Minutes of the meeting of the Diocesan Advisory Committee

held at Jubilee House on 13 March 2017

Present: Revd E B Gamble

Messrs Hawkes, W L Exton, W Young, C Perrett, M Goodwill-Hodgson, G Renton, J Mordan

Mrs B Cast, Archdeacon of Newark, Revd D Stevenson, Revd A Dempster, R Howes

Revd C Rattenberry

Mrs A Redgate

Mr J Pickett – DAC Secretary

Mrs T West – DAC Admin

Apologies: Messrs J Keays, F Stephenson, C Andrews, Archdeacon of Nottingham


The minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13 February 2017 were confirmed and signed.


Chris Perrett: Sutton on Trent

Mark Goodwill-Hodgson: Plumtree, East Leake, Sutton, Upton and Bilsthorpe

William Young: Rempstone

4370 MATTERS ARISING from the Minutes

a) 013BX Bawtry St Nicholas [Grade I - 14th Century]

Architect: Mr A J Joyce Local Authority: Doncaster

Toilet and Meeting Room - AA 22/1/2017

1 To provide a toilet and small meeting room on the North side of the church with access via an existing blocked up doorway

2 Preparatory Works: all ground works and work to open up the existing blocked doorway to be carried out under the supervision of the Archaeological Research Services Ltd

3 Existing door to be opened up as per Method Statement to provide new access to the extension; bottom step to be removed to provide level access between church and extension

4 Concrete slab roof to the existing boiler room to be removed and walls to be lowered in accordance with SE info

5 Proposed FFL to match existing church floor level

6 2no cast iron heating pipes, 1no gas pipe and 1 no water supply pipe to be rerouted under the existing floor; full length of gas from the incoming meter to the existing boiler position to be replaced

7 Area of ground surrounding the existing boiler room to be lowered; remove and retain existing paving slabs for reuse

8 Area of existing low level walling near to boiler room to be carefully removed and set aside for reuse

9 Proposed drainage run to be taken through existing flowerbed to a proposed inspection chamber adjacent to Church Street; connect to existing mains sewer to Church Street

10 Existing stone paving slabs to be removed and relaid over the proposed drainage run , perimeter of the extension and area of amended path

11 Drainage run to the road 63mm dia pipe at a depth of 250-500mm below existing ground level

12 Relay existing stone walling retained from demolition; reduce level of ground and lay existing paving slabs saved from demolition

13 Pumped Drainage System Chamber: dia 850mm tank and installed at depth of 1.5m to the base

14 Make good threshold following work to open blocked door; existing heating, gas and water pipes to betaken under the existing to allow level access

15 Flat Roof Covering to new extension to be Patina K44 Terne Coated Stainless Steel; joints ened to end lapped 100mm min; British Batten Roll with planed and treated softwood; full specification as J1 110 in Schedule of Work

16 Masonry Walling as specification F1 with external cavity walling with stone outer below DPD; external cavity walling with blue brick below DPC to east elevation; external facing stone above DPC; solid supporting wall to boiler room

17 Alteration to existing medieval door jamb as per method statement; repointing to existing walling, to match existing lime putty or NHL 2 as per specification

18 Structural timber and general carpentry as per G2 of specification and drawing WD03: timber frame and external wall structure with timber noggings at 1200mm centres, rigid sheet wall sheathing in 18mm WBP Plywood with insulation as detailed with battens 50x50mm treated softwood

19 Timber joist ceiling and gutter structure: framing in 50x50 treated softwood; boarding to form eaves, verge soffit and fascias in 18mm WBP structural plywood

20 Timber joist flat roof structure as specified with roof decking 18mm WBP structural plywood deck, battens 50 x 50 treated softwood to create ventialted air gap

21 Timber stud partition structure with timber noggings at 1200mm centres; timber boxings and bulkheads timbers 50x50mm treated softwood

22 Board and Sheet External Cladding and Soffits: counterbattens and battens in treated softwood 50x50mm; boards in European Oak ex 25x150mm over 25x100mm as specification; Metal Plinth and Sill Trim to bottom of the timber cladding and window, 2mm

23 Internal Wood Flooring, Linings and Trim: architraves with nails at 300mm centres, skirtings glued and screwd at 400mm centres, window boards screwed and plugged at 400mm centres; wood trim to buttress windows

24 Doors and Frames as per drawings WD02, 03 & 04; external door to match adjacent cladding; rwp access hatch in softwood; all detailed in specification L2

25 Plastering and Screeding: supply and fix plasterboard to walls, ceilings, boxings and bulkheads; supply and fix gypsum plaster coatings to plasterboard backings; supply and lay floating levelling screeds; make good floor following rerouting of pipework

26 Sheet and Tile Internal Finishes: rigid tiling to floors and walls all as specified in M4

27 Painting, Staining and Varnishing: to plastered walls and ceilings diamond matt emulsion; to wood trim diamond satinwood; to internal doors Ronseal interior varnish matt; to external door Osmo UV Protection Oil Extra

28 Doc M sanitary pack for accessible WC as specified in N1

29 Landscaping: slab mortar bedded pavings 150mm well compact hardcore and 25mm sand blinding; relay existing flagstone pavers following drainage and construction works

30 Stone paving rainwater drainage channel: Marshalls Birco 100 channel with cast iron solid cover; min 50mm concrete bedding and haunchings to finish below depth of paving slabs; 150mm well cpmpacted hardcore and 25mm sand blinding; cut and relay existing flagstone pavers and make good

31 Stone perimeter wall: reuse and rebuild low level rubble stone wall to path perimeter; to match existing

32 Topsoiling and general planting: premium grade top soil; replant existing plants following drainage works

33 Above and Below Ground Drainage: rainwater drainage in PVC-U downpipes where concealed, aluminium downpipes where visible; refix existing cast iron gutter and timber fascia following installation of new roof

34 Design of and Supply and Fix internal pipework; traps generall concealed uPVC; ventilation 100mm soil vent pipe as per drawing vented through roof all as per specification R1

35 Design of and Supply and Fix Foul Pumped Drainage System: contractor to confirm drainage layout and calculate falls as required to connect to existing drainage; details as per specification

36 Complete the Design of and Supply and Fix Mains Sewer Connection: to connect to existing drainage in Church Street allow for all works to close road as required, make application and complete works all as per specification part R1

37 Hot and Cold Water Systems: complete the design of and supply and install water distribution pipework; reroute existing water pipe that cross blocked door and take under existing floor as specification S9

38 Heating Systems: new gas pipe from existing meter/new boiler position; reroute existing pipe that cross blocked door and take under existing floor; replace existing boiler to connect to the existing radiators and provide heating and hot water to the proposed extension

39 Retain existing pipework and radiators to existing church; new radiators to be proposed to meet architects approval; all as specified under part T9

40 Ventilation: Intermittent mechanical ventilation to kitchenette and WC, through roof; background ventilation through timber clad wall as specification U9

41 Electrics: complete the design, supply and install the electrical distribution system; allow for high and low level sockets, switched spurs as drawing WD02; allow for wiring and switches to all lighting circuits as shown on WD02

42 Design, supply and install the Fire Detection and Alarm Systems all as per specification V9

43 All in accordance with Schedule of Work DAC date stamped 2 February 2017 and drawings WD01 to 04 and Design and Access Statement dated February and March 2016 from Mr A J Joyce, Church Architect and Statements of Significance and Need

Recommended subject to: (1) archaeological watching brief in accordance with recommendations by DAC Archaelogical Adviser (2) archaeological appraisal and subsequent recommendation by DAC Archaeological Adviser on the removal of stonework (3) archaeological recording of north wall on advice of DAC Archaeological Adviser (4) electrical work to be undertaken by an approved contractor registered with The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) , Electrical Contractor's Association (ECA) or The National Association of Professional Inspectors (NAPIT) in accordance with the latest edition of IEE regulations (5) Local Planning Authority to be consulted to determine whether planning permission is required and written confirmation with faculty petition to be lodged with the Registry (6) Building regulations approval will be required.

b) 164T Plumtree St Mary the Virgin [Grade I - Saxon; reb. 1906]

Architect: Mr M Goodwill-Hodgson Local Authority: Rushcliffe

Installation of an Aumbry - AA 24/1/2017

1 To install an aumbry in the side chapel in an existing space in the wall

2 To accept a donated aumbry to be used for services to housebound parishioners

3 All in accordance with photographs and Statements of Significance and Need dated 24 January 2017

Deferred. Further details still required from parish.


4371 FACULTY PETITIONS without DAC Certificate

None received

4372 FACULTY PETITIONS with DAC Certificate

a) 041GT Girton & Spalford St Cecilia [Grade II - 14th Century] (18030)

Architect: Mr G Cook Local Authority: Newark & Sherwood

Area for Cremated Remains 14/1/2017


b) 013BX Austerfield St Helena [Grade II* - 12th Century] (18028)

Architect: Mr A J Joyce Local Authority: Doncaster

War Commission Commemorative Headstone 26/1/2017



a) 137P Norton Cuckney St Mary [Grade I - 12th Century]

Architect: Mr. C J Moxon Local Authority: Bassetlaw

Bell Tower Works 1/3/2016

1 To replace the bell tower louvres, clean up metal work to bell frame and install dumb-bell

2 Carefully remove existing louvres from the bell tower

3 Supply and fit 16 new louvres to match existing; apply clear preservative prior to fitting; 6% permeable 'Galebreaker' material fitted to all eight bellchamber window openings

4 Clean down all of the metalwork and treat with a rust inhibiting solution such as 'Fertan' and then apply three coats of paint

5 Dumb-bell to be installed in the south east corner of the clock chamber floor; fittings comprising a fabricated steel headstock, with gudgeons, sealed double row self aligning ball bearings with a low slung heavy balance weight, hardwood wheel; stay engaging on a wire loop; hardwood roller running on ball bearings mounted in a hardwood roller box

6 Turned cast iron floor boss to protect the bellrope as it passes through the clock chamber floor; turned cast iron floor boss to protect the bell rope; turned cast iron salley jug mounted on a steel bracket to extend the rope guides on the clock chamber floor

7 All in accordance with specification and quotation dated 15 April 2016 from TLB Services, Collingham, Notts and quotation undated from Robert Campbell Carpentry & Joinery, Worksop, Notts

No objection subject to: (1) Hardwood louvres should be considered such as the red cedar or preferably oak (2) Include for use of Weatherguard (3) Structural Engineer needed to calculate floor strength for dumb-bell.

b) 064W Bothamsall Our Lady & St Peter [Grade II - reb.1845]

Architect: Mr G W Smith Local Authority: Bassetlaw

Roof Repairs (List B) 20/2/2017

1 To undertake necessary repairs to the Nave roof

2 To remove all ridge tiles and repair/replace broken ones

3 Undertake replacement/repairs at least four tiles down; supply of reclaimed or new tiles similar to existing; tiles to be mixed to ensure new ones aren't as noticed

4 All in accordance with quotation dated 25 September 2016 from Ron Warner, Builder & Contractor, Habblesthorpe, Retford, Notts and photographs supplied

No objection

c) 233P Worksop Priory St Mary & St Cuthbert [Grade I - 12th Century]

Architect: Mr J Keays Local Authority: Bassetlaw

Information Display Panel for Gatehouse 23/2/2017

1 To install a display information panel for the Priory Gatehouse

2 Panel to be installed to the side of the path at the south end of the churchyard close to the Gatehouse

3 Panel to be the same in style as an existing panel to the north west of the Priory

4 Cast aluminium bollard to resemble cast iron and painted black

5 To stand 1m high to the centre of the display board; display board to be 594mm and angled for viewing purposes

6 To be anchored into the ground with a concrete post mix down to 500mm

7 All in accordance with artwork provided by Malcolm Lane & Son Ltd and drawings and photographs supplied by E B McEvedy, Historic Building Consultants

No objection subject to: (1) that any human remains that may be disturbed during excavation and building shall be lifted from the place where they are found and shall thereafter be re-interred at the same place but at a deeper level if this is possible or alternatively at some other place in the churchyard in a discreet and seemly manner at the direction of the Incumbent (2) Local Planning Authority to be consulted to determine whether planning permission is required and written confirmation with faculty petition to be lodged with the Registry.

d) 082BL North & South Clifton St George [Grade II* - 13th Century]

Architect: Mr G W Smith Local Authority: Newark & Sherwood

Restoration & Conservation to East Wall Paintings 28/2/2017

1 To continue the restoration and conservation to the Chancel wall paintings from the apex to the bottom of the window arch

2 Gentle clean with soft brushes and where possible with de-ionised water, in a candy floss motion to remove as much dirt and cobweb as possible without further damage to the surface

3 Consolidate through Japanese paper when necessary, using Plextol B500. Lay any curling flakes with a spatula, heated if necessary.

4 Surface residue will be removed with water and/or acetone. Allow to dry.

5 Infill large areas of paint loss with light tone grey pigment such as davies grey, perhaps with some whiting added and bound in B72.