August 31, 2015 / [Week at a Glance]
Mission Statement: The Mission of High Pointe Elementary is to be a premier campus demonstrating success through collaboration and cooperation. This unified effort will create Lifelong learners that are College and Career Ready!

Monday, August 31st

Tuesday, September 1st Leadership/CAT team Meeting 3:20 in the conference room

Wednesday, September 2nd Kelly Young Site visit/ PLC’s/Faculty Meeting 3:30-4:30

Thursday, September 3rd Kelly Young Training at the 9th grade center (Kim, V. Jackson, L. Brooks, R. Moline, K. Buckner)

Friday, September 4th College Shirt Day with Jeans/ Students must wear a spirit/college shirt with jeans. This includes the staff.

Data Talk

Classroom Culture- 90-100% engagement all week
Injuries- 8-Injuries on the Playground
Look fors this week-Reference to CHAMPS procedures


The building looks amazing. Every team did a fabulous job of creating innovative Bulletin Boards. There was such a positive energy in the building. Every visitor that we had this week gave us positive feedback. Keep up the good work.


This week in our PLC’s we will begin Unpacking standards (3-5), Open House, and review of the RTI process.

Open House: The Theme is FROST. So think about what things you can wear that night that shimmers and shines! More news to come.

TTIPS Grant Update

The Survey link is now posted on our High Pointe website. Remember that there is some alarming language in the survey about closing the school. Keep in mind that we are applying for the Early Learning Grant and it is designed to prevent us from getting to the point of Reconstitution. So please take the time to do the survey this week. Attached to this email is note that was presented to our Board and Community.


Dress Code violations will be fully enforced this week!

Reminder: Make sure you are at your door greeting your students when they come in each morning. We did an excellent job this week of being present and working together.

Social Committee:

The Social Committee is recruiting. If you would like to be a part of the team, contact Katy.

Web site News: This week I would like for Pre-K to share something exciting about Pre-K to post on our Website.

ARRIVAL- See attachment


Students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. During the school day, students will only be dismissed from the office. If a parent comes directly to the classroom, they are to be referred to the office to sign the student out and to provide identification. NO STUDENTS should be dismissed directly from the classroom without notification from the office.

Dismissal Times

·  2:55 – All daycare riders, pre-k, kindergarten, and pre k & kinder siblings in 1st-5th grades who are car riders.

·  2:55 – EDP, walkers, and car riders

Dismissal Procedures

·  Pre- K and Kinder car riders and siblings

§  Students will dismiss from their hallway.

·  1st-5th Car riders

§  Designated teachers will escort students to the gym

§  Students will sit in rows by their grade level and wait quietly for their name to be called.

§  Designated teachers will help to load students in their cars

§  Parents are not allowed to walk up to the gym door to pick up students. If this occurs please direct them to the office.

·  Daycare

§  Dismiss from door number 15 (1st & 2nd grade hallway)

·  EDP

§  Designated teacher will escort students to the cafeteria

·  Walkers

§  Kinder-3rd grade students will dismiss from the main door by the office

§  4th & 5th grade students will dismiss from door number 2 and 3

§  3rd – 5th grade students with siblings will walk over to the main door to pick up K-2 siblings and walk home

Dismissal Duties

·  Pre K & Kinder

§  All Kinder teachers will remain in their hallway to dismiss students

§  Mrs. Davis will assist kinder with the car riders.

§  Mr. Rasheed and Ms. Svochak will pick up the kindergarten walkers, day care, and EDP students and escort them to their designated area. Mrs. Hayes, Dr. Cooper, and Mr. Rasheed will then assist with dismissal in the daycare hallway. Ms. Svochak will assist with the walkers.

§  Mrs. Hayes will escort 1st and 2nd grade kindergarten car riders to the kinder hallway. After dropping off students she will monitor students in the hallway by the gym.

·  Car Riders

§  There should be three teachers per grade level (1st-5th) to help monitor students in the gym and help load students into cars. Two teachers inside monitoring and one outside loading.

§  Mrs. Williams will assist with the car riders

·  Walkers

§  There should be two teachers from each grade level to help monitor the walkers outside of their designated door. Teachers should spread out on the sidewalk and down the drive to make sure all areas are being monitored.

§  Coach Jones will be the crossing guard on the end of the staff parking lot drive.

·  Daycare

§  Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Hayes, and Dr. Cooper will monitor and dismiss students.

·  EDP

§  1st-5th grade teachers who are assigned to the car riders will escort their grade levels’ EDP students to the cafeteria and then proceed to their duty spot.

·  Hallway Monitors

§  Mrs. James/Mrs. Holland – top of ramp across from library

§  Mr. Rasheed – between cafeteria and gym; after the hall is clear go and help with car riders

§  Mrs. Hayes– 3rd/4th grade hallway; after hall is clear go and help with walkers at the main door


The school-wide calendar will be posted in the main office. If you have an approved event for your grade level, please add the event to the calendar. All Assemblies and Field Trips will be posted on the calendar in addition to school wide events.


Please remember to recruit your parents to volunteer. If you have parents that you know would be willing to volunteer time please send an email to Mrs. Davis. Thank you!

Morning Announcements/Flag Duty

It is now time to begin our Morning Announcement Rotation. Each Week I will list the classroom that is assigned to the Weekly announcements. We will begin with 4th grade and work our way down to Kindergarten. Please have 2 children selected for each day of the week. Send the students to the office at 7:25 to get prepared.

Teacher’s Name / Grade Level / Week
Mrs. Gibson Jackson’s Class / 5th Grade / 8-31
Mrs. Jackson’s Class / 5th Grade / 9-07
Mrs. Darden’s Class / 5th Grade / 9-14
Ms. Bell’s Class / 5th Grade / 9-21

Flag Duty for the Week: Mrs. Gibson-Jackson’s Class

Upcoming Events for the Month:

9-7 Labor Day- No school

9-10 Open House