GBTA Leadership Summit

January 29, 2015

Star Chapter Best Practice Session Breakouts (2)

Facilitated by Jeremy Gardner

Assisted by Sam Keene

Rules of engagement

•Silence phones

•Raise hand if you have a question

•Be an active participant

Session focus

•To learn and share Star Chapter best practices and demonstrate website functions that are key to operating your website successfully

What do you want to know?

•Attendees were asked what they would like to discuss. List included:

oMembership – Locating New Members

oNew GBTA Logo – How do you change logo on form email template

oVoucher and Coupons

oHow can you use website for auctions and golf outing

oApply Voucher and Coupon to past meeting

oCommunication – How to schedule

oMembership History

oRegister to become member and not showing

oGeneral best tips and tricks

oAdd payment link in the order manager to email

oPending Members (What are they?)

oMember Setting (grace period, anniversary dates dues)

oOrder Manager – to find payments

oAdd questions to event registrations


•Membership –Locating New Members

oUpload into Excel File, sort by date

oGBTA By Law has a 60 day grace period (implement at local chapter level)

•Member Expiry Setting – set to 60 day grace period, member can only see pay your dues option when logged in, no other member area functions

•Login Options should be check as Primary Email address & update main page to Members Log in description to be email address

oLook at Join Date

oDefault to 1969, this is an error call Star Chapter

oSome chapters recognize Membership belonging to the company; while others recognize Membership belonging to individual.

•In either case, history will apply to the member if a name is changed in the current membership

•New GBTA Logo – How do you change logo on form email template

oSettings > Templates > Change forms

•Voucher and Coupons

oMeetings > Vouchers > Manual Process to attach to individual members

oNot able to modify Vouchers

oCreate a group to automate process

oCoupons would be an opportunity to run a promotion

oIdeas to use Coupons – Membership Drive, Bring a Direct Member to a meeting, providing voucher as reward, etc.

oApply Voucher and Coupon to past meeting is manual process

oFor GBTA Webinars, can you use the Voucher process to send the member the Chapter code? Check with GBTA for answer

•How can you use website for auctions

oThere is a store but no option for auction

oLook into a services/solutions outside of Star Chapter

•Communication – How to schedule an email

oCommunication > email manager

oOption to resend

oSelect schedule emails > schedule for later > select your template > select frequency > select dates > option to add template > add who you want to receive communication

oSent around 5AM in the morning on date scheduled

oLook into Do Not Reply option

oGBTA reaches out to member 12 times with each touch being different (look at HTML email that looks more personal)

•Pending Members (What are they?)

oReview Member Area > Filter by Pending > download by clicking spreadsheet

oPending member – someone who stopped process PRIOR to payment

oReview pending list/personal call to pending member/provide accurate count of membership


oPay by check option should go as a pending member

•Membership Info – on main page is not correct as it includes pending members

•Member Setting (grace period, anniversary dates dues)

•Order Manager – to find payments

•Member Type – Tie a field to the member type, if it is not working call Star Chapter to fix this issue.

•Future Meeting – Is there a way to add a calendar invite to the meeting notice that would add to Outlook?

oThe link just has to be added in your meeting notice e-mail.


•How do we add another logo (sponsor logo) to badges?

oEdit name badge template

oUse paint and load second logo as an image

•Mail merge

oSend thank you notes to holiday function sponsors


oAdd a new template

•Look up meeting registration list

oMeetings manager/select meetings/click on registration button/sort or download to Excel

oCan the spreadsheet include renewal dates? (Yes)

oTrack no-shows – unclick ATTENDED – status changes to DID NOT SHOW

•How to build an event

oMeetings/meeting manager/add a meeting/name/select template/complete required fields/registration details/complete

•Reporting functionality

oHow often do people attend as guests?

oRaise guest fees enough to make it more attractive to join - $100 nonmember vs $20.00 member

oMeetings/charts and reports/meeting dates/refresh

oAnother option – run excel spreadsheets and combine and sort

oUse reporting for budgeting – use 3-4 year average to forecast meeting income

•Consider a member only event to encourage membership

•No spell check on site. We suggest formatting in the site….THEN copy to Word and spell check. Reverse…If you create in Word in order to spell check then cut and paste into site, formatting issues will probably occur. \


oContent/media manager/photo gallery/add a gallery/load images from computer

oEngage slider under add a gallery to have photos rotate

•Email templates

oAllows for more personal communication which results in more response

•Delete a member

oOpen member record/pending/refresh/move to nonmember