Project Contact:
Grant Period: / July 2014 – January 2015
If your project has received online publicity, please provide links to those content pages:
Social Media Page:Website:
Midterm Project Report Narrative: The sections below detail the information you are to include with your midterm report.
- Activities: Your original grant proposal detailed a timeline of anticipated project activities. Please provide a progress update on project activities that have occurred through this midterm portion of the grant period.
If significant adjustments need to be made to your program or if the project will be implemented differently than outlined in your original proposal, please describe proposedamendments.
Changes in project budgets require prior approval and an official amendment request.
Status of Proposed Project Activities: Please list project timeline activities by month and identify current activity status and outputs.(You may overwrite the examples provided as guidance.)
EXAMPLE: Planning meeting will be held with community partners / Completed – 1/22/14 / 15 people attended representing 4 organizations
FEBRUARY / Current Status of Activity / * Achieved Project Output
EXAMPLE: Volunteers will participate in park-cleanup event / Completed – 2/28/14 / 12 individuals volunteered for a total of 36 hours of in-kind labor
EXAMPLE: Host community forum to gain additional input from citizens / Postponed until 4/7/14 due to scheduling conflicts / 52 community leaders have received invitations to attend
MARCH / Current Status of Activity / * Achieved Project Output
EXAMPLE: Site survey will be conducted with hired consultant / In-Progress: On Schedule to be completed by 5/1/14 / TBD
* Project Outputs:Project outputs measure how many individuals, organizations, or communities participated in project activities. The output must contain a number. Please report on your project outputs using the format provided.
- Issues Encountered: With reference to the activities and outputs identified above, please identify anyissues youhave encountered through this midterm portion of the grant period.
What assistance may Brushy Fork Institute provide to effectively address these issues?
- Project Successes:Please describe the highlights of your project thus far. If applicable, provide a brief anecdote that illustrates the effectiveness of project activities and grant funds.
- Looking Forward:Please describe the project timeline activities that will be completed in the second half of the grant period. This provides an opportunity for you to acknowledge any deviations from the original project proposal or explain delays or the inability to implement activities as originally proposed.
- Conclusions and Recommendations: This section provides an opportunity for you to add input on ways to improve grant processes or share advice with other grantees related to lessons learned or how to streamline and simplify reporting. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.
- Attachments:Attach any material that helps to describe your project and documents your progress or successes.
Past grantees have included such documentation as photographs, news clippings, visual media,web content, social media coverage, or other materials produced during project activities.
Midterm reports are due to Brushy Fork Institute by October 17, 2014.
You may email completed forms to Rodney Wolfenbarger at .
Please mail reimbursement requests with supporting documentation to:
c/o Rodney Wolfenbarger
CPO 2164
Berea College
Berea, KY 40404