your answers onto this page or you may write it out. I would prefer a typed, electronic copy turned in. Holocaust_webQuest_Last Name




Hitler and the Nazis (make sure you check out the image gallery and the videos)

1. What was important about the the Treaty of Versailles?

2. What was Hitler’s argument against the Jews in his autobiography, entitled Mein Kampf, or "My Struggle."?

3. How was Hitler able to become Fuhrer of Germany?

4. When did Hitler begin construction the first concentration camp? What was its name? Based on the timeline, what does this tell us about Hitler’s climb to power?

5. What were the first two Nuremberg Laws that were passed? What was significant about them?

6. What was the Kristallnacht, or "night of broken glass," and what was important about it?

7. Explain how WWII started.

Section II:

The Ghettos (make sure you check out the image gallery and the videos)

1. Explain the term “ghetto” Where does it come from?

2. What is a Ghetto in this context?

3. Discuss the role of the yellow start in relation to the Jewish people at this time.

4. Discuss some of the problems in the Ghettos.

5. What was the largest Ghetto?

6. How many Ghettos were there in total?

7. What were the main purposes of the ghettos (there are a few different reasons)?

8. How were the citizens kept in the ghettos?

Section III

The Camps (make sure you check out the image gallery and the videos)

1. Who were the SS and what was their role? Be specific.

2. Why were mobile killing methods abandoned?

3. What was the Wannsee Conference?

4. Explain the “Final Solution”

5. What was the primary purpose of the death camps?

6. What were the purposes of the gas chambers?

7. At the height of operation, how many Jews were gassed a day?

8. How many does that average out a week? A month?

Section IV

End of War/Liberation (make sure you check out the image gallery, map and the videos)

In video 2, why was the prosecution of war criminals described as symbolic for the survivors?

1. What happened to Hitler?

2. Discuss the Holocaust numbers, when it was all said and done.

3. Tell me about the survivors picking up the pieces.

4. Discuss the Nuremberg Trials?

5. Why were they so significant?

6. Discuss the Nuremberg numbers, at the end of the trials.

7. What do you think about this?

Section V

Genocide Today

Run a Google search for The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) describing what it was, what brought it about, and why it was important.

Step #2

Follow up activities:

Complete the Interactive timeline and take a select screen shot of it. (Command, shift, 4). Paste it here.

Step #3 – Browse the links under the Concentration Camps tab to find maps to help you label the map on the next page. In order to complete this task you will have to use several different maps. There is no one map that has all of the following items on it. Take your time and use a pencil for this task.

Concentration & Death Camps Map

Jewish Virtual Library Maps

Talking Map of Concentration Camps

1. Label the following bodies of water on the map: Atlantic Ocean, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, English Channel, and the Caspian Sea.

2. Draw the borders for and then label the following Axis Powers (Nazi German) controlled countries in Europe and North Africa: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sicily.

3. Mark and label the following Death Camps/Extermination Camps: Auschwitz, Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibor, Maidanek, and Belzec.

4. Mark and label the following Concentration Camps: Bergen-Belsen, Ravensbruck, Dachau, Buchenwald, Gross-Rosen, and Flossenburg.

Step #4: People Responsible

Directions: This task will require you to read and research about the 3 top Nazi officials in charge of removing the Jews and other undesirables from Nazi Germany and other Axis countries during the 1930’s and 1940’s. Each Nazi official will have websites for you to read and gather the information you will need to answer the questions about each official. PLEASE be sure to read the information on the websites FIRST, then go back and find the answers to the questions. The main purpose of this task is for you to learn about each of the Nazi officials.

Adolf Hitler

1. Date of Birth? ______

2. Place Hitler was born (City & Country)?______

3. What was the highest level of formal education that Hitler held? ______

4. What types of jobs did Hitler have before becoming Fuhrer of Nazi Germany?

5. Was Hitler married?______If so, to who?______What year did he get married?______Did Hitler have any children?______

6. Did Hitler ever serve in any military service?______If so which one?______What years did he serve?______What was the highest rank he earned?______

7. What year did Hitler join the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi for short)

8. What roles did Hitler have in the Nazi party?

9. What year did Hitler gain control of Germany?

10. What year did Hitler decide to kill all Jews and undesirables held in Nazi controlled Europe?

What was the plan to kill the Jews and undesirables called?
11. What year did Hitler die?______How did he die?

Who was with him?

Heinrich Himmler Link 1

1. Date of Birth? ______

2. Place Himmler was born (City & Country)?______

3. What was the highest level of formal education that Himmler held?

4. What types of jobs did Himmler have before becoming in charge the SS (Secret Police)

5. Was Himmler married?______If so, to who?______What year did he get married?______Did Himmler have any children?______

6. Did Himmler ever serve in any military service?______If so which one?______What years did he serve?______What was the highest rank he earned?______

7. What year did Himmler join the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi for short) ______

8. What roles did Himmler have in the Nazi party?

9. At the end of World War II (WWII) what did Himmler try to do

10. Did Himmler’s plan succeed?______How was he captured? ______Who captured him?______

11. What year did Himmler die?______How did he die?

Reinhard Heydrich

Link 1 Link 2

1. Date of Birth? ______

2. Place Heydrich was born (City & Country)?______

3. What was the highest level of formal education that Heydrich held? ______

4. What types of jobs did Heydrich have before becoming Himmler’s second in command?

Was Heydrich married?______If so, to who?______What year did he get married?______Did Heydrich have any children?______

5. Did Heydrich ever serve in any military service?______If so which one?______What years did he serve?______What was the highest rank he earned?______

6. What year did Heydrich join the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi for short) ______

7. What roles did Heydrich have in the Nazi party?_

9. When and where was Heydrich’s plan for the “Final Solution” revealed?

10. What year did Heydrich die?______How did he die?

11. What did the Nazis do in retaliation for the death of Heydrich?

Step #5 (last one) - Visit the Jewish Culture tab and use the links to browse the Passover Traditions and Yiddish Phrases sites in order to find the answers to the following questions:

Rabbi Scheinerman’s Homepage

Judaism 101: Pesach Passover

Judaism 101: Common Expressions and Greetings

1. What historical event is celebrated by the Passover ?

2. When does the next Passover begin? ______

3. What is the Haggadah?

4. What Prophet plays a significant symbolic role in the Passover seder? Explain.

5. What six items are found on the seder plate and what does each one symbolize?




6. What appears to be the main theme of this holiday?

7. What Yiddish expression might you hear at a party before a toast?

8. What does it mean?