Liverpool Film Night 2016
Submission Form
Deadline: Wednesday 19 October
Screening at FACT: Wednesday 23 November
Liverpool Film Night is an annual event for filmmakers in Merseyside that sets out to discover and showcase the best local talent producing film in the region.
Filmmakers working in any medium are invited to submit their films for consideration. The film must have been made within the last 18 months and are advised to be between five and ten minutes in length, unfortunately films longer than 15 minutes will not be eligible.
All genres are welcome: drama, comedy, animation, documentary, experimental or horror.
Selected films will be screened in the main cinema at FACT on Wednesday 23 November. Filmmakers of the selected films will receive a free ticket, and the event includes an opportunity to meet and network with filmmakers from the region and members of our panel, who work in the film industry,
How Do I Enter?
Please read the guidelines and rules for submissions before completing the submission form, which you should send with your film to by Wednesday 19 October.
Please share your submission with us online via Vimeo (option set to download) and include the URL and password in the email if necessary, or alternatively, you may send via Dropbox or WeTransfer.
Please ensure all submissions are encoded in mp4 or H.264 and in HD, if your film is shot in HD.For further instructions please watch the following short film:
Rules for Submission
· Running times of films must be 15 minutes or less
· Entrants must be aged 16 and over
· Entrants must not infringe copyright but should have permission for any music or images they have used that are not their own
· Films must be submitted by Vimeo, Dropbox or WeTransfer in HD, mp4 or aH.264 with a minimum bit rate of 5,000.Kbps
· Entrants may enter more than one film, but must complete one entry form for each film submitted
· Entrants must reside within the Merseyside Region, or the film must be made in the Merseyside region
· Entrants must gain permissions to use images of actors at the screening and also for marketing purposes
· Submissions must have been produced within the last 18 months
· Entrants must also send at least one film still to to accompany their submission. Images should be hi-res .jpeg or .tiff files
· Films must be submitted by Wednesday 19 October. Submissions made after this date will not be considered
About You
Name (or group):Date of Birth (if applicable):
Contact Number:
Email Address: / ( ) Tick here if you’d like to join our FACT mailing list
Personal Statement (no more than 250 words)
About Your Film
Title:Aspect Ratio:
Running Time:
Principle Cast & Crew Credits:
Did you make this film? / [ ] Independently
[ ] With a production company/organisation
Did you have a budget for this film? / [ ] Yes
[ ] No
Does your film have a film certificate? / [ ] Yes
[ ] No
If no to the above, does it contain scenes of a violent or sexual nature? / [ ] Yes
[ ] No
Two-sentence synopsis of film:
Terms & Conditions
· The decision of the judge is final
· FACT cannot engage in a dialogue regarding any specific application, nor can we offer feedback to unsuccessful applicants
· Notification of the jury's decision will be in writing via email
· The applicant gives permission for the supplied materials to be archived by FACT for research purposes only
I authorise free reproduction of stills and clips under three minutes in length or 10 % of the total length of the film for all publicity, in accordance with a short film festival code of ethics. I confirm that my submission is my own work, and that I have copyright permission for any material, including music, produced by others.
I have read the guidelines and agree to them.
FILMMAKER’S AGREEMENT I have read the guidelines and my film complies with them.
What happens next?
Recipients whose films have been selected will be informed via email at least two weeks before the screening date. Please do not enquire about the shortlisting decisions before then.
Please note: we are unable to engage in a dialogue with filmmakers about their films during the selection process, and are unable to give feedback on individual applications.
If you’ve got any questions about how to enter, please contact