Air Force JROTC

Aerospace Science 6 (AS6)

Management of the Cadet Corps II


Course Description: Aerospace Science (AS): This is a leadership course for upper level cadets who will plan Cadet Corps Projects to include things such as Military Ball, Blood Drive, Relay for Life, Awareness Presentation Team events, Unit Awards Ceremony, Cadet Corps CIA trips, etc. Cadets will also review the Cadet Guide to ensure any changes in unit procedures are updated. Specific projects will be based on the Cadet Corps’ Calendar. In addition, cadets will learn various survival skills to include, but not limited to, first aid, land navigation, use of ropes, and survival skills exercises. Leadership Education (LE): This portion of the course is intended to teach cadets how to develop a career plan, apply for jobs, and understand options for working for the federal government. (1 Elective Credit)


Lt Col McCormick, Rm 317, (252) 399-7930,

MSgt Jones, Rm 317, (252) 399-7930,

Textbook: Aerospace Science: Unit Cadet Guide, After Actions Reports, and various regulations

Army Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT)

Survive and Return (AFJROTC Book)

Leadership Education IV: Principles of Management

Course Objectives:

1. AS: Know the process of effective project planning and how to be a project leader.

2. AS: Thorough knowledge of the Unit Cadet Guide and the proper process to make changes in

order to improve the operations of our AFJROTC Program.

3. AS: Know how to develop a semester long plan and calendar that ensures all requirements are

meet, unit goals are on track, and how to lead a unit through a successful term.

4. LE: Understand career options and how to chart a career path.

5. LE: Know the process and how to prepare to apply for jobs and the interview process.

6. LE: Understand options for working for the federal government as a career.

Course Calendar/Schedule (Tentative): Aviation History will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Mondays and Wednesdays students will be covering Leadership Curriculum. Uniform Day: Cadets will wear AF JROTC blue uniform every Wednesday.

Aerospace Science (AS)
Lt Col McCormick / Leadership Education (LE)
MSgt Jones
1st Nine Weeks / a Cadet Guide review
b. Establish Cadet Calendar
c. Project Planning as directed by SASI
d. Survival Skills / a. Heritage, Organization, and Traditions of the USAF Review
b. Charting Your Course
c. Applying for Jobs
2nd Nine Weeks / a. Plan, organize, and execute the Cadet of the Quarter Program
b. Plan, organize, and execute Unit Awards Ceremony
c. Plan, organize, and execute Unit CIA Trip (Field Trip)
d. Develop plan to help prepare cadets attending Summer LLA / a. Developing Career Skills
b. Working for the Federal Government
c. Drill

Physical Training (PT): Cadets will participate in PT program every Friday. Cadets will be required to run/walk one-mile, do push-ups and sit-ups with a goal of meeting minimum Unit PT Standards of 30 push- ups/40 sit-ups/9 minute mile (male) and of 15 push- ups/40 sit-ups/10 minute mile (female). Cadets must turn in health screening form signed by parent or guardian before participating in PT activities.

Course Policies:

Basic Behavior Expectations: Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings, raise your hand to ask or answer questions, do your best in all course activities, no eating or drinking in classroom, and no sleeping in class.

Consequences: Verbal warning, parental contact, and administrative referral if needed.

Attendance: Regular attendance is required in order to learn the material, complete assignments, and participate in classroom activities. Therefore, consistent with school policy, you may not miss more than eight (8) classes during the semester. Instructors will help you with forms to make up a maximum of five (5) absences at the Hunt Learning Lab after school.

Tardiness: Students are EXPECTED to be to class on time. If a student is late we will follow the school policy. On the third tardy the student will be assigned an After School Detention.

Bathroom Breaks: Students are expected to use the bathroom during class changes; however, students are also allowed two classroom bathroom passes per month in AFJROTC.

Class Participation: Active participation is required. Students are expected to participate in classroom discussions, Wednesday uniform inspections, and Friday physical fitness training unless student is exempt for medical reasons.

Electronic Policy (i.e., cell phones and laptops): Cell phones are not to be used in AFJROTC during class time, if seen or heard they will be confiscated for the class period on the first offense and then turned into the office for subsequent offenses. Student laptops are only used when directed by an instructor, or after the student asks and receives permission for use by an instructor.

Missed tests or assignments: Missed items will be placed in the flight (class) box hanging on the wall in front of the instructor office window. The Cadet Class Leaders will assist the instructor by checking this box daily and help ensure missed information is made up at the next possible opportunity. Make up work is the ultimate responsibility of the student. Good options for making up work include before or after school in JROTC or in the Hunt Learning Lab after school. All missed work will be made up to complete the course.

Cheating: Cadets are expected to abide by the Cadet Honor Code, “I will not lie, cheat, or steal; nor tolerate those who do.” Cheating will result in a “0” grade for the assignment and exclusion from any cadet extracurricular activities (i.e., field trips).

Grading: AFJROTC follows the Hunt High School grading scale:

A: 93-100 B: 85-92 C: 77-84 D: 71-76 F: Below 69

Tests and uniform inspection scores will be weighted equally at 40% each. Proper wear of the AFJROTC uniform on Wednesdays is an important part of the JROTC program and, therefore, is heavily weighted regarding course grades. The other 20% of grades are related to class assignments and participation in classroom activities to include drill and physical fitness training.

All Hunt High School Policies will be adhered to and enforced