(6 Months)
Resident Name:______Date:______
Mentor: ______Mentoring Began (Month/Year):______
The purpose of this six-month Interim Resident Self-Reflection is to stimulate reflection on the part of the resident regarding his/her role, responsibilities, and personal behaviors in developing a positiveand productive relationship with his/her mentor. Mentorsare also required to complete a six-month Mentor Interim Self-Assessment using similar categories. The intent of these interim self-reflections is to raise the self-awareness of both residents and mentors regarding their behaviors in the mentoring relationship, and to stimulate examination of areas where they may (individually and together) identify behaviors that they may need to address in order to develop a mutually rewarding and productive mentoring experience. The interim self-reflections are tools to stimulate candid discussion between mentors and residentsat the end of six months regarding their individual contributions to developing their relationship, and how they may continue to improve it.
The interim self-reflections are confidential and will not be shared unless both mentor and resident agree to do so. The NJ-L2L Program will not collect the interim self-reflections but may ask mentors and residents for general comments related to the development of their mentoring relationship as part of the program evaluation process, in which data is collected and reported without reference to specific individuals.
Mentors are responsible for ensuring that both mentor and resident interim self-reflections are completed and discussed at the end of six-months from the date they were paired with heir residents.Mentors and residents may discuss their self-reflections together or incorporate discussion of their reflections into a Peer Support Group activity.
In the book “Being Mentored, A Guide for Protégés”,Hal Portner discusses seven categories for protégés (individuals who are being mentored) that lead to successful mentoring relationships: behavior, building trust, clarifying ground rules, requesting assistance, charting your course, taking informed risks, reflecting on results, and giving back. Adapted from these key concepts,NJ-L2L Residentsare asked to self-assess and reflect upon their current behaviors in seven categories:
1. Building trust and understanding in your mentoring relationship
2. Clarifying ground rules for your mentoring experience
3. Requesting feedback from your mentor
4. Charting your continuing professional growth and leadership development
5. Taking informed and appropriate risks to overcome obstacles to achieving district/school educational goals
6. Engaging in reflective practice
7. Giving back to your mentor and your district/school
I.Building trust and understanding in my mentoring relationship
I demonstrate respect for the mentoring relationship, and my mentor, by:
_____Demonstrating respect for him/her as an experienced school leader and for our mentoring relationship and the support it provides
_____Being available for site visits, conferences, and Peer Support Group meetings
_____Communicating with him/her on a regular basis to share thoughts, concerns and needs
_____Candidly communicating my thoughts, concerns and needs
_____Listening well with interest and sincerity during our discussions (demonstrated by both verbal and nonverbalbehaviors)
_____Carefully and routinely assessing the accuracy of my perceptions of my mentor’s feedback with him/her
_____Respecting confidentiality
II.Clarifying ground rules for my mentoring experience
I ensure that my mentor and I have common understandings of:
_____Our respective roles and responsibilities in fulfilling the Residency requirements
_____The expectations and desired outcomes for the Residency and mentoring experiences
_____Our respective roles and responsibilities in developing an effective and supportive mentoring relationship
_____Our respective roles and responsibilities in the mentoring experience
_____The type and breadth of leadership experiences I want to have to address my professional growth targets and further develop as a school leader
_____The specific results I am attempting to achieve in my Residency and my school leader position
_____The way we will schedule and engage in discussions
III.Requesting feedback and support from my mentor
I help my mentor provide effective support by:
_____Carefully assessing my current strengths and areas for leadership development to set targets for professional growth
_____Sharing my specific targets for professional growth and leadership development with my mentor
_____Asking for specific feedback (information, action or emotional support) related to my professional growth and leadership practice, and requesting clarification or examples when necessary
_____Candidly discussing my experiences, performance and professional growth without defensiveness
IV.Charting my continuing professional growth and leadership development
I am serious about my continuing professional growth and leadership development by taking the following actions:
_____Setting specific professional developmentgoals and activities for the next three to five years
_____Determining the type of leadership experiences I can focus on during the Residency to further my professional growth and leadership development
_____Identifying and using resources to help me attain my professional development goals
_____Sharing evidence of my progress with my mentor
V.Taking informed and appropriate risks to overcome obstacles to achieving district/schooleducational goals (e.g. improving student achievement)
I demonstrate appropriate risk-taking by:
_____Assessing the context in which I am functioning to determine obstacles to educational goals as well as opportunities
_____Engaging in careful planning to achieve expressed goals
_____Taking personal action to achieve expressed goals
_____Evaluating situations where I did not achieve my desired results to determine more appropriate options for future action
_____Evaluating difficult situations where I did achieve my intended goals to determine what skills or behaviors supported that success
_____Consulting with my mentor and others as needed for advice and support
VI.Engaging in reflective practice
I monitor and reflect on the consequences of my leadership practice by:
_____Engaging in regular focused reflection on my actions and results achieved as a school leader
_____Reflecting on my results. (Did the actual results I achieved from my actions match my intended results? Why/why not?)
_____Reflecting on the leadership knowledge, skills and personal dispositions I have targeted for professional growth. (Am I gaining competence? Am I gaining confidence? Do I need to make adjustments? Is there more I can do?)
_____Discussing my reflections with my mentor and/or peers in my Peer Support Group, and others
VII.Giving back to my mentor and my district/school
I give back to my mentor and to my district/school by:
_____Finding ways to demonstrate appreciation for the support that my mentor provides
_____Actively seeking opportunities to improve district/school and the teaching and learning process
_____Supporting my staff and colleagues in their continuing professional development and achievement of district/school educational goals
_____Supporting my staff and colleagues in their leadership development and empowering them as change agents and leaders for educational improvement
_____Advocating for my district/school, staff, colleagues, and students for recognition and support from parents and the community-at-large
(Revised April 20, 2006) Adapted by Eloise Forster, Ed.D. Copyright 2006 Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA)
Duplication of this document in any form requires FEA approval.