ABC Farms




Farm Policies




ABC Farms Good Agriculture Practices

And Food Safety Plan

Address ______Date______

Site Locations

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

Persons Responsible for the Food Safety Program







Crops Grown

a.  produce______Acres______

b.  produce ______Acres______

c.  produce ______Acres______

d.  produce ______Acres______





SOP # 01-01


Considerations Made Prior to Lease or Purchase of Farm Ground

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


To ensure that land is suitable for the intended use when purchasing or leasing new ground with the intent of growing produce intended for human consumption.


Crop contamination resulting from growing in soils microbiologically or chemically tainted[1].

Contaminants Introduction:

Land previously used for animal husbandry practices (feed lot, etc.)

b. Land previously used for non-farming functions such as a toxic waste site.

c. Landfill, or the extraction of oil or natural gas.

d. Land previously used for disposal of industrial chemicals.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a.  Avoid purchase or lease of ground previously used for questionable practices.

b.  Ideally, land shall be purchased or leased that has previously been successfully utilized for growing produce for human consumption without incidence.

c.  If the land was used previously for animal husbandry practices it is recommended that there is a buffer time of at least three years.

d.  For land without a history of growing produce for human consumption, a title search shall be conducted.

e.  Emphasis shall be placed on identifying past owners or tenants that may have disposed of chemicals or biological wastes.

f.  If a title search is not available, interviews of local residents, governmental officials or real state agents are advised.

g.  If past owners or tenants are suspected of disposing questionable materials, an environmental specialist shall be consulted.

h.  If past owners or tenants are suspected of using the ground for the disposal of questionable materials, soil analyses for suspected contaminants shall be conducted.

SOP # 01-02


Animal Husbandry

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


To ensure that contamination concerns are addressed when adjacent grounds or nearby farms are used for animal husbandry or rendering (e.g. grazing, housing, feeding, slaughtering, etc.)


Microbial contamination resulting from fecal matter, sick or dead animals. (e.g. E. coli O157-H7 in cattle or dairy cows, salmonella in fowl, etc.)

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Movement of animals from pasture, feed lot, etc. to adjacent growing area.

b. Ground sloping toward the crop contaminated by runoff resulting from rains.

c. Ground sloping toward the crop contaminated by leaking settling ponds.

d. Movement of manure resulting from wind.

e. Application of manure on adjacent growing areas.

f. Contamination from decaying carcasses.

Preventative or corrective measures:

Survey land adjacent to the ranch for animal husbandry and document findings.

a. Animal movement shall be restricted with proper fencing or other physical barriers.

b. Rain induced runoff of animal waste shall be diverted by trenching or similar land preparation.

c. Leaking animal waste shall be diverted by trenching or similar land preparation.

d. Manure shall not be stored in adjacent fields. If manure is stored in close proximity to growing crops, it has to be covered with plastic tarps or other measures shall be utilized that prevent contamination.

e. Manure applications shall be timed to avoid conflicts with growing schedules in adjacent fields.

f. Contamination caused by diseased or dead animals can be avoided with monitoring and a procedure for quick removal and disposal of the carcasses.

SOP # 01-03


Concerns Associated with Flooding or Breached Containment Systems

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


Addressing potential contamination issues for farms located on flood planes or utilizing surface waters.


Crops directly exposed to microbiologically or chemically contaminated floodwaters or utilizing adulterated irrigation waters (e.g. municipal waste, water treatment facility, refinery, storage facility, etc.)

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Flooding or related irregular movement of river or surface waters onto agricultural ground.

b. Adulteration of surface waters resulting from breach in a containment system or soil saturated by excessive animal waste.

c. Contamination of well waters resulting from defective casing or improper chemical disposal.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a. Assess possible upstream or irrigation contamination sources. Sample and analyze flood or irrigation waters for microbial or chemical contamination.

b. Microbiologically and chemically contaminated crops shall not be sold in the fresh market*.

c. Surface waters shall be treated using an approved method (i.e. chlorination, ozonation, etc.) Chemical contaminants shall be removed using a charcoal filtration or appropriate mitigation system.

d. Well waters shall be treated using an approved method (i.e. chlorination, ozonation, etc.) Chemical contaminants shall be removed using a charcoal filtration or appropriate mitigation system.

SOP # 01-04


Animal Intrusion

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


To ensure mitigation measures preventing contamination from animal intrusion.


Microbial contamination (e.g. Escherichia coli O157-H7 in cattle or dairy cows, salmonella in fowl, hog cholera from swine waste, etc.) in crops or water sources due to animal intrusion.

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Animal waste in the field.

b. Animal waste in the water source.

c. Crops eaten by animals.

d. Live or dead animals in the field.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a. Pre-season, one week prior to harvest (for pre-harvest assessment) and during harvesting operations, conduct visual assessment of production block.

b. If animal intrusion is suspected, food safety assessment shall be performed by qualified personnel.

Food SafetyAssessment: If evidence of animal of significant risk intrusion into the production block is not discovered until harvest operations:

·  Stop harvest operations.

·  Initiate an intensified block assessment for evidence of further contamination and take appropriate actions per the aforementioned actions.

·  If evidence of intrusion is discovered during production block harvest operations and the harvest rig has been potentially contaminated by contaminated product or feces, clean and sanitize the equipment before resuming harvest operations.

·  Require all employees to wash and sanitize their hands/gloves before resuming harvest operations.

·  If contamination is discovered in harvest containers such as bins/totes, discard the product, and clean and sanitize the container before reuse.

SOP # 02-01


Stored Organic Fertilizers (Manure Raw or Composted)

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


To address the use of adjacent grounds or nearby farms for composting or storage of animal waste.


Microbial contamination (e.g. Escherichia coli O157-H7 in cattle or dairy cows, salmonella in fowl, hog cholera from swine waste, etc.) in crops in adjacent fields or irrigation waters (surface or wells).

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Movement of animal waste.

b. Retainer breaches.

c. Ground water contamination resulting from permeable soils or breached well casings.

d. Ground sloping toward the crop contaminated by runoff resulting from rains.

e. Ground sloping toward the crop contaminated by leaking settling ponds.

Preventative or corrective measures:

Survey adjacent grounds for animal waste storage or composting operations.

a. Stored animal waste shall be with plastic tarps or comparable materials.

b. Maintain the integrity of the retainer system or develop a trench system to divert contact.

c. Utilize plastic, concrete or bentoinite clay liners to control infiltration.

d. Rain induced runoff and animal waste shall be diverted by trenching or similar land preparation.

e. Leaking animal waste shall be diverted by trenching or similar land preparation.


SOP # 02-02


Application of Organic Fertilizers (Animal based manure or municipal bio-solids)

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


To address contamination concerns from use of adjacent grounds or nearby farms for manure or municipal waste storage and treatment.


Microbial contamination resulting from fecal matter caused by application of organic fertilizer in adjacent land.

Contaminants Introduction:

Drift from organic fertilizer (untreated manure, composted manure or bio-solids) applications made in adjacent fields.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a. The use of untreated organic fertilizers is discouraged because of the risk they can represent for the crop. In case untreated manure is used, consider incorporating it into the soil prior to planting.

b. Organic fertilizers shall be composted* prior to use.

c. Stage of growth of adjacent crops shall be considered prior to the decision to apply organic fertilizers.

d. Time applications prior to emergence of crops in adjacent fields.

e. After crop emergence restrict applications to soil incorporation of liquefied manure.


SOP # 02-03


Industrial Use of Adjacent or Nearby Land

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


Use of adjacent grounds for manufacturing or related activity that might entail the use of toxic chemicals (e.g. metal plating, mining, plastics manufacturing, chemical synthesis or formulation, etc.).


Chemical contamination resulting from air emissions or tainted waters used for irrigation.

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Suspicion that the industrial site near to the farms may present a possible contamination source.

b. Toxic waste is emitted by the industry near the farm.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a. An analysis of any soils or waters suspected of being contaminated shall be conducted.

b. If soils or irrigation waters are contaminated, a local environmental engineering firm shall be retained to assist in designing and implementing remediation measures.

SOP # 03-03


Pesticide Drift

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


To address contamination concerns related to drift of pesticides from adjacent grounds.


The drifted pesticide does not have a registration, tolerance or an action level associated with the commodity subjected to the drift or the drift results in a residue level that exceeds the United States Environmental Agency's tolerance.

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Pesticide drift coming from another crop.

b. Pesticide drift carried by the wind.

c. Pesticide drift coming from excessive pressure nozzle.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a. All suspected incidences of drift shall be reported to management. Sample of the commodity shall be sampled prior to harvest and tested to confirm or refute the reported incidence.

b. Crops containing non-registered pesticides or pesticide residues at violative levels shall be destroyed.

c. Monitoring for residues shall continue until levels have degraded to a non-detectable level.

d. Microbiologically and chemically contaminated crops shall not be sold in the fresh market*.

e. Buffer zones shall be used whenever possible.

f. All pesticide applications shall be applied while wind speed, including gusts, is low enough to avoid drift. Maximum allowable wind speeds will vary depending on the means of application (i.e. aerial, ground, electrostatic, etc.)

g. Applicator SOP shall clearly define appropriate application technology including nozzle type & pressure for a specific application. (Use of adjuvant with known efficacy as a drift retardant.)

SOP # 04-01


Selection and Application of Animal Waste Based Soil Amendments

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


To ensure the choice of material used for maintaining soil organic matter levels, resultant soil aggregation, soil nutrient levels, plant vigor, yield and related properties addresses potential contamination concerns.


Crop contamination resulting from human pathogens.

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Use of untreated manure.

b. Use of composted manure.

c. Manure sourced from a questionable supplier.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a. Untreated manure shall not be applied within 60 days of harvest, or longer depending on the specific crop (e.g. 120-150 days for stone fruits). It is recommended to plan crop rotations where manure is applied to field planted crops that are to be cooked or heat processed prior to consuming.

b. When using composted manure it is recommended to follow GAP guidelines such as maximizing time between application and harvest.

c. Plot and field records shall identify all composted manure applications by supplier identification (e.g. lot number, etc.)

d. Composted manure suppliers shall be selected with emphasis on verifiable compliance with approved composting practices.

e. Source material (i.e. percentage of animal, vegetable, etc.) of composted material shall be supplied and files maintained.

f. Periodic review of composted manure supplier's records including temperature logs; turn frequency and microbial testing shall be conducted and recorded. Selection of a composted manure supplier shall be contingent on the firm's ability to supply documentation in a timely fashion.

g. Application of composted manure shall be made prior to planting annual or biennial crops. Application of composted manure to perennials shall be conducted during the plants dormant period and incorporated into the soil immediately after application.

SOP # 04-03


Use of Chemical Fertilizers for Crop Nutrients

Approval by: Date:

Revision Date:


Choice of material used for maintaining crop vitality, vigor and productivity.


Crop contamination resulting from chemical contamination.

Contaminants Introduction:

a. Direct contact of the chemical fertilizer with the crop resulting in heavy metal, isotope contamination or other related chemical contaminates.

b. Chemical fertilizer source from a questionable supplier.

Preventative or corrective measures:

a. All chemical fertilizers shall meet state* guidelines regulating purity and content.

b. A review of the manufacture's or distributor's Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

c. Plot & Field records shall identify all chemical fertilizer applications by supplier identification (e.g. lot number, etc.)

d. Farming operations shall develop a protocol for developing an approved supplier list.

e. Application of chemical fertilizers shall be limited to material sourced from approved suppliers.

f. Supplier's records shall be audited periodically.

SOP # 04-04


Application Procedure for Fertilizers and Organic Soil Amendments