Schedule III-Form No. 604
Issued by the Chief Inspector of Boilers, Orissa
Registered No………………….
Certificate No………………….
Form B No.1
Application for the registration/Inspection of Boilers and Steam Pipes under the Indian
Boilers Act,1923 (Act V of 1923)
(Rule 6)
Registered number of boiler / Name of owner or agent / Where situated / Date of inspection desired / Description of boiler and age1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I hereby submit application to the Inspector of Boilers for inspection and grant of a certificate of the boiler above named together with the Treasury receipt in original obtained on payment of the prescribed fee specified below/ crossed cheque covering fees etc. in favour of Chief Inspector of Boilers, Orissa.
Dated at……………………………………...
This ………………… of …………….19 Owner or Agent
I CERTIFY that the following fees and expenses are payable:-
Boiler number / Boiler rating / Fees / Extra fees forSunday and holiday inspection and
other expenses / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
N.B.-This form with Division 1 duly filled in, together with the crossed cheque or the treasury receipt in original obtained on payment of the prescribed fees and expenses specified above may be forwarded to the office of the Chief inspector of boilers , Orissa/Inspector of Boilers, in order that the necessary inspection may be made.
Dated at……………………………………...
This ………………… of …………….19 Chief Inspector of Boilers, Orissa
This is to certify that Rupees Paise have been deposited in
Treasury as per receipt No…………………….Dated………………………19 on account of the inspection of the boiler above named.
Dated at……………………………………...
This ………………… of …………….19 Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers, Orissa, Inspector of Boilers ,Orissa
Form B No. 2
1 / Registered No. of boiler2 / Description and material when and
where made
3 / Repairs and alteration since last
4 / Purpose for which used
5 / Boiler rating
6 / Date of last hydraulic test and
pressure applied.
7 / Date of inspection
8 / Limit of working pressure of boiler
in pounds per square inch.
9 / Date of last hydraulic test of steam
I hereby declare viz-
(1) That the above named boiler was duly inspected by me on the …… ……….…..19
and found to be in accordance with the rules and requirements of the Indian Boiler
Act, 1923 (Act V of 1923)
(2) That the boiler with attached steam pipes is in-charge of a competent person
and is not so exposed as to be dangerous.
(3) That the said boiler will, in my judgment, be safe for a period of …………………
months, at a working pressure, which is on no account to exceed the pressure stated in
column 8 of this form.
Dated at………………………………
This ………………….…day of …………………….19
Inspector of Boilers, Orissa
OGP(Forms) 109—3,000-29-10-1993