2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only)

Super Session legislation may only be used in the Super Session of House. This packet may also be used by the Senate if all preliminary legislation has been utilized first.

Super Session Docket: Table of Contents

1 A Resolution to Eliminate Affirmative Action

2 A Bill to Amend the Agricultural Act of 2014

3 A Resolution to Sign and Ratify the Ottawa Treaty to Ban and Discourage

the Use of Antipersonnel Landmines

4 A Bill to Repeal the USA PATRIOT Act

5 A Resolution to Adopt Year-Round School

6 A Bill to Abolish the United States One-cent Coin

7 A Bill to Reduce Congressional Pay

8 A Bill to Lower Blood Alcohol Concentration Limits

9 A Bill to Convert America to the Metric System

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #1

A Resolution to Eliminate Affirmative Action

1 WHEREAS, Since President Kennedy’s Executive Order 10925 in 1961 and the Civil

2 Rights Act of 1964, affirmative action has been a part of American

3 society; and

4 WHEREAS, Affirmative action is defined as the positive steps taken to increase the

5 representation of minority groups in areas of employment, education, and

6 culture from which they have been historically excluded; and

7 WHEREAS, This policy has been frequently challenged for violation of the Equal

8 Protection Clause of the constitution; and

9 WHEREAS, Many employers and colleges still include race as a contributing factor in

10 determining employment or acceptance; now, therefore, be it

11 RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled supports the elimination of race

12 as a factor in assessing and determining employment and college

13 admissions.

Introduced by Olathe Northwest H. S.

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #2

A Bill to Amend the Agricultural Act of 2014


2 SECTION 1. Agricultural crop insurance subsidies for the U.S wealthiest farmers in the top

3 1% with an annual income of more than $750,000 will have crop insurance

4 subsidies reduced by 15%.

5 A. The “Everything Else” portion of spending in the Agricultural Act of 2014

6 will be directed back to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

7 (SNAP) to account for the budgets cuts due to the Agricultural Act of 2014

8 (Farm Bill).

9 SECTION 2. The “Everything Else” of the Agricultural Act of 2014 will be defined as the

10 money used for miscellaneous costs.

11 SECTION 3. This bill will hereby be put into implementation by the United States

12 Department of Agriculture.

13 A. The United States Department of Agriculture will oversee crop insurance

14 subsides and the payment of subsidies to farmers.

15 B. The United States Department of Commerce will oversee the spending

16 necessary for economic growth in the agricultural sector.

17 SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect immediately upon passage.

18 SECTION 5. All conflicting legislation will hereby be null and void.

Introduced by Shawnee Mission South H.S.

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #3

A Resolution to Sign and Ratify the Ottawa Treaty to Ban and Discourage the Use of Antipersonnel Landmines

1 WHEREAS, Antipersonnel landmines (APL) remain hidden in the ground long after

2 conflicts have ended and;

3 WHEREAS, These abandoned APL kill and maim thousands of non-combatants

4 annually; and

5 WHEREAS, The United States has not signed the Convention on the Prohibition of the

6 Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on

7 their Destruction, also known as the Ottawa Treaty; and

8 WHEREAS, By exerting its international influence, the United States further support

9 for the Ottawa Treaty; and

10 WHEREAS, Signing said treaty would further the humanitarian and security interests of

11 the United States by dissuading the use of APL against United States

12 Armed Forces and civilians; now, therefore, be it

13 RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled sign and ratify the Convention

14 on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of

15 Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction.

Introduced by Olathe South High School

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #4

A Bill to Repeal the USA PATRIOT Act


2 Section 1. The USA PATRIOT Act is hereby nullified and void and all powers and

3 delegations both secret and public that it gives to any Federal and State

4 institution are hereby rescinded.

5 Section 2. All those being tried by or held convicted under evidence obtained entirely

6 because of the PARTIOT Act currently will be released from their

7 convictions.

8 Section 3. The US Department of Justice and the US Department of Homeland

9 Security shall oversee the implementation of this bill.

10 SECTION 4. This bill shall go into effect upon passage.

11 Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation.

Introduced by Shawnee Mission Northwest H.S.

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #5

A Resolution to Adopt Year-Round School

1 WHEREAS, the U.S. school calendar is based on an outdated family and agricultural model;

2 and,

3 WHEREAS, America is falling behind other nations in education efficiency and

4 effectiveness; and,

5 WHEREAS, a year-round calendar would typically include seven 6-week sessions with four

6 4-week breaks in between; and,

7 WHEREAS, students enrolled in year round schools through studies were found less likely

8 to forget what they learned throughout the year during the traditional 60-day

9 summer break according to the National Association For Year Round

10 Education; and,

11 WHEREAS, students would still have time to rest between grading periods and still allow

12 time for district regulated maintenance during the four-week break periods;

13 now, therefore, be it

14 RESOLVED by the Student Congress here assembled that all U.S. public schools should

15 adopt a year-round school calendar.

Submitted by Sumner Academy

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #6

A Bill to Abolish the United States One-cent Coin


2 Section 1. The production and use of the One-cent coin shall be abolished.

3 Section 2. The One-cent coin is commonly referred to as the penny.

4 Section 3. The United States Department of the Treasury shall be responsible for the

5 enforcement of the bill.

6 A. The United States Department of the Treasury will permanently stop the

7 production of the penny.

8 B. The United States Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve will

9 coordinate with banks to remove current one-cent coins from future circulation.

10 SECTION 4. This law will take effect immediately upon passage.

11 Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Piper High School

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #7

A Bill to Reduce Congressional Pay

1  WHEREAS, The standard pay for all congressman and women is currently $174,000; and

2  WHEREAS, All Congressman and Women currently enjoy free health care; and

3  WHEREAS, Congressman and Women Currently are exempt from income taxes; and

4  WHEREAS, All Congressional expenses are paid for by the congressional expense account;

5  now, therefore, be it

6  RESOLVED, The United States Office of Personnel Management shall oversee the

7  administration of a Twenty-five percent pay cut to all Congressmen and women

8  currently serving as representatives in the United States Congress.

Introduced by Lawrence High School

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #8

A Bill to Lower Blood Alcohol Concentration Limits


2 Section 1. All states shall establish a maximum limit of .05 for their legal blood alcohol

3 concentration (BAC) per se for any persons over the age of 21 operating a

4 motor vehicle. All states shall provide for primary enforcement of this law and

5 shall authorize license suspensions or revocations for any violation of the law.

6 Section 2. Per se is defined as without having to prove intoxication.

7 Section 3. The United States Department of Transportation shall be authorized to enforce

8 this law.

9 A. Any state failing to implement this law by October 1, 2014 shall have 2%

10 of its federal highway construction funds withheld.

11 B. An additional reduction of 2% of federal highway construction funds per

12 year shall be enforced until the law is implemented.

13 SECTION 4. This law shall be effective upon passage.

14 Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Bishop Miege H.S.

2014 EKNFL Congressional Debate – Packet #3 (Use for Qualifier Only) Super Session #9

A Bill to Convert America to the Metric System


2 Section 1. America will officially convert to the Metric System.

3 Section 2. All products made after this bill is enacted will be required by the Department

4 of Commerce to convert any customary-unit related features into metric units.

5 Furthermore, the Department of Education will add the metric system to the No

6 Child Left Behind math standards.

7 Section 3. The Department of Commerce and the Department of Education shall oversee

8 and direct the implementation of this bill.

9 SECTION 4. This legislation will be enacted on December 31, 2015.

10 Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Lansing High School