Minutes of the

Regular Board Meeting

February 15, 2017

8:30 AM

USDA Service Center

2 Sutter St, Suite D, Red Bluff

Directors Present: Jack Bramhall, Walt Williams, Anne Read, Ryan Sale

Directors Absent: None

Associate Directors Present: None

Staff Present: Vicky Dawley, Kris Lamkin, Lindsey Affonso, Brin Greer

NRCS Staff Present: Larry Branham

Visitors Present: Bobie Hughes, Scott Soder

I.  Introductions

Scott Soder

II.  Public Communications


III.  Minutes:

Approval of the January 18, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes.

The Board reviewed and approved the minutes with the following corrections and amendment: Larry Branham was not present, add “… in a written report delivered by J. Bramhall” after “…business as usual with NRCS”

Motion: R. Sale moved to approve the minutes as corrected and amended

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

Approval of the January, 18 2017 Special Board Meeting Minutes.

The Board reviewed and approved the minutes with the following correction: Strike all “Committee” wording from the minutes.

Motion: W. Williams

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

IV. Action Items:

A.  Approval of 2015-2016 Audit

Motion: A. Read moved to approve the 2015-2016 Audit with the following correction: On page 20 the word “contingencies” is misspelled.

Second: R. Sale

Vote: Unanimous

B.  Approval to purchase the Kyocera Scanner and Printer Stand

Motion: R. Sale moved to approve purchase of the Kyocera Scanner and Printer Stand

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

C.  Approval to Sell Rolltop Desk, HP Color Laserjet Printer and Polaris Tires

Motion: R. Sale moved to approve selling the Rolltop Desk, HP Color Laserjet Printer and Polaris Tires

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

V. Finance:

Approval of Finance Report

J. Bramhall reported that the board met at a special Finance meeting prior to the regular board meeting and discussed the financial status of the District and received further explanation of the budget including; advances, assets, liabilities, revenue, expenditures, outstanding invoices with resolution and paid warrants.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

VI. Warrant Orders:

Approval of the Warrant orders to be paid in January

Motion: R. Sale

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

VII. Discussion/Report Item:

A.  Reminder: Ethics Training 2/23/17 in Anderson, Harassment Training Webinar on demand, form 700

R. Sale is still to complete all three (3)

B.  NRCS Staff Report

Larry Branham reported business as usual with NRCS, adding that Jim Spear was again unable to attend.

C. District Manager Report

Vicky Dawley reported, in addition to the notes detailed in the packet, that hiring was progressing well, having utilized Express Personnel, LinkedIn, Indeed, Craigslist. A candidate has been selected via Indeed and she will report back at the next board meeting on progress.

D. RCDTC Staff Reports

Staff updated the board on subjects stated in their staff reports included as part of the board packet.

E. Staff Anniversary


F. Land Use Reports

A. Read brought to the board’s attention that a new Tehama County Planning Director has been hired. Discussion regarding the impact of recent storms followed.

G. Other Reports


H. Board of Directors Comments


VIII. Correspondence: Reviewed after meeting.

XI. Next Meeting Date:

Regular Meeting: March 15, 2017, 8:30 a.m.

Special Meeting: March 15, 2017, 7:45 a.m.

XII. Adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Lindsey Affonso, Administrative Assistant Anne Read, Board Secretary

Minutes of February 15, 2017 pg. 3 of 3