Industrial and Systems Engineering
Spring 2018 4 credits CRN 20614

OverviewThis course provides an introduction to probability models and statistical methods most likely to be encountered and used by students in their careers in engineering and the natural sciences. This introduction will emphasize, from the outset, that variation is the source from which all statistical methodology flows. Discussion includes the practical aspects of data collection and description statistics with an introduction to the basic concepts of Probability Theory and probability distributions, correlation, point estimation, confidence intervals, and test of hypothesis. Prerequisites: Sophomore standing in the Watson School or consent of department chair.

Class TimesTuesday & Thursday Class (01) Rm LH 10(8:30 to 9:55 AM)

Wednesday Dis: Rm LH 010(2:20 to 3:20 PM)

InstructorThomas Koon Office: R14 Watson Engineering Building

Office Hours:10:05 to 11:45AM – Tu/Tr or by Appointment


T A Sohilpreet S Walia (HW TA)Office:T-Pod 5 (Watson) Office Hours: 10:15 - 12:15 PM

Yaseen M Al-WesabiOffice T-Pod 5 (Watson) Office Hours: 12:00 - 2:00 PM


Class Web Site

TextDevore, Jay – Probability and Statistics For Engineering And The Sciences,

9th Edition, Cengage Learning, Boston, MA 2012. ISBN: 978-1-305-25180-9

GradeThis course will be graded upon Homework, Quizzes, and Exams (2 hrs).

Grade Dependence:

Quizzes (2) 100 points

Homework (7)100 points

Mid-term Exam 100 points

Final Exam 100 points

Total number of points400 points(Definite A  340 points)

Homework assignments & due dates will be announced on a bi-weekly basis and listed on the class web site. Homework submitted after the due date but before the return date will be penalized in grade. Homework will not be accepted after the return date. One homework grade (the lowest) will be dropped at the end of the semester. A class contest for extra credit will be announced in March with game rules listed on the class website.

Unless you are told to work in teams, all work is expected to be of your own achievement. If you are found cheating on an exam or assignment you will be given a grade of zero on that assignment and your final grade will be based upon the total score you earn with the zero included.Cell phones or wireless devices must be stored in non-reachable locations during exams or quizzes.