Medford Township Elementary Band Program




The purpose of this handbook is to acquaint and inform all students and their parents/guardians with the instrumental music program available to students of the Medford Township Elementary Schools. Our goal is to help you to be more informed on how this program works as well as our expectations, policies, and performance schedules for the upcoming year.

A performing ensemble is only as successful as the level of commitment from each member. This is why all band students are expected to be hardworking, cooperative, and enthusiastic. Each member of the band, including the band’s director, must constantly work to improve the quality of his or her effort. Band students must have commitment and pride for their program and their school.

By taking the time to become familiar with the information contained in the next few pages, you will ensure that your membership and contribution to this band will be both rewarding and successful. We should all look forward to another successful year.

Weekly Lessons

All band students will be expected to attend a half hour band session each week. These lessons are the primary focus of your child’s instrumental experience. We organize the children into small groups thathelp us to focus on the individual needs of the young musician.

Everyone needs to be aware that the lessons are scheduledduring classroom instruction time. Band students will be missing a half-hour of class each week of which they are responsible for making up any missed work during that time. Lessons will be on a rotating schedule to keep them from missing the same subject week after week.

Students are expected to have their instruments in good working condition, lesson book(s), after-school band music, and a pencil at every lesson. Small group instruction includes drill of fundamentals and sectional rehearsal of band music. Homework consists of daily practice at home and occasional written assignments.

Band students will receive a copy of their schedule to keep at home. I will explain to the children how to read this schedule. If you could take a moment to glance through with your child to be sure they understand it, I would greatly appreciate it. Please post the schedule somewhere that you can see it. HELP your child remember the days he/she needs to bring his/her instrument and music to school. All classroom teachers will have a schedule posted in case your child forgets his or her time.

Weekly After School Band Rehearsals

Band rehearsals will begin in late winter. This is where all band students will come together to work on the music we are preparing for our Spring concert. Parents are responsible for transportation at the end of each rehearsal as busses are not provided. In the event of a carpool, we need a note from all parties involved giving permission for your children to leave with another adult.

Band Rehearsal Schedule

Allen: will meet every Thursday after school beginning in Februaryfrom dismissal time to 4:30 PM in the Allen Music Room.

Chairville:will meet everyWednesday after school startingJanuary 14from dismissal time to4:30PM in the Chairville Music Room.

Cranberry Pines: will meet everyThursday after school starting January15from dismissal time to4:00 PMin the Cranberry Pines Gym.

Kirby’s Mill: will meet every Thursday after school starting January22 from dismissal time to4:15PM in the Kirby’s MillMusic Room.

Taunton Forge: will meet everyTuesday after school beginning in Januaryfrom dismissal time to4:00 PMin the Taunton Forge Gym.

All students will be dismissed after all equipment has been put away. If you need to pick up a child early, please call and leave a message, send a note in the morning, or send an e-mail during the day to let us know.

Rehearsals are subject to cancellation in the event of:

  • Inclement weather (all after school activities are cancelled)
  • Half day schedules
  • Band teacher absence

Students are expected to attend all rehearsals. Please send a note if your child is attending school that day but will not be at after school band.

A dress rehearsal will be scheduled the day or two before a full concert. These rehearsals will be held during the school day and are required. Students will not need to stay after school however they will need their instruments on a day they do not usually have them. A note will be sent home prior to any dress rehearsal to notify you.

Concert Dates:

Allen: Thursday, May 28, 7 PM

Chairville: Thursday, May 7, 7 PM

Cranberry Pines:Tuesday, June 16, 7 PM

Kirby’s Mill: Thursday, June 4, 7 PM

Taunton Forge:Thursday, May 28, 7 PM

Concert Dress

Boys: White dress shirts or polo/golf shirts, black pants, socks and shoes. Please, no shorts, jeans, sneakers, or t-shirts.

Girls: White shirt or blouse, black pants or skirt (knee length or longer), and dressy shoes or sandals.

Please make note of all the above information before scheduling doctor’s appointments, haircuts, and CCD days. If avoidable, please do not schedule during a rehearsal or a concert. If your child is not absent from school, they are expected to attend after school band.


Lessons: Students are expected to attend all scheduled lessons. Students are only excused from lessons if absent from school or if they are on a field trip. The pace of the lessons moves quickly, therefore, missing one lesson may result in a student falling behind. If too many lessons are missed, the student will not be able to participate in the spring concert.

Rehearsals: Students are expected to attend all scheduled rehearsals. If a student has three unexcused absences, their participation in the concert will be held in question. Those students who cannot avoid a conflict with religious school will be dismissed from rehearsals a couple minutes early. In order for our concerts to be a great success, we must utilize this rehearsal time to put the music together and learn to play as a team.

Concerts: We have only one formal concert per year. The band works very hard in their lessons and rehearsals to put this music together for the performance. Every student needs to be in attendance and performing with their classmates.


Beginning band students should be practicing no less than 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week. This does not include their lesson time or their after school rehearsal time. Please help to monitor their practicing as well as positively encourage their growth on their instruments. We guarantee that should you follow these guidelines, you will hear the improvements.

Practice Logs

Students will find a weekly assignment and practice log chart on the inside front cover of their Essential Elements book. This practice log is required to be kept weekly and brought back signed by a parent. Students will be shown how to fill out the log in class and will be given some leeway the first few weeks of school as they learn the process. Please help your child to fill out the log and sign or initial the appropriate area.


In order students to be fully prepared for class they should arrive to their lessons on time with their instruments, their own music (do not count on your classmates to bring music for you), and a signed practice log. They should also be well rehearsed on the previous week’s assignment.


Students are expected to follow standard classroom etiquette. Students should show respect towards their fellow classmates and their belongings as well as that of their teachers. Should a student repeatedly disrupt lessons or rehearsals, he/she will be dismissed from the room, a phone call will be made to the parent and a note of the occurrence will be sent to the principal. We like to keep band a positive learning environment. We understand that the occasional occurrence will happen, however, we would like to keep this to a minimum.

Contact Information

Allen: Sue Gontowicz

609-654-4203 ext. 6114

Chairville: Dave Bell

609-654-9610 ext. 3017

Cranberry Pines: Rachel Smith

856-983-2861 ext. 4601

Kirby’s Mill: Mark Dishong

609-714-7014 ext. 3221

Taunton Forge:Peter Johnson

609-654-6723 ext. 5202

Local Music Stores

Music and Arts Center

Marlton Crossing Shopping Center

139 S. Rt. 73

Marlton, NJ 08053


NJ School of Music

10 Union St
Medford, NJ 08055
(609) 654-0060

You may rent or purchase from any company you wish. Medford Schools have an outstanding relationship with the Music and Arts Center and we highly recommend their services. If you wish to purchase an instrument, I ask that you consult me first before making the purchase. This way we can accommodate you for your needs as well as be sure the instrument is satisfactory for use.

Please return this page to your band teacher.

Band Contract

I have read over all of the information in the handbook and I have discussed it with my child. We both understand the commitment and dedication it takes to participate in the band.
