Budgeting: Sample Budget


Sample budget

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget

2010-11 General Fund Budget
Expenditure Summary by Program /
Program / 2008-2009
Actual / 2009-10 Budgeted / 2009-10 Estimate / 2010-11
Adopted /
Legislative / $ 287,476.00 / $ 180,509.00 / $ 199,898.00 / $ 171,896.00
Judicial Administration / $ 611,412.00 / $ 690,811.00 / $ 748,574.00 / $ 712,248.00
Electoral Board / $ 106,961.00 / $ 110,911.00 / $ 110,911.00 / $ 120,554.00
General and Financial / $ 3,614,203.00 / $ 3,788,721.00 / $ 4,104,959.00 / $ 4,080,739.00
Police Department / $ 5,399,544.00 / $ 5,764,816.00 / $ 5,784,736.00 / $ 5,951,376.00
Fire and Rescue / $ 4,465,291.00 / $ 4,563,386.00 / $ 4,585,986.00 / $ 4,766,286.00
Public Works / $ 5,146,211.00 / $ 5,224,890.00 / $ 5,334,469.00 / $ 5,473,601.00
Social Services / $ 2,567,567.00 / $ 2,769,463.00 / $ 2,816,877.00 / $ 2,899,128.00
Culture and Recreation / $ 1,837,180.00 / $ 1,901,847.00 / $ 2,061,903.00 / $ 2,212,978.00
Community Development and Planning / $ 613,750.00 / $ 563,729.00 / $ 593,906.00 / $ 622,256.00
Debt Service / $ 0.00 / $ 956,717.00 / $ 956,717.00 / $ 1,176,360.00
Education / $ 16,393,161.00 / $ 16,487,884.00 / $ 17,613,719.00 / $ 17,723,928.00
Non-Departmental / $ 4,208,783.00 / $ 2,273,096.00 / $ 2,213,328.00 / $ 3,101,381.00
Total / $ 45,251,539.00 / $ 45,276,780.00 / $ 47,125,983.00 / $ 49,012,731.00

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget

Program / 2009-10
Budget / % of Total / 2010-11
Adopted / % of Total / % Change /
Salaries and Benefits / $ 17,106,377.00 / 37.8% / $ 17,756,075.00 / 36.2% / 3.8%
Supplies and Materials / $ 1,276,583.00 / 2.8% / $ 1,317,547.00 / 2.7% / 3.2%
Services and Charges / $ 23,293,363.00 / 51.4% / $ 25,411,562.00 / 51.8% / 9.1%
City Schools / $ 15,520,000.00 / 34.3% / $ 16,950,000.00 / 34.6% / 9.2%
City - Other / $ 3,063,371.00 / 6.8% / $ 3,306,708.00 / 6.7% / 7.9%
Other Costs / $ 4,709,992.00 / 10.4% / $ 5,154,854.00 / 10.5% / 9.4%
Debt Service / $ 1,456,485.00 / 3.2% / $ 1,671,640.00 / 3.4% / 14.8%
Capital Outlay - Replacement / $ 188,627.00 / 0.4% / $ 193,702.00 / 0.4% / 2.7%
Capital Outlay / $ 1,959,281.00 / 4.3% / $ 2,780,389.00 / 5.7% / 41.9%
Transit Fund Transfer / $ 676,992.00 / 1.5% / $ 569,380.00 / 1.2% / 15.90%
Subtotal / $ 45,957,708.00 / 101.40% / $ 49,700,295.00 / 101.40% / 8.51%
Water and Sewer Reimbursement / $ (680,928.00) / 1.5% / $ (687,564.00) / 1.40% / 1.0%
Total / $ 45,276,780.00 / 100.0% / $ 49,012,731.00 / 100.0% / 8.3%

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget

2010-11General Fund Budget
Expenditure Summary /
Account Number / Account Title / 2008-09
Actual / 2009-10 Budgeted / 2009-10 Estimate / 2010-11 Adopted /
411010 / City Council / $ 164,036.00 / $ 44,640.00 / $ 63,715.00 / $ 44,613.00
411020 / City Clerk / $ 123,440.00 / $ 135,869.00 / $ 136,183.00 / $ 127,283.00
Total / $ 287,476.00 / $ 180,509.00 / $ 199,898.00 / $ 171,896.00
Judicial Administration
413010 / General District Court / $ 20,134.00 / $ 25,100.00 / $ 25,100.00 / $ 25,100.00
413020 / Joint Court / $ 197,271.00 / $ 269,234.00 / $ 289,328.00 / $ 243,778.00
413030 / Jail & Custody / $ 394,007.00 / $ 396,477.00 / $ 434,146.00 / $ 443,370.00
Total / $ 611,412.00 / $ 690,811.00 / $ 748,574.00 / $ 712,248.00
Electoral Board
414050 / Electoral Board / $ 106,961.00 / $ 110,911.00 / $ 110,911.00 / $ 120,554.00
General and Financial
415010 / City Manager / $ 226,579.00 / $ 239,147.00 / $ 240,797.00 / $ 248,047.00
415020 / City Attorney / $ 333,651.00 / $ 214,408.00 / $ 280,408.00 / $ 284,252.00
415030 / Audit / $ 27,080.00 / $ 33,210.00 / $ 33,210.00 / $ 34,050.00
415040 / Treasurer / $ 303,399.00 / $ 307,023.00 / $ 328,806.00 / $ 325,358.00
415050 / Commissioner of Revenue / $ 444,387.00 / $ 471,585.00 / $ 477,606.00 / $ 524,235.00
415210 / Economic Development / $ 368,513.00 / $ 343,768.00 / $ 555,518.00 / $ 424,182.00
415220 / Personnel / $ 229,237.00 / $ 241,308.00 / $ 241,308.00 / $ 265,827.00
415230 / Community Relations / $ 222,978.00 / $ 202,133.00 / $ 202,111.00 / $ 206,557.00
415240 / Cable TV / $ 41,831.00 / $ 54,311.00 / $ 61,411.00 / $ 55,474.00
415250 / Data Processing / $ 224,371.00 / $ 412,715.00 / $ 431,772.00 / $ 403,010.00
415260 / Printing and Office Supplies / $ 208,632.00 / $ 229,982.00 / $ 230,414.00 / $ 232,597.00
415270 / Motor Pool / $ (1.00) / $ (19,157.00) / $ (36,691.00) / $ (14,636.00)
415280 / Telephone / $ 135,743.00 / $ 119,699.00 / $ 119,700.00 / $ 119,699.00
415410 / Finance / $ 360,498.00 / $ 363,204.00 / $ 363,204.00 / $ 382,727.00
415420 / Real Estate / $ 193,494.00 / $ 188,936.00 / $ 188,936.00 / $ 202,975.00
415430 / Risk Management / $ 296,811.00 / $ 386,449.00 / $ 386,449.00 / $ 386,385.00
Total / $ 3,617,203.00 / $ 3,788,721.00 / $ 4,104,959.00 / $ 4,080,739.00
421010 / Police Administration / $ 1,247,100.00 / $ 526,733.00 / $ 527,112.00 / $ 512,843.00
421020 / Technical Services / $ 1,011,663.00 / $ 1,858,539.00 / $ 1,861,342.00 / $ 1,941,783.00
421030 / Field Operations / $ 3,140,781.00 / $ 3,379,544.00 / $ 3,396,282.00 / $ 3,496,750.00
Total / $ 5,399,544.00 / $ 5,764,816.00 / $ 5,784,736.00 / $ 5,951,376.00
Fire and Rescue
422010 / Fire and Rescue Administration / $ 300,125.00 / $ 318,882.00 / $ 344,193.00 / $ 326,420.00
422020 / Fire Suppression / $ 2,691,137.00 / $ 2,773,250.00 / $ 2,757,580.00 / $ 2,934,050.00
422030 / EMS / $ 814,466.00 / $ 814,643.00 / $ 808,197.00 / $ 850,025.00
422040 / Code Enforcement / $ 650,563.00 / $ 656,611.00 / $ 676,016.00 / $ 655,791.00
Total / $ 4,456,291.00 / $ 4,563,386.00 / $ 4,585,986.00 / $ 4,766,286.00
Public Safety Total / $ 9,855,835.00 / $ 10,328,202.00 / $ 10,370,722.00 / $ 10,717,662.00
Public Works
431110 / Highways / $ 1,060,581.00 / $ 1,127,947.00 / $ 1,127,947.00 / $ 1,170,908.00
431120 / Snow Removal / $ 200,485.00 / $ 87,827.00 / $ 87,827.00 / $ 88,376.00
431130 / Storm Drainage / $ 374,225.00 / $ 393,985.00 / $ 395,080.00 / $ 407,341.00
431140 / Sign and Signal / $ 757,380.00 / $ 808,386.00 / $ 779,261.00 / $ 777,608.00
431210 / Refuse Collection / $ 1,206,193.00 / $ 1,262,903.00 / $ 1,348,325.00 / $ 1,413,736.00
431310 / Building Maintenance / $ 500,770.00 / $ 488,252.00 / $ 524,869.00 / $ 492,081.00
431320 / R.O.W. and Grounds / $ 591,943.00 / $ 595,435.00 / $ 629,435.00 / $ 645,938.00
431410 / Administration / $ 410,938.00 / $ 411,793.00 / $ 392,552.00 / $ 428,334.00
431510 / County Agent / $ 43,696.00 / $ 48,362.00 / $ 49,173.00 / $ 49,279.00
Total / $ 5,146,211.00 / $ 5,224,890.00 / $ 5,334,469.00 / $ 5,473,601.00
Social Services
441010 / Health / $ 402,098.00 / $ 421,135.00 / $ 457,399.00 / $ 458,380.00
444010 / Comm. for Women / $ 593.00 / $ 1,950.00 / $ 1,950.00 / $ 1,750.00
444020 / Comm. Serv. Board / $ 873,320.00 / $ 974,861.00 / $ 974,861.00 / $ 1,037,206.00
444040 / Tax Relief / $ 117,280.00 / $ 110,000.00 / $ 121,150.00 / $ 126,000.00
444050 / Social Services / $ 1,123,831.00 / $ 1,202,346.00 / $ 1,202,346.00 / $ 1,214,803.00
444080 / Human Services Coordinator / $ 50,445.00 / $ 59,171.00 / $ 59,171.00 / $ 60,989.00
Total / $ 2,567,567.00 / $ 2,769,463.00 / $ 2,816,877.00 / $ 2,899,128.00
Culture and Recreation
451010 / Administration / $ 679,171.00 / $ 655,687.00 / $ 667,803.00 / $ 712,599.00
451020 / Special Events / $ 156,610.00 / $ 192,608.00 / $ 202,197.00 / $ 264,494.00
451040 / Park/Ballfield Maintenance / $ 491,903.00 / $ 538,569.00 / $ 546,926.00 / $ 580,649.00
451050 / Old Town Hall / $ 38,984.00 / $ 44,166.00 / $ 44,166.00 / $ 53,138.00
455010 / Library / $ 470,512.00 / $ 470,817.00 / $ 600,811.00 / $ 602,098.00
Total / $ 1,837,180.00 / $ 1,901,847.00 / $ 2,061,903.00 / $ 2,212,978.00
Planning and Community Development
461010 / Planning / $ 357,146.00 / $ 325,300.00 / $ 354,295.00 / $ 351,324.00
461020 / Community Development / $ 256,604.00 / $ 238,429.00 / $ 239,611.00 / $ 270,932.00
Total / $ 613,750.00 / $ 563,729.00 / $ 593,906.00 / $ 622,256.00
Debt Service
470010 / General Debt / $ 0.00 / $ 956,717.00 / $ 956,717.00 / $ 1,176,360.00
481010 / School Board / $ 289,581.00 / $ 269,306.00 / $ 279,306.00 / $ 217,050.00
481020 / Tuition / $ 15,526,731.00 / $ 15,520,000.00 / $ 16,600,000.00 / $ 16,950,000.00
481040 / Fixed Charges / $ 20,000.00 / $ 20,000.00 / $ 20,000.00 / $ 20,000.00
481050 / Capital Outlay / $ 16,268.00 / $ 187,000.00 / $ 222,835.00 / $ 45,300.00
481090 / School Debt / $ 540,581.00 / $ 491,578.00 / $ 491,578.00 / $ 491,578.00
Total / $ 16,393,161.00 / $ 16,487,884.00 / $ 17,613,719.00 / $ 17,723,928.00
490020 / Cost of Living / $ 0.00 / $ (125,000.00) / $ (125,000.00) / $ (222,969.00)
490030 / Contingent Reserve / $ 0.00 / $ 65,000.00 / $ 18,400.00 / $ 150,000.00
490040 / Capital Budget / $ 3,285,381.00 / $ 1,448,265.00 / $ 1,465,297.00 / $ 2,436,698.00
490050 / Transit Fund / $ 714,229.00 / $ 676,992.00 / $ 646,792.00 / $ 569,380.00
490090 / Regional Agencies / $ 116,573.00 / $ 118,103.00 / $ 118,103.00 / $ 110,054.00
499970 / Interest on Leases / $ 18,307.00 / $ 12,690.00 / $ 12,690.00 / $ 8,202.00
499990 / Uses from Leases / $ 74,293.00 / $ 77,046.00 / $ 77,046.00 / $ 50,016.00
Total / $ 4,208,783.00 / $ 2,273,096.00 / $ 2,213,328.00 / $ 3,101,381.00
Grand Total / $ 45,245,539.00 / $ 45,276,780.00 / $ 47,125,983.00 / $ 49,012,731.00

Judicial Administration

Joint Court Service

Jail and Custody Service

City of Fairfax, Virginia

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget

FUNCTION: Administration of Justice

DEPARTMENT: Joint Court Service



This account, which has decreased $25,456 (9.5%), provides, through a contract with Fairfax County, for the City’s share of the Circuit Court, Clerk of the Court, Commonwealth’s Attorney, and the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. The FY 2010-11 budget amount is based on the

FY 2010-11 County budget. Debt service principal is fixed dollar amount with debt service

interest gradually declining.


The Joint Court Service provides a number of different administration of justice activities provided by the County of Fairfax, and paid for on a contractual basis based on population.


To ensure effective, fair Court services for City of Fairfax residents.


Monitor effectiveness of court programs

Evaluate provisions of contract agreement and payments


Circuit Court

Felony cases

Civil cases

Appealed cases

Juvenile and Domestic Relations

Juvenile cases

Custody cases

Vigilance cases

Clerk of the Court

Official function

Recording legal documents


Court attendance

Commonwealth Attorney

Prosecution of felonies


Circuit court revenues - $8,000

Juvenile Court - $15,000

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget

Cost Center 413020: Joint Court Service /
Title / Last Year
Actual / Current Year Original Budget / Current Year Revised Budget / Budget Year Adopted /
Other Services and Charges / $ 177,539.00 / $ 222,621.00 / $ 242,715.00 / $ 243,778.00
Debt Service / $ 19,732.00 / $ 46,613.00 / $ 46,613.00 / $ 0.00
Cost Center Total / $ 197,271.00 / $ 269,234.00 / $ 289,328.00 / $ 243,778.00

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget

FUNCTION: Administration of Justice

DEPARTMENT: Jail and Custody Service



This account shows an increase of $46,893 (11.8%) from the amount budgeted last year. The

FY 2010-11 amount is based on the FY 2010-11 County budget.


All jail and custody service is provided through a contractual agreement with Fairfax County. Under the arrangement of law enforcement as set forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Sheriff is a Constitutional Officer who has enforcement jurisdiction in both criminal and civil matters in the County and City of Fairfax.


To provide jail and custody service in support of law enforcement functions.


Ensure a safe court environment for all participants

Maintain both the integrity of the court process ad courtroom decorum

Transport prisoners throughout the State

Operate the Adult Detention Center of Fairfax County


·  Detention facilities

·  Transportation of prisoners

·  Courtroom enforcement

·  Bailiffs for the various courts

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget

Cost Center 413030: Jail and Custody Service /
Title / Last Year
Actual / Current Year Original Budget / Current Year Revised Budget / Budget Year Adopted /
Other Services and Charges / $ 386,931.00 / $ 390,037.00 / $ 427,706.00 / $ 443,370.00
Debt Service / $ 7,076.00 / $ 6,440.00 / $ 6,440.00 / $ 0.00
Cost Center Total / $ 394,007.00 / $ 396,477.00 / $ 434,146.00 / $ 443,370.00

ã Falmouth Institute


Budgeting: Sample Budget