The City Council of the City of Rainbow City, Alabama, met in regular session at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., and upon roll call by Beth Lee, acting City Clerk, the following members answered present: Mayor Terry John Calhoun, Council members: Anita Bedwell, Bobby McCartney, Tim Ramsey, and Rick Hill. Larry Keenum-absent. The same constituting a quorum of the City Council, the following business was transacted.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry John Calhoun. Invocation was given by Tim Ramsey. Mayor Calhoun led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
1. Mayor Calhoun presented the minutes of April 10, 2017 for review and asked if there were any corrections, additions, or deletions. There being none, Tim Ramsey moved and Rick Hill seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
2. Mayor Calhoun stated that no bids had been received for the surplus property in the Court Office & Purchasing Dept. Anita Bedwell moved to have the property destroyed and Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
3. Mayor Calhoun made a recommendation to hire Rodney Gene Bartlett in the Recreation Department starting on April 21, 2017 at $12/hr. Anita Bedwell moved and Rick Hill seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
4. Mayor Calhoun presented a request for approval for retail beer and retail wine (off premises only) and retail table wine (off premises only) for Fred’s Store #2743, 110 Sutton Square Suite 1. Rick Hill moved and Tim Ramsey seconded the motion to approve the application. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
5. Mayor Calhoun recommended reappointing James Ford to the Industrial Development Board for another 6 year term. Tim Ramsey moved to appoint Joe Taylor to the Industrial Development Board. Both terms will expire April 24, 2023. Anita Bedwell seconded the motion for the appointments. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
6. Mayor Calhoun presented a request from Community Action of Etowah County for a corporate sponsorship ($350) to their annual banquet to be held May 23, 2017. Anita Bedwell moved and Tim Ramsey seconded the motion for the request. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
7. Mayor Calhoun stated Chief Horton recommends hiring Jordan McCartney as Police Officer to begin work on May 5, 2017 at an hourly rate of $14.50 with single coverage insurance. Rick Hill moved and Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
8. Mayor Calhoun presented a sponsorship request from Etowah Baptist Mission Center “Hope It Floats” cardboard race to be held at Rainbow Landing on July 22nd. Tim Ramsey moved to donate $500.00. Tim Ramsey moved and Rick Hill seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
9. Mayor Calhoun recognized Amy Sullins who was the spokesperson for the Southside Tennis Team who were in attendance. She asked the Mayor and Council to consider help/support to develop six (6) tennis courts either in Southside or Rainbow City so the tennis team can host USTA tournaments and be available to them for practices. Currently they have to travel to Gadsden City Courts. Discussion followed. The Mayor spoke on behalf of the Council and committed 1/3 in funds for the courts.
10. Mayor Calhoun recognized David Fitzgerald with Caterpillar. Our current track loader is 26 years old and in need of approximately $14,000 in repairs. He discussed a new loader to the Council. No action was taken at this time.
11. Tim Ramsey discussed a new letter regarding the Trash Schedule that will be placed in with the Water bill to all residents of Rainbow City.
12. Rick Hill requested to table the Cafeteria Plan for a couple of weeks until discussions were held with key employees in the next work session. Anita Bedwell seconded the motion to table the Cafeteria Plan. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
13. Anita Bedwell stated that Wiley McLain, Building Official, would receive a $2.00 an hour raise for performing work that the engineer would normally do starting April 28, 2017. Rick Hill seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the council at this time, Anita Bedwell made a motion to adjourn.
Time Adjourned: 5:40 p.m.
Beth Lee, Acting City Clerk
Terry John Calhoun, Mayor