Case outline proposal for the publication: Cases on Assessment in Scenario and Game-based Virtual Worlds in Higher Education

Proposed Title

Author Name

Affiliation, Country

Author2 Name

Affiliation, Country


Include a short abstract (100-150 words) to summarise your case. The abstract should help readers decide if this case is a useful exemplar for their teaching/research situation.


Write a short introduction. Describe your case, the context (students, teaching and learning methods, stage) and your aim or research questions.

Learning outcomes

This section is not required for your proposal. (In the fully developed chapter, this section will list the expected learning outcomes for students from the case study unit/program in continuous text or bullets.)

Technology or technologies

Provide an overview of the scenario-based, game-based or virtual world technology featured in your case study.

(In the fully developed chapter, this section might include: how the technology was developed, where it is used, and the theoretical framework underpinning the design.)

Case study

Provide an outline of the proposed case study and the issues you are interested in.

(In the fully developed chapter, this section might include: a description of the case study students or research participants, research design, and results.)


Provide an outline of the key features of the assessment/assessments in your case study.

(In the fully developed chapter, this section might include: type, duration and design of the assessment, how the assessment was conducted, marking criteria/rubrics, moderation and evaluation.)


This section is not required for your proposal.(In the fully developed chapter, this section will provide an overview of the significance of the assessment case study for the student/participant group, for learning in scenario-based virtual worlds and game-based environments, and for assessment in higher education.)


(The full case chapter should use APA 6th edition referencing. Please visit the website for specific details of formatting of both in-text and end-of-text references.)