DISTRICT COMMISSIONER / Website/Newsletter/emails / Membership secretary
Rallies / and Treasurer
Mrs Barbara Birchall / Mrs Helen Vesty / Mrs Angela Parkin
Green Croft, Main Street, / Grange Garth,Westfield La / Smithy Farm, Hopperton
Bishop Monkton / Arkendale / Knaresborough HG5 8NX
Harrogate HG3 3QP / Knaresborough HG5 0QS
01765 677418 / 01423 340582/07786 116777 / 01423 330617
/ /
President / Mrs Ruth Cuthbertson
Chief Instructor / Mrs Kate Kerr / 01423 330 602 /
Mrs Jenny Sommerville / 01423 322341
Miss Kath Barley / 07710 452947 /
Miss Sophie Minikin / 07985 513620 /
Pony Club tests / Miss Sally Peacock / 07967 123141 /
Riding & road safety / Mrs Jeanne Tasker / 07796 960068 /
Team Information / Mrs Julie Hewlett / 01423 772437/07775741982 /
Competition Secretary / Mrs Jayne Winn / 01423 331742 /
Games co-ordinator / Mrs Rachel Abbott / 07761 783136/01423779345 /
Ms Imogen Coughlan / member elect (nonvoting) 2014
Mrs Ali Royston / member elect 2014
Mrs Georgina Bean / member elect 2014


Welcome to our Spring Newsletter

Firstly a warm welcome to our new members who have joined in the last few months; Eva Froggatt (15), Jessica Kirk (5), Thomas (10) and Berrie Screeton ( 9), Lucy Waudby (10), Rachel Seal (11), Samantha Smith (9), Beth Grant (16) rejoined, Izzy Dickinson (7), Abigail (13) and Amelia Mattocks (8) ,Holly Richardson (9), Tabitha Smith (5), Izzy Jeffries (12),Julian (9) and Chloe Brittenden (3), Harriet Cutting (5), Megan Hudson (5), Anna Cammidge (14), John Cammidge (12), Eva Cammidge (11), Lisa Cammidge (11)

The Pony Club rules regarding riding hats have changed (see page 3 of Newsletter) so please show your hat to Kate, Barbara or Jeanne for re tagging at your next rally if possible.

Many thanks to Mr.and Mrs. Armstrong for hosting our half term rally when 30 of our younger members aged 10years and under enjoyed an action packed rally including a spot of cross country on a lovely autumnal day.

At the rally at YRC at half term, older members were also able to do some cross country schooling.

Our Friday night Badge Club was attended by 26 members aged 10years and under and everyone passed their badges so well done to them! Results follow.

The Show Jumping training rallies were very well attended leading up to everyone jumping a full course at the final rally.

23 members mounted and 2 new members on footcame along to our Pony Party which was held on a freezing cold day at YRC on December 29th . Memberscompeted at Gymkhana Games with a Christmas theme dressed as tinsel covered ponies, elves, Santa, fairies and of course.... Batman ( Lucas). Games were followed by presentation of badges, completed at badge club and our annual awards. Many thanks to Chris Bartle who presented all the awards and to Team Abbott for organising and running the Pony party.

We look forward to seeing you all at rallies and events and are sure that 2015 will be a very busy and successful year for our Pony Club. Helen Vesty

Membership renewal for Pony Club is due by 31st January 2015 at the latest.Please note both membership and insurance will terminate if the subscription has not been paid by this date. If your membership lapses your eligibility for Area teams may suffer. Membership this year will last until February 28th 2016. Please see website for Membership Renewal form (tab half way down on website) to return with payment to Angela Parkin.
You will NOT be able to take part in any Pony Club activity after January unless you have renewed your membership, please renew as soon as possible. Thank you

Please can I remind you all to let me know if you wish to come to a rally AT LEAST 10 days in advance so that Kate can organize instructors as appropriate.

Pony Club Test/Badgepasses

Congratulations to the following who passed various badges at Badge Club;

Mini Pony Behaviour;

Connie Armstrong, Lexi Ramshay, Hattie Eyles, Anna Darley, Marcy Ritchie, Sophie Bean, Nella Timoney, Amelie Winter, Izzy Armstrong, Jemima Pretorius, Naomi Peacock, Grace Timoney, Hannah Pearson, Cian Winter, SamSmith.

Mini Points of the Pony;

Connie Armstrong, Lexi Ramshay, Hattie Eyles, Nella Timoney, Amelie Winter, Izzy Armstrong, Grace Timoney.

Mini Farming;

Connie Armstrong, Lexi Ramshay, Hattie Eyles, Anna Darley, Marcy Ritchie, Sophie Bean, Nella Timoney, Amelie Winter, Izzy Armstrong, Jemima Pretorius, Naomi Peacock, Grace Timoney, Hannah Pearson, Cian Winter, SamSmith, Ambur Ashcroft, Katy Darley, Emma Franey, Isobel Bean, Isabella Royston, Matilda Tasker, Abi Knowles, Page Evans, Hannah Cole, Georgia Lithgow.

Mini Working Dogs;

Isabella Royston, Matilda Tasker, Abi Knowles, Page Evans, Hannah Cole, Georgia Lithgow, Katy Darley, Emma Franey, Isobel Bean, Ambur Ashcroft.

Points of the Horse;

Anna Darley, Marcy Ritchie, Sophie Bean, Jemima Pretorius, Naomi Peacock, Hannah Pearson, Cian Winter, Sam Smith


Rally awards are given to memberswho have achieved the highest marks for attendance at rallies and Tack and Turnout and of course Camp. Congratulations to the following who received rally awards for 2014 which were presented to most at the Pony Party by Chris Bartle;
Ellie Abbott, Tamsin Abbott, Izzy Armstrong, Connie Armstrong, Ambur Ashcroft, Eliza Atkinson, Phoebe Borrowdale, Olivia Clark, Grace Copeland, Katy Darley, Anna Darley, Milly Dwight, Emma Franey, Bea Handley, Jemima Harpin, Emily Hope, Hattie Hope, Clarrie Kevane, Georgia Lithgow, Lucas Parkin, Abi Paxton, Naomi Peacock, Rosie Powley, Jemima Pretorius, Sophie Pretorius, Thomas Rogers, Isabella Royston, Sophie Scott, Becky Seal, Matilda Tasker, Grace Timoney and Lucy Vesty.
Congratulations to Rosie Powley who won the Senior Tack and Turnout Trophyfor 2014and Georgia Lithgow who won the Junior Tack and Turnout Trophy for 2014
The York & Ainsty North PC Show Jumping Points Award;
The Senior Show Jumping Trophy 2014 was awarded to Lucy Vesty.
Grace Copeland (junior) won a special rosette for most Team Show Jumping competitions entered in 2014.
The DC's Endeavor Trophy 2014 was awarded to Sophie Pretorius for her attendance at rallies and her participation at Area Games and Area Dressage when she qualified for the Championships. Huge Congratulations Sophie!

The Pony Club Hat Rule – 2015. Please ask Barbara orJeanne to re tag your hat .

European Riding Hat standards are being changed in 2015 and after the 31 December 2015 the Pony Club will not be allowing members to wear hats only marked with (BS) EN1384. We would suggest that if you are going to buy a new hat you ensure it is also marked with one of the other standards allowed under The Pony Club rules so that members can continue to use it in 2016.Hats which only meet the standard (BS)EN1384 can be used in 2015 but will not be retagged with one of the new white hat tags during 2015, they will continue to be tagged with a purple hat tag to allow them to be used during 2015..

It is mandatory for all Members to wear a protective helmet bearing the CE mark and manufactured to one of the

minimum standards listed below; the CE symbol on its own is not sufficient to ensure consistent standard of


British - PAS 015:1998 or 2011* / BS** EN 1384: 1996, 1997 or 2012

European - EN 1384:1996, 1997 or 2012

Only with the BSI Kitemark

* The PAS 015:1998 or 2011 and the Snell E2001 meet higher impact criteria and therefore give more protection.

** The prefix ‘BS’ on the EN 1384 standard does not mean that the hat has undergone batch testing by the British

Standards Institute – the hat must contain the BSI Kitemark as well.

For cross-country riding (whether it be tests, rallies or training) a jockey skull cap, with no fixed peak, must be worn.

The fit of the hat and the adjustment of the harness are as crucial as the quality. The hat should not move on the head when the head is tipped forward. It isstrongly recommended that second hand hats are not purchased.

Hats must be replaced after a severe impact as subsequent protection will be significantly reduced. Hats

deteriorate with age and should be replaced after three to five years depending upon the amount of use.

Hats, must be worn at all times (including at prize-giving)

New hat tags will start to be in use from January 2015 and all hats need to have a new hat tag onthem by the 01 January 2016.

The new hat tags will be white, with a purple Pony Club logo. From 01January 2016 PC will no longer accept riders wearing hats with the old purple hat tags.

***PLEASE COULD MEMBERS ENSURE THAT YOUR HAT IS TAGGED by either Barbara Birchall or Jeanne Tasker. If you need to buy a new hat remember to get it tagged as soon as you can.

Full details can be found on PC website –


Please refer to our website or PCUK website for more information on Tests

Sally Peacock and Kath Barley will contact those ready to take their D+, C, C+ and B testsand book training once test dates are arranged. Sally Peacock; 07967 123141

PE GCSE – Riding If members intend to include Riding as part of their PE GCSE please could they discuss this with Sally prior to doing so, in order that expectations are realistic.
If anyone is interested in taking the Hunting certificate (12years+) please contact Sally Peacock 07967 123141. Sally has the test sheets which she can discuss with you. Members wanting to take their Hunting Test are required to attend the following:
One session at the Hunt Kennels, to include a talk from either the Huntsman, Whipper-in or Master with a tour of the kennels and stables.
One practical session at either the kennels or other suitable place - to include opening and shutting gates and hunting conduct.
One morning hunting accompanied by a suitable (nominated by the Branch of The Pony Club) adult.
The passing of the Hunting Test allows the Member to go hunting unaccompanied.
For more information and types of questions asked during test please see PC website; link as follows;

YELA; Young Equestrian Leaders Award (aimed at PC members from age 13)

Sophie Scott Hargreaves presented some information about YELA at Main Camp.

The Young equestrian Leaders Award (YELA) is an award scheme for the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) designed torecognise the time and effort young volunteers give to equestrianism and shape their experience, so they become equestrian leaders of the future.

YELA runs over three progressive levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze requires 20 hours of volunteering and introduces skills in responsibility, organisation and communication—

Volunteering within The BEF can take many forms; it may be mentoring a young Pony Club member at their first rally, pole picking at a British Showjumping event or BE event
All volunteering must be for the benefit of the British Equestrian Federation.Please note if you plan to help at a local riding school please check that it is a member of the Association of British Riding schools, otherwise your work will not count for the award.
Hours completed assisting competitors at an event by grooming for example; do not count towards the award.You can volunteer with any of the 18 independent member bodies which include;British Dressage, British Eventing, British Showjumping, British Horse Society, The Pony Club, Endurance GB, Association of British Riding Schools, Riding for the Disabled Association, Mounted Games Association of GB, British Equestrian Trade Association.

For more information and to register, please see the YELA website or go to Pony Club website and follow the link. Please email Helen Vesty for your membership number which you will need to register.

Mounted Games 2015

Well we have had an excellent start to training this year with a lot of new juniors; who are so keen that they have come in gale force winds and freezing conditions! Our junior trainer, Diane has been kept very busy and has needed help from our dedicated parents.
We have so many members now and the experience of members is so huge that we are going to run a separate novice group. Kate Kerr is keen to take them under her wing and this group will either run at Askham Bryan before the more experienced group or sometimes as a separate group at Kate’s house. This is to ensure safety and also to maximise help for the new members. Please make sure that you stay in touch with me and I will ensure that you have the correct information re your child.
We had a successful 2014 attending many friendly competitions and the senior and junior teams qualifying for Zone Finals in Warwick.
Games Training Dates arranged so far:
Sat 17th Jan 2-4pm
Sun 1st Feb 2-4pm;
Sat 7th Feb 2-4pm;
Sat 14th Feb 10am-1pm Mounted Games Study Day
Sun 15th Feb 2-4pm;
Sat 21st Feb 2-4pm
Sun 15th March 2-4pm
There may be some other dates at YRC coming.
Rachel Abbott () –email is the best way to contact me

Mounted Games STUDY DAY;Sat 14th February 2015 at Askham Bryan 10-1pm

This is a training session for all Area 3 Pony Clubs to learn about the rules for 2015 games. Our teams demonstrate the games while official stewards from PC headquarters provide information. Our PC have hosted the study day for the last 5 years and all occasions have been very successful. We sell refreshments for fundraising.

Please could we have volunteers to help and if you can’t come we would be really grateful for any cakes etc. to sell.You could drop off with members attending.

The event is free to PC members and team helpers; £6 for others.

We are looking forward to Area Games on Sunday 10th May; this year at Wetherby Racecourse. Even if you are not competing it is great fun to watch and support our teams.

The Zone Finals are on Central Zone 27th & 28th June Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell.

For more information or if you would be interested in coming along to training please contact Rachel email

2015 Inter Pony Club TEAM SHOWJUMPING

A number of Pony Clubs in Area 3 arrange Inter Branch team show jumping competitions that are held between March and September each year. Schedules will be emailed out as they become available. The Team Show Jumping competitions are about jumping two courses of up to nine jumps with fillers, at a height that you are experienced at.

If you wish to enter a Team Show Jumping competition as the schedules are emailed out,please email Julie directly and include Rider name and age, email address and telephone number; pony name and class/es you wish to do. Julie will put teams together once she has all the entries and then let you know which team you are in.

Julie Hewlett Telephone 01423 772437/07775741982 or

Please indicate if you wish to be considered for AREA TEAM Competitions in 2015 in the following disciplines (please circle or tick)
The Pony Club Championships incorporate Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing, Polocrosse and Mounted Games and these are indicated below for each discipline;

Championship Dates 2015;N.B You should be available and prepared to go to the Championships if you qualify

The Pony Club Championships:Friday 21st – Tuesday 25th August 2015. Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire.for everything except Polo and Tetrathlon
Mounted Games Central Zone 27th & 28th June; Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell
NAME; AGE: Horse name; Horse height;
Please indicate below which Area Competition you wish to be considered for below
AREA DRESSAGE; Junior/ Novice/ Intermediate/ Open
All levels; Saturday 6th June Allerton Park, North Yorks
Championships:Friday 21st – Tuesday 25th August 2015. Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire
AREA SHOW JUMPING; Definition of a Junior; age 13 and under on Jan 1st
Junior / Novice / Intermediate / Open
Approx. max.height;
Junior(90cm) – not Championship qualifier
Novice (95cm) Championships (1.0m)
Intermediate (1.05m) Championships (1.10m)
Open (1.15m) Championships (1.15m)
Junior Show Jumping; Saturday 20th June Askham Bryan College (this is not a championship qualifier).
Intermediate and Open Show Jumping:: Saturday 20th June Askham Bryan College
Championships:Friday 21st – Tuesday 25th August 2015. Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire.
Novice Show Jumping: Saturday 4th July at Port Royal Equestrian Holme on Spalding Moor :
Championships:Friday 21st – Tuesday 25th August 2015. Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire.
Approx. max height SJ/XC; Novice 95cm/90cm (Level 3) Intermediate 1.05m/1.00m (Level 4) Open 1.15m/1.10m (Level 5)
Novice and Intermediate Eventing (Levels 3, 4) Saturday 1st August at Newfield, Mickley
Championships:Friday 21st – Tuesday 25th August 2015. Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire.
Open Eventing; Level 5;25th or 26th July Frickley Hall, Frickley, Doncaster
Championships:Friday 21st – Tuesday 25th August 2015. Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire.
Please forward completed form to: Mrs. B Birchall Email