Yass, Boorowa and Upper Lachlan Landholder Grants Project
Training and funding opportunities that promote sustainable farming practices.
About the project
The aim of the project is to support our community to improve knowledge and skills in sustainable land management practices and to assist land managers in implementing on-ground practice change. Enclosed are details of the assistance that is available to individuals and groups within the local government areas of Yass Valley, Boorowa and Upper Lachlan. This project has been funded through the Australian Government.
About the funding
Apply now for support in the following:
Online StockPlan training
This online course will take you through preparing for drought and designing a Stock Confinement Feeding Facility/Stock Management Area (SCFF/SMA). Completion of this course is required (or recognised prior learning from undertaking StockPlan in the previous 5 years) to access funding for SCFF/SMAs. The course cost ($390) will be reimbursed to participants upon the successful completion of the course. Landholders who apply for this funding must wait until notified that their application has been accepted before undertaking training.
Stock Confinement Feeding Facility/Stock Management Areas
Previously known as drought lots, incentive funding is available for SCFF/SMAs up to $10,000. You must complete a StockPlan course or have completed Stockplan in the previous 5 years to be eligible for this funding. Funding is up to 50% of the total cost of the project including in-kind contributions.
Fencing for ground cover management, land capability and alternate water supply
Competitive on-ground works funding to implement improved ground cover management for those landholders who have undertaken grazing training and planning within the past 5 years. Funding is up to 50% of the total cost of the project including in-kind contributions to a maximum of $10,000 per property.
Farm planning training
Approved landholders can undertake their choice of a farm planning course up to a value of $400 prior to 30 June 2015. Upon successful completion of the course the cost of the course will be reimbursed to the landholder by South East Local Land Services. Landholders who apply for this funding must wait until notified that their application has been accepted before undertaking training.
Paddock trees
Limited funding is available for planting tree lanes, individual paddock trees at 30 metre intervals and/or tree clusters to connect patches of remnant vegetation. Individual paddock trees must be guarded with stock-proof guards. Funding is up to 50% of the total cost of the project including in-kind contributions to a maximum of $10,000 per property.
Riparian fencing
Limited funding is available for fencing off riparian areas. Alternate water supply and revegetation may be negotiated. Priority area is within the Blakney Creek and Jerrawa Creek sub-catchments. Funding is up to 50% of the total cost of the project including in-kind contributions to a maximum of $10 000 per property.
Expression of Interest 2014-15 Incentive Project RoundYass, Boorowa and Upper Lachlan Landholder Grants Project(An expression of interest is not a guarantee of funding)
Eligibility to apply for funding in the 2014-15 Incentive Project Round.
(Landholders must meet all criteria R)
* Own or manage this property, within the local government areas of Yass Valley, Boorowa or Upper Lachlan.
* For Stock Confinment Feeding Facilities/Stock Management Areas the holding is larger than 80ha.
* Willing to enter into a minimum 10 year agreement with South East Local Land Services.
* On-ground works previously funded by Murrumbidgee or Lachlan Catchment Management Authorities (CMA), Greening Australia or Landcare are all complete or I have not previously received funds from the Murrumbidgee or Lachlan CMA, Greening Australia or Landcare.
* Agree to 50/50 cost sharing with South East LLS for the project costs, up to a limit of $10,000 investment from South East Local Land Services.
2014-15 Incentives available
The following incentives are being offered under the Yass, Boorowa and Upper Lachlan Landholder Grants project. Please tick the incentives you are interested in.
* StockPlan training
* Stock Confinement Feeding Facility (SCFF)/Stock Management Areas (SMAs)
* Alternate water supply, fencing for ground cover management and land capability
* Farm planning training
* Paddock trees
* Riparian fencing
Late applications will not be accepted. Both pages of the EOI must be completed.
Posted applications must be date stamped by Australia Post on or before Monday, 17 November 2014 to be eligible. Site visits will be arranged as soon as your EOI is received. Site visits must be completed by 5 December 2014 for the EOI to progress to the next stage.
Funding is limited and EOIs will be assessed on a competitive basis.
Signature of Applicant: ______Name: (print) ______
Deliver, post, fax or scan and email the completed EOI form no later than 5pm Monday, 17 November 2014 to:
South East Local Land Services
2014-15 EOI Yass, Boorowa and Upper Lachlan Landholder Grants Project
13 Mitchell Street (PO Box 10)
Ph: (02) 6226 1155 | Fax: (02) 6226 2989 | Email:
Û Landowner Name:
Manager (if applicable):
Property name:
ÛProperty address
Street no./Road:
Town/Suburb: Postcode:
ÛPostal address (if different to property address)
Street no./Road/PO Box:
Town/Suburb: Postcode:
Û Trading name (if applicable)
Û ABN: (if no ABN please write N/A)
Û Contact details:
Landline: / Fax:
Mobile: / Email:
Please provide a copy of your rates notice. This allows us to process your EOI faster.
Landholder Information Form