Honors U.S. History100 pointsMr. Lucot

The 1950’s Era

Assignment: Interview someone born in 1940 or earlier the following questions:

Type all questions and answers. List name, age and phone number or email of interviewee.

Please read to Interviewee:Thank you very much for your time and expertise in assisting me help my students understand this period of our country’s history.

This assignment is for the student to gain insights into the 1950’s era. If and when possible, please expand on your thoughts or explanations. Any additionalinformation you can offer will provide a thorough presentation of this historical period. I appreciate your time and answers in this assignment. Your active involvement will portray a different and accurate voice and view for my students.

Sincerely, Mr. Lucot

Person Interviewed:Age:

Telephone number/Email:

  1. Do you remember “Sputnik”? What specifically did it represent to you?
  2. How did you get your polio vaccine? Sugar cube?
  3. Did you ever “duck and cover”? Please explain.
  4. Did you or your parents “Like Ike”? Why did they feel the way they did?
  5. Did you watch the JFK-Nixon debate on TV? Your thoughts?
  6. What was the brand of your first television set? Who had the first color TV that you saw?
  7. Did you ever have your feet x-rayed at the shoe store?
  8. Did you know anyone who went to the Korean War? If so who?
  9. Did your parents like Elvis? Why or why not.
  10. Where were you when James Dean died? Buddy Holly?
  11. Did you ever go to a “sock hop”? Where? Who with?
  12. Did anyone you know have a bomb shelter?
  13. Which did you like better Gunsmoke or Bonanza? Why?
  14. Did you watch American Bandstand after school? What was your favorite part of the show?
  15. Did you go to the “Drive-In”? Which one? What was your favorite movie that you saw there?
  16. Do you remember Gary Powers?
  17. What did you think about the Rosenbergs? What did you think about them?
  18. Did you or your siblings ever skip a grade in elementary school?
  19. When you played the jukebox what song might you have chosen? How much was it?
  20. Regarding your driver’s license test, what kind/model/yearof car did you drive?
  21. Did you ever ride in an Edsel? A Corvair?
  22. Female: Did you have saddle shoes or poodle skirts?

Male: Did you have a flat top or a D.A.? Coon skin cap?

  1. Who was going to send “Alice to the moon”? How did you feel about that?
  2. Do you remember “blacklisting”? “payola”?
  3. Do you know who Alger Hiss was?
  4. Who was your favorite baseball player? Did you ever see Jackie Robinson play?
  5. Were you scared when you saw “Psycho”?
  6. What was the first record/album (.45/.78) that you ever bought? How did you get the money for it? How much was it?
  7. Who was your favorite Mercury Astronaut?Why?
  8. Do you know what the “Peanut Gallery” was on T.V.?
  9. Where were you when Bill Mazerowski hit the homerun?
  10. What did you watch more Donna Reed or the Nelson’s? Why?
  11. Do you remember when happened on the game show “21”?
  12. If you grew up in Pittsburgh, did you listen to “Pork the Tork”, Porky Chedwick? Who was your favorite local D.J.?
  13. Did you have a Hula Hoop, Silly Putty or a Slinky?
  14. Did you ever order from the Sears Catalog? Example?
  15. What was your phone number in the 1950’s? Did you have a party line? What was the number?
  16. Where were you when President Kennedy was killed?
  17. Did you agree or disagree with the Warren Commission? Why?
  18. Where you afraid during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Why?
  19. What was your “dream car” back then?
  20. Did you see the Beatles on Ed Sullivan? What did you think of them at first?
  21. What did your parents think of the Beatles? Their haircuts?
  22. What was the price of gas when you were in High School?
  23. What was the first “Rock n’ Roll” concert you ever saw? Where at?
  24. Where you ever spanked at school? If so, for what offense?
  25. Did you ever see a 3-D movie in the 1950’s? What film?
  26. Did you watch the Mickey Mouse Club? Can you name any “Mouseketeers”?
  27. Where you allowed to go on “car dates”, did you have to take your little brother or sister with you?
  28. Do you remember what happened to “The Little Rock 9”?
  29. Who did Chuck Connors portray on TV? Fess Parker?
  30. Do you remember when McDonald’s first arrived?
  31. Do you remember “Kookie” Edd Byrnes?
  32. Did you go see Elvis movies? Which one wasyour favorite?
  33. Do you remember when “Under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance?
  34. Where was your nearest air raid shelter?
  35. Did you know the Berlin Airlift was happening at the time?
  36. Did you see “The Wild One”? What did you think of it?
  37. Do you remember the “Big Snow” of 1950?
  38. Did you use Ipana, Brylcreem or Butch Wax?
  39. Did you have your own “Transistor radio”?
  40. What was your first job? How did you get it?
  41. Did your Mom save “S&H Green Stamps”? What did she redeem them for?
  42. Female: Who did you like more Bobby Darin or Fabian?
  43. Male: Who did you like more Sky King or Hopalong Cassidy?
  44. Male:Did you ever give your class ring to a girl?
  45. Female:Did you ever wear a boy’s class ring?
  46. Did your family subscribe to Collier’s, Saturday Evening Post, Life, Reader’s Digest?
  47. Did you learn to read with “Dick and Jane”?
  48. Did you ever “stuff” a telephone booth or a VW Beetle? Play “Twister”?
  49. Do you remember the “Checkers” speech by Richard Nixon or when LBJ lifted his beagle up by his ears?
  50. Do you remember when Eisenhower went to Korea? When he had his heart attack?
  51. Did you see Jane Russell in “The Outlaw”? Were you allowed?
  52. Did you live in an “extended family situation”, with your grandparents, great aunt or great uncle? Did you ever have “borders”?
  53. Were you ever afraid of the Nazi’s, Japanese or the Soviets?
  54. Who was your first date with? Where did you go?
  55. What was your best memory of this era?

Please add any Additional Thoughts, Memories, etc. that you feel could help this student and our class further understand this era of our history.