Competitive Wrestler Registration Form (one per wrestler)
Wrestler's Name: ______Age: ______Date of Birth: ______Grade:_____School:______
Father’s Name ______
Mother’s Name______
Would like to assist with coaching: Yes No If Yes, Name______
Address: ______City ______Zip ______Home Phone: ______Cell Phone Dad: ______Cell Phone Mom:______
Emergency Contact Name ______Phone:______Email(s): ______Wrestlers Weight:______
Have you ever wrestled before? Yes No If Yes, Name of Club if not ours______
Birth Certificate Received at Registration? Yes No If No, did you give in a prior year? Yes No
Have you ever placed at AAU State? Yes No Place & Year(no 1st year divisions)______
Have you ever placed at USA State? Yes No Place & Year (no 1st year divisions)______
Shirt/Sweatshirt Size: Y (Youth)/A (Adult) Circle one YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL A2XL
Short Size: Y (Youth)/A (Adult) Circle one YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL
I grant ______permission to compete in practices and tournaments with
Wrestler's Name (Please Print)
the Viking Wrestling Club. I certify that this child is covered by medical insurance and understand wrestling is a physical sport. I further understand that, as with any physical sport, the risk of injury is always possible, and that I/we will not hold the Viking Wrestling Club, individuals helping coach the Viking Wrestling Club or the Francis Howell R III School District responsible for any accidents related to or occurring with the Viking Wrestling Club. I understand that if in the first month of the program my child chooses to withdrawal, I may request a refund within that time frame only.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Printed Name
Registration: (check made payable to: FH Wrestling Booster)
$180.00 per wrestler [$150 for 2nd and $100 for 3rd] (Price Includes AAU & USA Cards, T-Shirt/Shorts, Howell Tournament End of Season Pizza Party). Additional gear will be available for order.
Check number______
Singlet Deposit: (check made payable to: FH Wrestling Booster)
$50.00 per wrestler for singlet deposit. Your check will be destroyed at the end of the wrestling season when the singlet is returned. **Please post-date check 3/1/18.**
Check number______
Parent Work Deposit: (check made payable to: FH Wrestling Booster)
$75.00 per wrestler for working events for the Francis Howell Wrestling Boosters. Your check will be destroyed at the end of the wrestling season if participation was completed. **Please post-date check 3/1/17.**
Check number______