Senior Wills 2016

The senior will is a time-honored tradition at Lassiter High School and a chance for seniors to make their final goodbyes and give their last shout-outs. Inside jokes, remembrances, and sentiments all have their place in senior wills. Please adhere to the general format in the examples provided below.

Seniors can have their wills published in the Senior Newspaper based on first-come, first-served. Wills should be emailed to . Include your full name and submit wills no later than May 2th. Wills should be no more than 500 words and appropriate. Any will with inappropriate content will be cut.

Listed below are 2 examples from past years.

I, Christian Sewall, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following:

To my parents, I give you a high-five. Thanks for being there for me, actual fam. You helped me stay on track in a day in age where there are far too many cat videos on the internet for an individual’s own good.

To my brother, I don’t leave you anything. You don’t even live this house anymore <3.

To my sister, I leave you memories of dressing up Freckles, running, playing tennis, and lots of awkward moments with Cathy.

To my friends:

To David, “Dave,” I leave you concerts, sarcastic remarks, side eyes, and endless Facebook pokes. Thanks for being such a great friend and listener. Thanks for all the rides you’ve given me over the years. Super excited for Tech.

To Sasha, TR, I leave you vines of varying degrees of stupidity, 6th period Calculus nonsense, Barefoot Contessa recipes out the wazoo, and that Baby’s Names buge. #Cutebug or #Chaosbuge?

ToAmna, Jeffrey/Oogly, I leave you all the types of fist bumps (real, fake, snail). I hope you see Drake and Arctic Monkeys and any other artists your heart desires. Don’t go too crazy in Athens.

To Kate (@katebrowne18 (SMA)) and Emily (@dun_bro), I leave you all the Belvita crumbs we accumulated in physics, as well as endless subtweets @dun_bro (I finally @-ed you).

To Physics Squab (Kate, Emily, Giancarlo, Philip), I leave you all the physics worksheets I didn’t finish when we were all talking about how fun Tech is gonna be next year. The bar has been set high…

To Sydney, I leave you our shared music taste, as well as some tickets to a Marina and the Diamonds concert somewhere in the near future. Have lots of fun doing what you love, playing the violin.

To Kathryn and Ali, I leave you lots of memories from France, Prom, and Orchestra. All the panoramas were made bearable by you guys.

To Ben and Sarah, I leave you all those crazy and stupid voices we used to make in orchestra.

To Courtney, can you believe we were the only Simpson Orchestra Survivors in Chamber One? Good luck and have fun at Dook!

ToPrecilia, I leave you my collection of rare Pepes and other assorted memes.

To Maddy, I leave you my aesthetic. Please take care of it, and give it water twice a week.

To Galactic Acid and Abe, I leave you my sorrow, and that lunch after the Bio Exam.

To all my peers, follow me on IG @christiansewall Twitter @thereal_sewall, my mixtape drops soon.

434 Words

I,Kiria Betts, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following:

To start, with past the biting sarcasm and sometimes viscous lashing out, there are two people who somehow shaped me into the semi-sociable person I am today. Mom and Dad you will never truly know how much I aspire to emulate both of you. You two have never stopped giving everything you are and everything you have so that I can have more.

Swag Papa B, there is nobody else in this world I love more. The way you can see past my sassy (but well deserved) attitude, has given me the ability to accept who I am unapologetically and enthusiastically. Thank you for always refusing to let me give up and continually bugging me when I’m busy.

Connie the mom, there is never enough I could say to describe how incredible you’ve made growing up. You’re my constant cheerleader in every part of my life and “smothering” has secured a confidence in me I never could have imagined for myself. To both of you, I leave an empty nest, but a nest full of awkward dancing and hours upon hours of softball watching on a Saturday. Make sure you feed my dog.

To my sisters, I leave only my witty comebacks that taught you both a fantastic sense of humor and a reminder that I’ll always be “the midge.”

Now to the good part (just let “Diva” by Beyoncé play in the background as you read this).

To my Trap Queen; thanks for being my continual punching bag, sounding board and shoulder to mope on. There’s not much to say that you don’t already know. Never change who you are because who you are is straight gold. I secede to you, my newfound love of YG and never ending hours of awkward FaceTime’s and ice cream runs, thanks for loving me through all my “Dr. Bailey” moments. Hit ‘em with that right left girl.

Crispy; to you I leave the ability to dance (please, please learn how to dance).While you may not be able to do it very well, you’ve taught me how to truly “dance like nobody’s watching.” I also leave you endless spontaneous road trips and hours of Criminal Minds. Thanks for finding the uninhibited “angry spice” and “Krunchy.”

Lastly to Coach Wright I leave you the real pronunciation of my name (Ka-Ry-uh). It’s been four years with you, but I could never bring myself to tell you, I figure you should get to know now (but if you want you can call always call me Kira or simply “girl”).

P.S. I leave to Nehna the magnificent realization of my alter ego Kiryonce.

Finally. “Sometimes you need to step outside get some air and remind yourself who you are and where you want to be,” XOXO Gossip Girl.

475 Words

The bolded words at the beginning are necessary to stayto adhere to the format, and the bolded “to” and names are options of how you should begin addressing each person included in your will!