
Westfield Junior School

Headteacher: L. Roberts
Address: Ramsey Road, St. Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 5RG
Phone & Fax: (01480) 375005
E-mail: /

19th September 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

We are really excited that for the first half of the Autumn term Year 3 will be starting the topic Forest School (the topic will be continued later in the year). Forest School has been proven to be enormously beneficial to children’s learning and development. Please see the information attached to this letter. It will involve going to a woodland setting (the Thicket) for an afternoon a week where they will experience learning and problem solving in a different setting. Each class will attend on a different day, with 3JF on Wednesdays, beginning on Wednesday 27th September.

With the exception of lightning or very strong wind, we intend to run Forest School in all weather conditions. Therefore, for the safety and comfort of your child it is essential that they are prepared by bringing the following on their Forest School day:

Long trousers (tracksuit bottoms)

Long sleeved top

Wellies/walking boots/or similar

Waterproof coat

Your child will need to wear school uniform (including footwear) to school. Depending on the weather, it is likely that your child’s Forest School clothing will get muddy, so please ensure that you provide an appropriate bag in which to store their footwear. In addition, we will not be doing separate outdoor PE in Forest School weeks, as Forest School will be covering our Outdoor and Adventurous Activities for outdoor PE. Indoor PE will still go ahead as usual on a Friday PM.

In order for Forest School to run we require a higher level of adult supervision, as a result we will be relying on voluntary parental support to make these sessions possible. If you or any other family members (e.g. grandparents; adult siblings) can commit to one or more sessions (or all of them!) then please complete the table below and return to your child’s teacher. If you can help please let us know in advance as we will need to run a DBS check. We would ask volunteers to arrive at school by 1pm, and we would return to school no later than 3.20.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Year 3 team

Please return to Mrs Folly

Child’s Name :...... Your Name ......

Date / Please indicate if you are available
Wednesday 27th September
Wednesday 4th October
Wednesday 11th October
Wednesday 18th October