1 Elementary School
K-8 Enrollment 104
Allensworth is located at the southern end of TulareCounty. It is about forty-eight miles south of Visalia, and forty-eight miles north of Bakersfield. The district has an enrollment of 104 K-8 students for the 2007-2008 school year as indicated by the 2007 CBEDS. Ten of these students were inter-district transfers from neighboring schools.
School Mission
“We will provide the best education possible to all students in a safe and effective environment”
We envision a system in which all students perform at their maximum potential, where differences of language, culture, economics, and abilities are celebrated and become sources of strength for our students. The system is designed to be successful due to the fact that people, parents, and the community work together to plan and to implement high quality education programs. A system that does whatever it takes to assure that every student is actively engaged in learning in school and throughout a productive lifetime. Our system will accomplish what the public demands and deserves; students who have mastered basic and expanded curricula and who are actively engaged as productive citizens.
1 Elementary School
1Junior/Senior High School
1 Continuation School
K-12 Enrollment 340
Welcome to AlpaughElementary School, where we have made huge strides toward improving student achievement. In the 2005–2006 school year our Academic Performance Index (API) rose 80 points. This was the result of hard work and determination on the part of the staff andstudents. This improvement is also due to the intensive teacher training inbasic instruction techniques that the district provided. Staff developmentalso emphasized better planning, teaching to the California Content
Standards, using the Edusoft data management program to develop assessment tests, and placing students in core groups that rotated amongteachers who were specifically trained in either language arts or math.
The district made several key hires this year. We have a newsuperintendent who has a successful background in the area of schoolimprovement. The district also hired a curriculum and instructiondirector to help with the learning process and data analysis. Thisindividual also served as an instructional coach.
Parents and community members are an important part of our students’ educational plans, and your participation on our campus is greatlyappreciated. The AlpaughElementary School staff looks forward toworking with you and our students on a new year of academic success.
Major Achievements
• Our API increased from 497 points to 577 points in 2005–2006. We are implementing programs and
practices to significantly improve student test scores again this year. The students have responded well,
and there has been a dramatic and positive shift in school climate.
• The Tulare County Office of Education assisted our staff in creating a school improvement plan that is
serving as a template for the current school year. We have also hired Gail Robinette and Associates to
provide additional support, training, and analysis of Alpaugh Elementary.
• We continue to offer students after-school tutorial programs to assist them in core subject areas.
1 Elementary Schools
K-8 Enrollment 518
AltaVistaSchool was founded in 1910. The school is in Porterville, CA. The land where the school is located was part of the Tule River Indian Reservation, originally established in 1857. Indians from a widespread area were brought here. The natives of this vicinity were the Koyeti Tribe toward the west, and the Yaudanchi Tribe toward the east. Both were branches of the Yokuts Indians that occupied the San JoaquinValley. The Tule Indian Reservation was moved to its present location 10 miles South-East in 1873.
Mission Statement
Alta Vista puts forth its personal best to foster community-wide literacy, academic success, character development, community involvement and life long learning.
School Priorities
Alta Vista puts forth its personal best to foster community-wide literacy, academic success, character development, community involvement and life long learning.
1 Elementary School
K-8 Enrollment 204
2006 API: 756
EnrollmentKindergarten / 17
Grade 1 / 20
Grade 2 / 22
Grade 3 / 24
Grade 4 / 18
Grade 5 / 25
Grade 6 / 26
Grade 7 / 22
Grade 8 / 30
Total / 204
Location is one of Tulare’s best assets. The city is situated in the CentralSan JoaquinValley along Highway 99, 45 miles south of Fresno and 60 miles north of Bakersfield. Our mid-state location benefits businesses needing same-day access to key California markets as well as residents seeking recreational opportunities in the beautiful Sierra NevadaMountains to the east and the spectacular California coastline to the west.
Agriculture remains the lifeblood of the local economy and Tulare sits in the heart of some of the most productive farmland in the world. The strategic location makes Tulare very attractive to food processors and distributors because of the central location and abundant supply of locally grown products.
4 Elementary Schools
1 Middle School
1K-12 School
K-12 Enrollment 3,379
Welcome to the BurtonSchool District! Located in Porterville, in the heart of California's San JoaquinValley, we are comprised of six schools: BurtonElementary School, OakGroveElementary School, Buckley Elementary (a 2002 DistinguishedSchool), JimMaplesAcademy, BurtonMiddle School, and our newest campus, SummitCharterAcademy, which opened its doors in August, 2005.
The BurtonSchool District is located on the west side of Porterville (population 44,496) in rural TulareCounty, the heart of the San JoaquinValley. We serve approximately 3,350 students in grades K-8. Our students are a very diverse group, approximating 49% Hispanic, 42% White, 4% Filipino, 3% Asian, and 2% Black, American Indian, or Pacific Islander. More detailed information is available in the latest Burton School District Report to the Community, as well as in the School Accountability Report Cards found on each school's website
The BurtonSchool District is to be a place where students feel safe and welcome; where students are enthusiastic about their academic responsibilities; where students are actively involved not only in their studies but in those activities designed to enrich their lives and to encourage participation in the adult world. The BurtonSchool District is to be a place where excellence is stressed, both in academics as well as in all aspects of life. In our district, each student is recognized as a special person who can make valuable contribution to our future world
1 Elementary School
K-6 Enrollment 55
Porterville is the gateway to the parks for Southern California. The City has been designated as an Enterprise Zone and a RecyclingMarketDevelopmentZoneCity. The City was incorporated on May 7, 1902, and uses a Council/Manager form of Government. In June of 1994, Porterville was the only city in California to be selected for the prestigious All America City Award by the National Civic League.
1 Elementary School
K-8 Enrollment 199
ColumbineSchool, a district, is located approximately four miles northeast of Delano in rural southern Tulare county in the San JoaquinValley.Delano's current population is approximately 49,000 people. Columbine had 199 students Kindergarten through eighth grade. The student body is composed of approximately 69% Hispanic, 20% White, 6% Asian, 3.5% Filipino, and 1.5% African American. There are 40 students attending Columbine that reside in the district. The other 159 students attend the school with inter-district agreements from Delano, Earlimart, Richgrove, and Pixley. 37% of the students in grades 2-8 are in the socio-economically disadvantaged category. 5% of these students are English language learners and 1% of them have a learning disability.
District Profile
We, the ColumbineSchool District, believe that all students can be successful and should become caring, productive members of society. We strive to create a desire for life long learning in all of our pupils.
Enormous effort is extended by our staff and community to provide a safe and caring environment. In order to provide this atmosphere, students must keep their behavior within limits and show respect for others.
4 Elementary Schools
1 Junior High School
1High School
1 Alternative School
2 Continuation School
1 Community Day School
K-12 Enrollment 4,058
The Cutler-OrosiJointUnifiedSchool District expects each and every student to meet all State Curriculum Standards and graduate with a High School Diploma. In order to meet this goal we need to work together to meet our district mission of “working together to develop character and academic excellence in a safe, supportive environment.” The Formula For Success takes into account the most up-to-date research and information on what it takes to get all students to achieve and meet their highest potential. As a district, we believe in continuous improvement. We have take the following steps to assure that we are providing every student with the greatest opportunity to learn:
1. Collaboration – We believe that by working together and sharing ideas on how to improve instruction, we can be more effective. We have set aside every Wednesday morning throughout the school year for teachers to meet, review achievement data, and discuss ways to improve student learning.
2. Use of Data – We believe that regular assessment of student learning can provide us with insight to ways to improve that learning. We use a data management system that permits each teacher, grade level and school to review student achievement and monitor improvement over time.
3. Assessment – We believe that by regular assessment of student learning we can determine whether our programs and instruction are supporting student learning. We have established specific student achievement goals that are monitored each month to improve instruction to meet individual student learning.
6 Elementary Schools
1 Middle School
1 High School
1 Continuation School
1 Alternative School
K-12 Enrollment 5,746
The DinubaUnifiedSchool District consists of five elementary schools that serve grades K - 5, one sixth grade academy, one intermediate school, one high school, an alternative high school, an adult school and an adult independent study program for a total of approximately 5700 students. Four of the school sites have been awarded the title of CaliforniaDistinguishedSchool by the State of California Department of Education. They are Lincoln and JeffersonElementary Schools, DinubaHigh School and Sierra VistaContinuationSchool. Community and staff are dedicated and committed to excellence in education and working to meet the diverse needs of all students. Dinuba schools are safe, uncrowded, and their quality is high. This is an advantage that truly benefits everyone.
Parents participate actively in district committees, parent-teacher organizations, fund raising activities and volunteer programs. School Based Coordinated Programs (SBCP), School Improvement Programs (SIP), Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), Special Education, Performing Arts, Science and Conservation (SCICON), Regional Occupation Program (TCOVE), and Migrant Education are among the programs available within the district. The district offers after-school and summer programs for both intervention and enrichment purposes.
Mission Statement
Empowering each student to succeed in life.
Vision Statement
Students grow in capacity to think critically, accept change, and solve problems through real world applications in our complex society.
Students develop and fulfill a meaningful personalized learning plan that is supported by parents and the community. Caring and committed educators serve to guide and help motivate students to accomplish their unique potential. In this environment students achieve at the highest levels in academics, activities, arts, and athletics.
Serving a vibrant, diverse community, we value and invest in lifelong success for all. Students exhibit ethical characteristics and become contributing citizens that connect and unite a global society.
1 Elementary School
K-8 Enrollment 176
Ducor is located south of Porterville along Hwy. 65. This agricultural region is known primarily for citrus and grapes.
176 students attended Ducor Union Elementary in the 2003-2004 school year. There were 7 teachers on staff, giving Ducor Union Elementary a student-teacher ratio of 25.1.
Kindergarten - 20 Students
1st Grade - 18 Students
2nd Grade - 15 Students
3rd Grade - 21 Students
4th Grade - 10 Students
5th Grade - 19 Students
6th Grade - 28 Students
7th Grade - 18 Students
8th Grade - 23 Students
Latino - 79.7%
White - 11.6%
Asian - 1.7%
2 Elementary Schools
1 Middle School
1 Community Day School
K-8 Enrollment 2,015
Welcome to EarlimartSchool District. We are located in the Southern Tulare County, withfour schools serving the surrounding area with classes for children from grades K through 8th.
Earlimart Elementary School District educates approximately 2,015 students at three schools (Earlimart Elementary, K-2, Alila Intermediate, 3-5, Earlimart Middle School, 6-8), and the Earlimart Community Day School. The District returned to a semi-traditional single-track calendar for the 2001/02 school year with the opening of the new AlilaIntermediateSchool site.
The EarlimartSchool District believes that developing full literacy is the right of every student and the responsibility of every educator. It is our mission to guarantee that every one of our students develops, and sustains, superior literacy skills that will allow her/him to reach full potential and become a successful contributing member of a global society
Every student will be able to:
- Read with skill, proficiency and understanding and will be able to effectively analyze, interpret and apply the information gained through reading in a variety of situations.
- Use reading for enjoyment and pleasure, as well as to gain knowledge and information.
- Effectively and creatively use writing to express themselves in a number of genres, formats and situations.
- Use and understand oral language in proficient and dynamic manner and develop strong listening skills.
1 Elementary Schools
1 Middle School
1High School
1 Continuation School
1 Community Day School
1 Alternative
K-12 Enrollment 3,086
In Exeter Public Schools, we are dedicated to academic excellence and equality in education. A rapidly changing world, higher academic standards partnered with greater accountability, and increased demands for greater technological skills require that we continually change and grow. However, one thing remains unchanged: our commitment to deliver rigorous educational programs within a supportive environment that promotes the academic, physical, personal, and social growth of each student. High quality, caring teachers and staff, a supportive community, and leaders who plan for the future still make a positive difference in the lives of our students. As Superintendent of the Exeter Union and Exeter Union High School Districts, it is my charge to guarantee that the Districts remain centered on quality education and services to our students and community. We are making significant progress; however, we must continue to improve in order to meet our expectations and the expectations of our community. We understand the importance of planning, inquiry, and futuristic thinking.
3 Elementary Schools
1 Middle School
1High School
1 Continuation School
K-12 Enrollment 2,405
Mission Statement
FarmersvilleUnifiedSchool District is committed to improving education through the use of technology. It is the intent of FarmersvilleUnifiedSchool District to make technologies an integral part of the District’s curriculum and operations. The District will ensure that tools of technology become an expected and routine part of the education of our students, staff, parents and the community.
1 Elementary School
K-8 Enrollment 144
HopeElementary School is located in southeastern TulareCounty near Porterville, with six teachers employed to serve 140 students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. Although our school is located in an agricultural setting, less than half of the families are employed in agriculture. Our enrollment continues to steadily increase and our current demographic makeup is 54% Hispanic or Latino background, 40% Caucasian, and 6% other ethnic background. 58% of our student population is considered to be socio-economically disadvantaged and 41% are currently receiving free or reduced lunch
HopeElementary School represents a long tradition of excellence in education dating back to 1892. Several generational families have been educated at our school and graduates remain active in our school community for many years to follow. Our eighth grade graduates typically attend PortervilleHigh School. Due to the long-term successful learning relationships established with our staff while attending Hope, we enjoy continued association with these students during their high school and college years, and beyond.
HopeElementary School offers a comprehensive, standards-based curriculum, promotes extracurricular activity and enrichment, and hosts an after school program geared at fostering good character and social skills, while strengthening academic abilities. Our school is pleased to offer an exceptional music program and a competitive sports program.
The purpose of education at HopeElementary School is to provide a system of educational opportunities through involvement, relevance and thinking skills. Students are equipped to be lifelong learners, self-motivated and successful.
Our small size provides a family atmosphere between students and staff, with a climate of care and concern carried throughout the HopeSchool experience.
2 Elementary Schools
K-8 Enrollment 25
Hot SpringsSchool is located 32 miles southeast of Porterville and 63 miles northeast of Bakersfield. At an elevation of 3,500 feet, just below the SequoiaTreeMonument’s western boundary, Hot SpringsSchool is a rural school with a student population of 25. The vision of Hot SpringsSchool is to make steady, sustained progress toward academic excellence. We teach to build foundations for future learning and academic growth. While our primary function is to academically educate, we also would like to equip our students with moral and emotional stability and integrity with a stimulated interest in education and world around. Hot SpringsSchool uses a child-centered, self-motivating approach to create active learners. Due to our small student to staff ratio, our district is able to provide “individualized program instruction” for every student. Thereby enabling every student to progress at his or her own individual rate. (i.e.-a 4th grade student may be able to work at a 5th grade level at any particular subject). A high value is placed on enhancing a child’s positive self-image and development of self-discipline and self-motivation.