Sumpter Township

Zoning Board of Appeals

September 17, 2009

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm with the pledge showing present: Kennedy, Roman, Stalmack, Todd, Taylor, Pedersen, Lambert, Deputy Clerk Hurst and approx 5 residents.

Motion by Kennedy, supported by Stalmack to appoint Todd as chairman due to Roman not feeling well, and excused herself and sat in the audience. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Kennedy, supported by Stalmack to open at 6:34 pm the public hearing for John Albright 18770 Savage to erect a pole barn. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Albright spoke stating that he is desperately needing storage space to store his vehicles. The property is only 75’ wide and with the location of the house and trees he is limited to the placement of the barn. Commissioner Taylor stated that she seen his cars stored outside. Commissioner Taylor was concerned about the neighbors next door who have horses will the cars bother them. Albright stated that the cars would be stored in the building. Commissioner Stalmack is concerned that he has plenty of room to move the building over the 5’ even if he has to take a tree out to do it. Commissioner Kennedy stated that with his 75’ lot width that he has a handicap. There was no written correspondence from the neighbors. Commissioner Taylor stated that she talked to the neighbor to the south and they did not have a problem with the barn. Present was Mike and Brenda Bonior of 18824 Savage and they have no problem with the location of the barn. Commissioner Roman stated that she had toured the property and has no problem with the location of the barn.

Motion by Kennedy, supported by Stalmack to close the hearing at 6:52 pm. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Pederson, supported by Kennedy to approve the 5’ variance due to the size of the lot being 75’ he is limited. 1 nay. Motion carried.

Motion by Pederson, supported by Todd to adjourn at 7:00 pm. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Esther Hurst

Deputy Clerk