Science Syllabus

Course Name: Zoology Teacher: Dylan Parten

Introduction: Welcome to Mr. Parten’s Zoology class! I am excited about the opportunity to work with each of you and your parents to provide you with a quality education in Zoology. I hope that your experiences in my classroom will be interesting, entertaining, and beneficial for your future success.

Course Description: Zoology is the study of animals of all sizes from microscopic fauna to the giant Blue Whale. In this class, we will explore the basic biology of animals, different body structures, animal behaviors, current issues and conservation concerns, and many other topics related to animal life. In order to maximize the general learning experience, there will be opportunities for labs, projects, and other kinds of hands on learning. Make sure to review the lab rules and sign the safety contract.

Contact Information: The best way to contact me is by e-mail (). Parents, if you have an e-mail address, please include it in the designated area on the back of this syllabus. You may also contact me through the central office telephone, (205) 342-2777. I am available for conference upon request, and I am eager to help parents and students with any questions or concerns. Please contact me if you would like to set up an appointment.

Course Objectives:

During the course of this semester, we will meet the following state standards:

1.) Define basic anatomical terminology associated with the study of animals.

2.) Distinguish among the acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate body plans.

3.) Identify the body symmetry of animals as radial, bilateral, or asymmetrical.

4.) Use taxonomic groupings to differentiate the structure and physiology of invertebrates with dichotomous keys.

5.) Use taxonomic groupings to differentiate structure and physiology of vertebrates with dichotomous keys.

6.) Identify factors used to distinguish species, including behavioral differences and reproductive isolation.

7.) Explain how species adapt to changing environments to enhance survival and reproductive success, including changes in structure, behavior, or physiology.

8.) Differentiate among organisms that are threatened, endangered, and extinct.

9.) Analyze a field study of animal behavior patterns to determine the relationship of these patterns to an animal's niche.

Course Materials:

1.  Three ringed binder: This binder must be used only for biology materials.

2.  No. 2 Pencils

3.  At least 2 red pens

4.  Calculator (simple 4 function will work)

*You will need to bring these materials to class every day*

Attendance: Attendance is critical to your success in school. Students who have an excused absence from school must make up work within two days of their return. Students who miss school with an unexcused absence will not be allowed to make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time to make up work that is convenient to both the student and the teacher. The make up work folder will be available for students who miss class.

Grading Policy: Grades will be calculated based on a percentage system. Below is a list of categories and their weighted percentages.

Chapter Tests (some tests may cover multiple chapters) / 40%
9 Weeks Tests (comprehensive) / 15%
Homework (graded for completion or accuracy) / 15%
Assorted Assignments (class work, quizzes, labs, notebook tests, etc.) / 25%
Participation (engagement and active participation in daily activities) / 5%

Late assignments will receive deductions, half credit, or no credit. Half-way through each 9 weeks grading period, students will be given a progress report which outlines their grades, and they will be required to have a parent’s signature on the report.

Occasional opportunities for extra credit may be provided at my discretion.

*This document is subject to change and students will be notified of such changes.*

Please check this box if you do not want your child included in any class pictures or videos.

I, the undersigned, have read and understand the provisions of this class syllabus, and I have also read the class and computer lab rules.

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______Parent E-mail Address ______