Global Citizenship Project:

The Roman Empire

What are we looking at this time?

This term you will be completing your Global Citizenship Homework Project in place of your regular homework from Geography, History and Philosophy & Ethics. This term we are going to be focusing on the Roman Empire and the culture surrounding this hugely important and influential part of history!

You will have 6 weeks to complete the project and it will be due in on your second to last lesson of the half-term you have with your teacher so that it can be marked and given back to you before the Summer Holiday.

What do I need to create?

In this topic you will be creating:

  • A timeline of the events in the Roman Empire
  • A map of the Roman Empire and the different countries that it invaded
  • A profile of the gods of the Roman Empire and what they stood for

How much time do I need to spend on this?

During this half term you will not receive homework in your Global Humanities subjects to ensure that you can maximise your efforts in this project. As such, you will be expected to spend five hours (an hour a week) on your work.

How will I be assessed?

You will get an overall level for your project based on National Curriculum criteria. Look out for the purple boxes below the tasks which will guide you into the higher grades to ensure that you achieve your potential.

How will this project help develop my Character?

At the Hazeley we want to make sure that we develop not just your academic skills but also your personal skills. Our aim is that you will leave us at the end of year 13 with the best skills and the best chances of going on and being as successful as possible!

This project is designed to help you on this journey. As you complete your project, please fill in the following table and think about how this project might be helping you…

How easy did you find this particular issue? Score out of 10. 10 = very east, 1 = not easy at all / What would you like to do in the future to help you develop this skill? / Do you think this project helped develop this skill?
Planning your time carefully and not rushing everything at the end of the project
Using a range of resources to help give you a full understanding of the work
Asking for help when stuck and using advice and feedback to improve your work
Meeting all deadlines and ensuring that my work is ready to hand in at all check points
Reflecting on my work and improving it where needed and checking for mistakes
Thinking and reflecting on how this project relates to your own life and the impact this might have
Understanding how this project will help me develop the skills needed for future success
Completing the work to the best of my ability and seeing it as an opportunity

What will I need to do?

On the next page you will find your Project Menu board. This will contain all of the instructions, information and resources that you need in order to do well.

You will have to:

  1. Complete the Chicken, Wing Roulette and Burger tasks (the History, Geography and Philosophy tasks)
  2. Add one ‘side’ to your work. Look carefully for what level it is worth and match this to your MAG!
  3. Use the ‘Something special’ box to help give you some extra research!

In case you need them, a blank map is attached at the end which will help you with the Geography task.

Make sure that you plan your time carefully and ask your teacher if you need any help well in advance of the final deadline!

Key Dates

When will my project be set?

Your project will be set in the first lesson of Term 6 which will be week commencing Monday 1st June.

Check in Number 1

Week beginning 15th June – you will need to show your teacher your completed map in your lesson this week. Your teacher will not take this in (you will need to keep it safe) but it will give you the opportunity to see if you are on the right track.

Check in Number 2

Week beginning 29th June – you will need to show your teacher how much you have completed on the brochure task. It will not need to be finished by this date, but you will need to make sure that you bring it into your lesson.

Hand in date

You will need to bring your project in and completed in week beginning Monday 6th July. This means that in your lesson this week you will need to have everything ready to hand in!