Oak Grove PTA

Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2013

The meeting was called to order at7:03pm by President, Jennifer Volpe. Members present included: Kim Albea, Dawn Turpin-Orgetas, Missy Sauer, Teresa Walsh, Jeanne Englert, Kirstine DiVonno, Nathalie Walker-Hodge, Joan Quinn, Janice Lawler, Sasha Bhatt, Jennifer Volpe and Sharon Roe (via telephone).

The January 2013 meeting minutes were reviewed and a motion was made by Teresa Walsh to approve, seconded by Missy Sauer. Minutes were approved.

President’s Report

  • The Board of Education has requested the WappingersSchool Districtto look into the feasibility of a possible school closing within the district. A final decision has not been made regarding this –there are various meetings taking place. Mrs. Rooney will update the PTA once this decision has been finalized.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Income for this budget year is expected to be over the projected figures by approximately $600 –there are still additional fundraising activities to come in such as the Gertrude Hawk candy sales (estimated at $3900 profit), another movie night and the upcoming penny wars. Other recent income included $221 from the firstFamily Bowling night.
  • RecentExpenses included: the Kit’s Theatre program costs, treats and prizes for the academic bowl and colonial day for the 4th graders.

Teacher’s Report

  • Mrs. Turpin-Orgetas discussed the upcoming March Madness basketball event on March 15. OG will have 4 teacher representatives playing against other schools. All students are invited to attend and have a chance to participate. There will be an artist’s program too. This is a fundraiser -the flyer went home in backpacks last week.
  • There is a basketball event, Hoops for Hope, atMaristCollegeto support breast cancer awareness in honor of Mrs. Leddy on March 16. All PTA members are invited to supportthis event by coming out and making a donation.
  • The recent Jump Rope for Heart was successful and raised $7500 for the American Heart Association; this was in increase from last year. OG will receive $300 worth of new equipment from the event.
  • OG annual field days are being discussed –a possible new format will be reviewed for next year similar to what other schools in the district are doing. This year’s event which takes place in mid-June (10-12th) for all grade levels will once again offer opportunities for parents to volunteer. However, due to the new safety/security measures in place now, volunteers will be required to sign up in advance with Mrs.Turpin-O; drop-ins will not be allowed.

. Recent Events included:

  • The first Family Bowling night held in January was successful with $221 being raised.
  • Literacy week had 90 students displaying their art in the halls.
  • The first academic bowl was well received and students enjoyed the friendly competition. The PTA helped organize the prizes: zipper tags, pencils and smarties. Jersey Day was also held on the same day.
  • Another well attended movie night was held in January; this event continues to be profitable and fun for the students.
  • The 4th Grade Science Fair has 43 students participating and all received a certificate.
  • Kits’s Interactive Theatre did a performance on Pioneer Days on the Oregon Trail which was enjoyed by all students.

Upcoming Events will include:

  • Pajama Day is March 1and all students and teachers can participate
  • Math Enrichment Week is March 4-8; packets going home next week
  • Penny Wars will be March 11-15 (kindergarten may participate)
  • Drama Club performances of Bits & Bitesare on March 12/13 –only for those students and parents (due to space/parking constraints)
  • Spring pictures will be taken on March 18
  • Gertrude Hawk candy sales pickup will be on March 19 after school
  • The spring book fair is the week of March 19-21
  • Annual open house for all students and their parents is March 21 (two times based on grades –notices going home in backpacks soon)
  • No school for March 22 (superintendent day) and spring recess March 25-29; pending any loss of days for snow days –check the school calendar
  • Next PTA meeting is on is Thurs. March 14 at 4pm

New Business:

The PTA voted on the donation of funds for the purchase of new 2-way radios for OG. This is being requested in light of the new safety/security protocols. PTA members voted in favor of this donation, which will allow (8) radios to be purchased at $250 each ($2000 total).

Meeting adjourned at7:46pm

Minutes by: Jeanne Englert, PTA Secretary