Midterm Exam ReviewQuestions:


  1. How was the first permanent English settlement financed?
  2. How were Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia similar? Different?
  3. Why was it important that all English settlers in the New World retained the rights of Englishmen?
  4. How would one characterize the early years at Jamestown?
  5. How did Captain John Smith "save" Jamestown?
  6. What caused the first Anglo-Powhatan War? The second?
  7. What was the impact of the tobacco industry on Jamestown?
  8. Why was the House of Burgesses an important precedent in the American colonies?
  9. Why was Maryland established? Who founded it (he had two names)?
  10. How did South Carolina prosper economically?
  11. What were the major exports of the Carolinas?
  12. Why was Georgia founded? By whom?

1. What is the difference between Puritans and Separatists?
3. What is the importance of the Mayflower Compact?
5. What type of government was established in Massachusetts Bay?
6. Why was Anne Hutchinson removed from Massachusetts? Roger Williams?
7. Why was Rhode Island established? Why was it unique?
8. What were the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
9. How were relations between the New England settlers and the Native Americans?
10. What was the significance of King Philip's War?
11. What was the New England Confederation? Why was it established?
12. What was the Dominion of New England? Why did colonist resent it?
14. How did the English come to rule New York?
15. Why did Penn establish Pennsylvania? What was unique about Pennsylvania?


  1. What was indentured servitude? How did it work in the Chesapeake?
  2. How did the headright system make some very wealthy?
  3. For most of the 1600s, who served as the labor force for the Chesapeake colonies?
  4. What was Bacon's Rebellion? Its impact?
  5. Why did the American reliance on African slaves increase after 1680?
  6. How did African slaves compare to indentured servants as a labor force?
  7. How did slavery impact the social structure of the South?
  8. How would the typical colonial New England family be described?
  9. What was the purpose of the New England town meeting? Its impact?
  10. What caused the Salem Witch Trials? The impact?
  11. What was the basis of the New England economy? How did it compare to the Chesapeake economy?
  12. How did the lifestyle of the English colonists compare to their European counterparts?


  1. What was the diversity of population in each of the three colonial regions?
  2. What was the basis of the American economy before the Revolution?
  3. Why did American merchants come to resent the British during the 1700s?
  4. What was the purpose of the Molasses Act of 1733? Why was this an important change in policy?
  5. How did religion in the 1700s compare to religion in the 1600s in America?
  6. What was the Great Awakening?
  7. Who were some of the leaders of the Great Awakening?
  8. What were some of the results of the Great Awakening?
  9. What was the status of education in the colonies prior to the Revolution?
  10. What was the background and impact of the Zenger trial?
  11. How did colonial legislatures come to control governors in the seventeenth century?
  12. Who usually had the right to vote prior to the Revolution?


  1. What caused the French and Indian War?
  2. What was the purpose of the Albany Congress of 1754? How was this different from previous American actions? Outcome?
  3. What were the peace terms after the French and Indian War?
  4. How did the French and Indian War impact the American view of the British?
  5. How did the British view Americans during the French and Indian War?
  6. What other changes took place in American attitudes after the French and Indian War?
  7. What did Chief Pontiac do that alarmed the British? Impact?
  8. What was the Proclamation of 1763? How did Americans receive it?


  1. What were the factors that separated the colonists from England?
  2. What was mercantilism? Why was it established?
  3. Why did Americans resent the mercantile system?
  4. What was "salutary neglect?" When did it end?
  5. Why did the British pass the Stamp Act?
  6. What was American reaction to the Stamp and Sugar Acts?
  7. What was the "Association?"
  8. What was the Declaratory Act?
  9. What is meant by "virtual representation?"
  10. What was Townshend Acts?
  11. What caused the Boston Massacre?
  12. What were the committees of correspondence?
  13. What were the Intolerable Acts? Why were they so unpopular?
  14. Why did the First Continental Congress meet? What did they accomplish?
  15. What advantages/disadvantages did each side possess as the War for Independence began?
  16. What percentage of Americans supported total independence?
  17. What role did economics play in causing the American Revolution?


  1. When did England consider America to be in rebellion?
  2. Why did the colonists delay declaring independence until July, 1776?
  3. What were the major points of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?
  4. What percentage of Americans supported the revolution?
  5. What were the characteristics of those who continued to support Britain?
  6. What battle convinced the French that the Americans could win the war?
  7. What was the impact of French assistance during the Revolutionary War?
  8. Why did Native Americans generally support the British?
  9. What were the instructions given by the Continental Congress to American diplomats working on the peace treaty with Britain? Did they listen?
  10. What happened to the Loyalists following the Revolution?


  1. What was the Society of Cincinnati?
  2. What were some of the successes of the Revolution's emphasis on equality? Failures?
  3. What happened to slavery in most Northern states following the conclusion of the war?
  4. What was the role of women following the Revolution?
  5. What was the importance of the state constitutions following the Revolution?
  6. Why did the founding fathers avoid the slavery issue?
  7. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
  8. What was the Northwest Ordinance?
  9. How did France and Spain treat the new nation in the 1790s?
  10. What was the major debate regarding the effectiveness of the Articles?
  11. What was Shay's Rebellion? Its significance?
  12. Who were the leading men of the Constitutional Convention? What was the occupation and social status of these men?
  13. Why was the Constitutional Convention originally called?
  14. What was the Great Compromise?
  15. How did the founders deal with the slavery question?
  16. What is the only branch of government directly elected by the people?
  17. Why did many oppose the Constitution as it was originally written?
  18. What were the Federalist Papers? Purpose? Authors? Significance?
  19. Who were the men who opposed the Federalists? Why?


  1. Who made up the first cabinet? Was the cabinet included in the Constitution?
  2. Why was the Bill of Rights established? (Learn the first ten amendments).
  3. What were the major parts of Alexander Hamilton's economic program?
  4. Why did Hamilton believe that the national debt was acceptable?
  5. What is the elastic clause? How did Hamilton use it?
  6. What was the Whiskey Rebellion? Significance? How did it compare to Shay's Rebellion?
  7. What was Jefferson's ideal American citizen?
  8. What happened as a result of the disagreements between Hamilton and Jefferson?
  9. As the French Revolution developed in Europe, what was Washington's policy towards the Franco-American alliance?
  10. What was the Neutrality Proclamation of 1793?
  11. What actions did Britain take in the American West that threatened the US?
  12. What were the terms of Jay's Treaty? Response in America?
  13. How did the United States receive access to the Mississippi River?
  14. What was significant about Washington's Farewell Address?
  15. What precedents did Washington set during his presidency?
  16. What events led the United States and France into undeclared naval war in the late 1790s?
  17. What was the XYZ affair? American response?
  18. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts? How were they received by the Jeffersonians?
  19. What were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions? Authors? Why did they set a dangerous precedent?
  20. Explain the major differences between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.


  1. How was Jefferson elected in 1800?
  2. How could the year 1800 be considered a "Revolution?"
  3. How did Jefferson's views change during his time as President?
  4. What was Jefferson's attitude towards the Federalist's economic programs?
  5. Who was the chief justice who carried out Federalist programs for many years?
  6. How was the precedent of judicial review established? Be able to explain this case?
  7. How did Jefferson deal with the Barbary Pirates?
  8. What was Jefferson's original goal regarding Louisiana? What did Napoleon offer?
  9. Why did Jefferson have problems with the Louisiana Purchase?
  10. What was the significance of the Louisiana Purchase?
  11. What is impressment? What was the Chesapeake incident?
  12. How did Jefferson deal with French and British infringements on American neutrality?
  13. What was Macon's Bill #2? Which nation was the first to accept the terms?
  14. Which part of the nation made the strongest claims for war with Britain?
  15. What were some of the other causes of the War of 1812?
  16. Why did Federalist oppose the War of 1812?


  1. What problems did America face as it entered the War of 1812?
  2. What was important about the Battle of New Orleans?
  3. What did the delegates at the Hartford Convention call for?
  4. What was the result of the Hartford Convention?
  5. What were the results of the War of 1812?
  6. What was the Rush-Bagot Treaty?
  7. What were the ways the post War of 1812 nationalism manifested itself?
  8. What was important about the Tariff of 1816?
  9. What was Henry Clay's "American System?"
  10. What was the reaction of the different parts of the nation to Clay's proposal?
  11. What was the "Era of Good Feelings?"
  12. What caused the Panic of 1819? Impact?
  13. What was the Missouri Compromise? Tallmadge Amendment?
  14. What constitutional interpretation did Marshall favor in his Supreme Court decisions?
  15. Explain the court cases: Gibbons v. Ogden, McCullough v. Maryland, Dartmouth v. Woodward, Cohens v. Virginia.
  16. What was the Monroe Doctrine? Causes? Reaction?


  1. What were the characteristics of the "new democracy?" Where was it most popular?
  2. Why did the growth in the new democracy take place in the 1820s?
  3. What is a national nominating convention? Which party held one first?
  4. Why is the election of 1824 called the "corrupt bargain?"
  5. How would one characterize Adam's presidency?
  6. Why was the Tariff of 1828 a source of controversy?
  7. What was the "South Carolina Exposition?" Author? Impact?
  8. How could Jackson's election in 1828 be considered a revolution?
  9. What is the purpose of the spoils system?
  10. What was the Hayne-Webster debate? Peggy Eaton affair?
  11. Why did Jackson veto the Maysville Road Project?


  1. Why did the "nullification crisis" of 1832 erupt?
  2. What region had the most support for the Tariff of 1833?
  3. What was Jackson's response to South Carolina's nullification of the tariff?
  4. What were the results of the nullification crisis?
  5. Why did Jackson veto the recharter of the Bank of United States?
  6. What were some of the innovations in the election of 1832?
  7. How and why did Jackson weaken the bank after the 1832 election?
  8. Why did Jackson remove Native Americans from their lands in the 1830s?
  9. Why did Americans move into Texas? Under who?
  10. What was the reason for the Texan Revolution? What was the involvement of America in the fighting?
  11. Why did Jackson and Van Buren hesitate to recognize Texas?
  12. What lead to the formation of the Whig party?
  13. What happened to the American banking system under Jackson?
  14. Why did the Whigs nominate Harrison in 1840?
  15. What was the major issue in the election of 1840?
  16. What were the characteristics of the major parties by the 1840s?


  1. How would the life of a typical pioneer be described?
  2. What was happening to the American population during the early 19th century?
  3. What were some consequences of the growth of cities in America?
  4. Why did the Irish tend to stay in the Eastern cities after their migration?
  5. Why did native-born Americans tend to resent the Irish?
  6. Why did the Germans come to the United States?
  7. What was the typical life of the German settlers in the 18th century?
  8. What was the name of the movement against the new settlers?
  9. Who was the "Father of the Factory System?"
  10. What were Eli Whitney's two contributions to the American economy?
  11. Where was most of the cotton produced by the American South sold in the early 1800s?
  12. How did the cotton gin allow American slavery to survive?
  13. Who invented the telegraph? Mower-Reaper? Steamboat?
  14. What were the characteristics of the American work force in the early 1800s?
  15. What was the importance of the landmark Commonwealth v. Hunt decision?
  16. What was the "cult of domesticity?"
  17. What were some of the major internal improvement projects of the era?
  18. What began the "canal era" in American history?
  19. Where were most early railroads in American history built?
  20. How did the regions specialize in early part of the 1800s? Why?


  1. What is deism? Who were some famous supporters?
  2. What caused the Second Great Awakening?
  3. Who were the leading preachers in the Second Great Awakening?
  4. What were the results of the Second Great Awakening?
  5. Where did Mormonsim develop? Who started it?
  6. Why were tax supported schools established?
  7. Why were women denied formal education?
  8. Why did women most often become involved in reform campaigns?
  9. What work did Dorthea Dix do?
  10. Why did many Americans consume alcohol in the 1800s? What problems did it cause?
  11. What was the Oneida community?
  12. What movement came to the forefront of society in the mid-1800s?
  13. What is a utopian community? Examples?
  14. What was the Hudson River school?
  15. What was the major work (and impact) of Washington Irving? James Fenimore Cooper? Ralph Waldo Emerson? Nathaniel Hathorne? Edgar Allan Poe? Herman Melville? Walt Whitman?
  16. What is transcendentalism? Who were transcendentalists?
  17. Who wrote "Civil Disobedience?"