Minutes Yorkshire & Humberside

24 August 2016

Stamford Park Staley Bridge


Jo Webster (JW) Regional Chair

Janet Sylvester (JS)Regional Vice Chair

Joanne Campbell (JC) Regional Secretary/National Councillor

Nicola O’ Brien (NO)

Sally Williamson

Hayden Henry (HH)

Alan Drayton (AD)

Not Attending:

Jill Northrop (JN) Regional Treasurer

Peter McGrath (PMG) Immediate Past Chair

John Plant (JP)

Paul Skelton (PS)

Steve Hibbert (SH)

Damien O’Brien (DOB)

Robert Clark (RC)

Nick Parker (NP)

Item / Action
54/16 / Welcome:
From Jo Webster - Chair of the Yorkshire and Humberside Region / JW
55/16 / Apologies:PMG JN JP SH DOB RC NP
56/16 / Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Held on 26 06 16were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting / All
57/16 / Matters Arising from 06 04 16:
The committee would like to record in the minutes a thank you to Trevor for his commitment to the committee.
JW thanked committee for part funding hers and Jill places at the main event, which she really enjoyed
Sharon attended the LACA Main Event and also thoroughly enjoyed it
It was proposed from the last meeting that members from our region try to attend events in other regions
JC to speak to Tim from East Midlands Region, JW to contact Maria form the North West and HH contact Anita from North East
SW confirmed that the Benefits flyer has been sent to all schools and a blog is to be put on the YPO website for all customers to see
58/16 / Committee Structure:
Jo Webster (JW) Regional Chair
Janet Sylvester (JS)Regional Vice Chair
Jill Northrop (JN) Regional Treasurer
Joanne Campbell (JC) RegionalSecretary/
National Board Member
Peter McGrath (PMG) Immediate Past Chair
Hayden Henry (HH)
Nicola O’ Brien (NO)
Paul Skelton (PS)
Steve Hibbert (SH)
Robert Clark (RC)
John Plant (JP)
Damien O’Brien (DOB)
Alan Drayton (AD)
Nick Parker (NP) / JW
45/16 / Treasurers Report:
Balance £7500,
Most balances outstanding from the May event have been paid / JN
59/16 / National Councillor Report:
See attached separate minutes
JS is interested in sending a member of her team on the Middle Management Graining JS to contact Beverley Baker re cost JC to supply email address to JS / JC
60//16 / Main Event Evaluation
Great Event with excellent speakers
Good footfall in the free exhibition throughout the event
JW Spoke to Dr David Bull who indicated he would be interested at speaking at our Regional Event JW has emailed him however he has not responded JW to email him again
JC will check email address with Neil Porter
An analysis of the feedback is on the LACA Website / JC
61/16 / Regional Membership
JW is having difficulty accessing an up to data base for the Y & H Region, JW is trying to promote the region and membership, LACA Admin do not appear to be following up on membership applications – ongoing
JW to try and check which region some of our members are registered to / JW
62/16 / EXPO 17 11 2016
JC JW have amended the information to be sent out by Elygra.
McCain’s and Unilever to present their competitions
One Pot Meal and the Bake Off
09:45 Open and Welcome
10:45 Unilever inc. Christine Parr Bake Off finalist from Doncaster
11:45 Kath Breckon – SCOTY
13:30 McCain’s
14:30 Meals Matter Andy Jones HCA
15:00 Raffle & competition winners
SW to chase up raffle prizes and vouchers
There will be LACA membership information and the raffle on a LACA Stand, Committee to take turns to man the stand.
Remit is to come under HCA this allows for more than 40 stand to be sold
AD to contact Sure Leuty to ensure no limit on number of stands to be sold
Raffle recipient Blue Bellwood Children’s Hospice
JS to invite a member of staff from Bluebell Wood to attend EXPO and receive the proceeds from the raffle
SW / AD / RC to undertake raffle on the day
AD to email Sue Leuty to ask her to contact companies purchasing stands to contribute raffle prizes.
HH & SH to take photos on the day / SW
SW / AD / RC
63/16 / 15 03 16 Spring Event & AGM
‘’Are you On Board?’’
P & O Ferries – boat booked
100 delegates maximum in show lounge
£30 members
£40 non members
Birds Eye
Crown Foods
Confirm numbers 3 weeks before confirm if passport or ID is required
Sally Shadrack is attending JC to email to ask if she would speak about her Year as Chair to date and to confirm her travel arrangements and if a hotel is required. There is a train Kings Cross to Hull
NP is looking for a speaker re Hull the City of Culture
Lizzi Testani – Soil association
Justin from Nestle talk on SCOTY
Music Quiz by NB
NB will send to JW as NB is on holiday
The AGM will consist a power point presentation of our year
SW to put t together however, will need the information sending / JC
64/16 / 07 06 16 Summer Event
Doncaster Wildlife Park
Highfield keen to support our region and would like to present at this event
JC to contact Neil Porter as would like to speak at main Event
JC to contact Brad Pearce at Portsmouth with a view to speaking at a future event in 2017
Treasure Hunt
Raffle / JC
65/16 / Events/ Sponsorship
It was agreed that the companies that sponsor a regional event are allowed 2 free places at the event they are sponsoring
HH to produce save the date flyer/bookmark with the years events on
AD to check with Sue date for Expo 2017 either 12 or 19 October / ALL
66/16 / Committee Focus
To enter for Region of the Year award
Focus on increasing Membership
SW suggested if you recommend a new member – attend an event for free
JS to pull together all information together:- our events to date, photographs, ideas we have implemented to promote membership
Region agreed to pay for Kath Breckon’s LACA membership for next Year
67/16 / NSMW31 10 16 to 04 11 16
Doncaster cook to cook a meal at the Wildlife Park JS will let the committee know the date
Rotherham and Doncaster having a themed meal week
68/16 / SCOTY
JS to send revised competition rules out / JS
69/16 / LACA Website
Good news story’s to be sent to Dewberry Redpoint for the website
Christine Parr in Bake off Final
Wakefield Bronze FFL
Kath Breckon – Primary School, Caterer of the Year - shortlisted
70/16 / 09 12 2016
Committee Meeting & Christmas Event
Looking at an meal at Fazenda Leeds
with a meeting prior at the Hilton near the station / JW
71/16 / Regional Meetings and Events
05 10 2016
Committee Meeting
Junction 41
Industrial Park
17 11 2016
Doncaster racecourse
Programme to be arranged Kath Breckon SCOTY to attend
09 12 2016
Committee Meeting & Christmas Event
25 01 17
Committee Meeting
15 03 17
Spring Event plus AGM
15th march 2017
Venue: North Sea Ferries – Confirmed
Possible Speakers
Hull City of Culture 2017 – possible speaker on this ?
Lizzi – FFL
APSE speaker on Brexit
MSC Fish
06 04 17
Committee Meeting
07 06 17
Summer Event
Possible venue Doncaster Wildlife Park
Speakers – Richard Sprenger? JW to contact
Brad Pearce Plymouth ? JC to contact
Competition – Pin the tail on the lion !! ? Treasure Hunt?
72/16 / Thank you to Nikki for arranging the venue & lunch / All