St Michael’s Academy Bulletin

Week Commencing: 18 January 2016

The Week Ahead
Lower School / Upper School
  • 18th Karate Club Starts
  • 21st- Year 3 Class Photos
  • 27th Cross Country
  • 18th Karate Club Starts
  • 27th Cross Country

School Uniform:

A very big thank you to all of you who send your children in to school looking clean and tidy and ready for their school week. These are very important life habits to get into which will serve them well in adult life. Unfortunately I have noticed an increasing number of children who are coming to school in a pretty shocking state. They are dirty, unkempt and not in appropriate school uniform, if in any uniform at all. Today, being that it is a Monday, quite a few have returned to school in dirty clothes and obviously haven’t had a shower in readiness for Monday morning.

There are also an increasing number who are not making any attempt to wear black school shoes, in line with school policy. There are also a lot of children who are getting themselves up in the morning and in to school as their parents are still in bed. In a country where there is plentiful running water and washing machines, and shops like Tesco offering entire school uniforms for £10, it is a pretty poor indictment of the parenting skills of some of our families.

I totally appreciate that life is hard for some of you but please make sure that your children are clean and ready for school and that includes the correct clothes. Starting next week I intend phoning home to contact parents of children not in uniform including black shoes, and you will be asked to take them home.

Year 3 Photos

Tempest photography will be in to take a whole class photographs NOT individualones on 21st January. The children will be photographed without shoes so please can you ensure that your child has dark socks on. Thank you.


4LifeMA will be running a Karate Club for 4 weeks here in school starting Monday, 18th of January.

Cross Country

On Wednesday 27th January there is a cross-country running event at Aldon hill. Numbers will be limited so if your child would like to participate then please return the slip below ASAP so we can collate numbers. Thecoach will be leaving school at 3pm and returning between 5 and 5:30pm. Please make sure your child has their PE in school so they are dressed accordingly. Mr Bisgrove


Mrs Lipton will be running a Year 5/6 Badminton Club again on Thursdays after school. Please complete the form at the end of the Bulletin for your child should they wish to attend. 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Mrs Lipton is a Somerset County Youth Badminton Coach.


  • Karate demonstration in assembly

CROSS COUNTRY – 27 January 2016

Mr Bisgrove

I give permission for my child to take part in the Cross Country event:


After the event they will:

 Walk home  be picked up @ 5-5.30pm



Mrs Lipton

I give permission for my child to take part in the Year 5/6 Badminton Club:


After the club they will:

 Walk home  be picked up @ 4.30pm