Table S1 Length and sequence identity of genes (exons only) in Pleurozia purpurea (Pl. pu.) and Marchantia polymorpha (Ma. po.) mitochondrial genomes

Gene / Pl. pu. / Ma. po. / Identitya / Gene / Pl. pu. / Ma. po. / Identitya
atp1 / 1542 / 1542 / 98% / rps19 / 282 / 282 / 98%
atp4 / 552 / 552 / 97% / sdh3 / 414 / 414 / 94%
atp6 / 759 / 759 / 96% / sdh4 / 261 / 261 / 98%
atp8 / 519 / 519 / 98% / rrn5 / 122 / 122 / 99%
atp9 / 225 / 225 / 96% / rrn18 / 1975 / 1975 / 98%
ccmB / 834 / 828 / 94% / rrn26 / 2807 / 2799 / 97%
ccmC / 687 / 687 / 96% / trnAugc / 73 / 73 / 98%
ccmFC / 1479 / 1458 / 94% / trnCgca / 71 / 71 / 100%
ccmFN / 1530 / 1518 / 93% / trnDguc / 74 / 74 / 100%
cob / 1215 / 1215 / 97% / trnEuuc / 73 / 73 / 98%
cox1 / 1569 / 1569 / 98% / trnFgaa / 74 / 74 / 100%
cox2 / 756 / 756 / 98% / trnGgcc / 72 / 72 / 100%
cox3 / 798 / 792 / 98% / trnGucc / 71 / 71 / 100%
nad1 / 987 / 987 / 97% / trnHgug / 73 / 73 / 100%
nad2 / 1470 / 1470 / 98% / trnIcau / 74 / 74 / 98%
nad3 / 357 / 357 / 96% / trnKuuu / 73 / 73 / 98%
nad4 / 1488 / 1488 / 97% / trnLcaa / 80 / 80 / 100%
nad4L / 303 / 303 / 97% / trnLuaa / 80 / 80 / 100%
nad5 / 2010 / 2010 / 97% / trnLuag / 85 / 85 / 98%
nad6 / 600 / 600 / 95% / trnMcau / 73 / 73 / 98%
nad7 / 838b / 1179b / 79% / trnMfcau-1 / 73 / 73 / 100%
nad9 / 639 / 639 / 95% / trnMfcau-2 / 73 / 73 / 100%
rpl2 / 1506 / 1566 / 93% / trnNguu / 73 / 73 / 98%
rpl5 / 567 / 561 / 98% / trnPugg / 74 / 74 / 100%
rpl6 / 306 / 306 / 97% / trnQuug / 72 / 72 / 100%
rpl16 / 408 / 408 / 97% / trnRacg / 74 / 74 / 98%
rps1 / 813 / 777 / 96% / trnRucu / 74 / 74 / 100%
rps2 / 714 / 714 / 96% / trnSgcu / 88 / 88 / 98%
rps3 / 1293 / 1287 / 96% / trnSuga / 84 / 84 / 98%
rps4 / 591 / 591 / 94% / trnVuac / 73 / 73 / 98%
rps7 / 693 / 687 / 97% / trnWcca / 73 / 73 / 100%
rps8 / 459 / 459 / 97% / trnYgua-1 / 83 / 83 / 100%
rps10 / 309 / 309 / 96% / trnYgua-2 / 83 / 83 / 100%
rps11 / 378 / 378 / 97% / orf-bryo1 / 513 / 507 / 94%
rps12 / 381 / 381 / 97% / rtl / 2583b / 2199 / 71%
rps13 / 363 / 363 / 95% / tatC / 717 / 717 / 95%
rps14 / 300 / 300 / 98%

a The identity is calculated by dividing the number of identical nucleotides by the length of the shorter gene in a two-sequence alignment.

b The gene nad7 is a pseudogene in both mtDNAs, and rtl may represent a pseudogene in Pleurozia mtDNA.

Table S2 Length and sequence identity of introns in Pleurozia purpurea (Pl. pu.) and Marchantia polymorpha (Ma. po.) mitochondrial genomes

Intron / Pl. pu. / Ma. po. / Identitya / Intron / Pl. pu. / Ma. po. / Identitya
atp1i989gII / 3310 / 3336 / 96% / nad4i548gII / 889 / 899 / 93%
atp1i1050gII / 2891 / 2880 / 95% / nad4Li100gII / 1570 / 1719 / 90%
atp9i87gII / 2931 / 2868 / 93% / nad4Li283gII / 1128 / 1150 / 94%
cobi372gII / 1403 / 1434 / 92% / nad7i336gII / 2782 / 3062 / 85%
cobi783gII / 888 / 884 / 96% / nad7i1113gII / 913 / 1020 / 90%
cobi824gII / 2942 / 2963 / 93% / rpl2i28gII / 778 / 772 / 97%
cox1i44gII / 2830 / 2859 / 94% / rps14i114gII / 893 / 894 / 93%
cox1i178gII / 2592 / 2608 / 95% / rrn26i827gII / 725 / 718 / 94%
cox1i511gII / 2759 / 2805 / 91% / trnSi43gII / 959 / 991 / 93%
cox2i97gII / 1092 / 1078 / 92% / cox1i375gI / 978 / 1039 / 89%
cox2i250gII / 2762 / 2770 / 95% / cox1i395gI / 1062 / 1058 / 96%
cox3i171gII / 903 / 907 / 97% / cox1i624gI / 995 / 1148 / 92%
cox3i625gII / 922 / 932 / 92% / cox1i729gI / 1052 / 1062 / 91%
nad2i709gII / 1386 / 1418 / 90% / cox1i1116gI / 1660 / 1701 / 93%
nad3i140gII / 1463 / 1484 / 92% / cox1i1305gI / 1037 / 1038 / 93%
nad5i753gI / 668 / 672 / 87%

a The identity is calculated by dividing the number of identical nucleotides by the length of the shorter intron in a two-sequence alignment.

Table S3 Length and sequence identity of intergenic spacers in Pleurozia purpurea (Pl. pu.) and Marchantia polymorpha (Ma. po.) mitochondrial genomesa

Intergenic spacer / Pl. pu. / Ma. po. / Identityb
atp1-cox1c / 2688 / 6393 / 87%d
atp4-trnMfcauc / 1502 / 283 / 81%
atp6-nad6c / 4294 / 4210 / 86%
atp8-sdh4c / 2377 / 2476 / 89%
atp9-trnCgca / 1391 / 1442 / 88%
ccmB-ccmC / 349 / 1246 / 87%
ccmC-ccmFN / 609 / 644 / 88%
ccmFC-trnQuug / 658 / 668 / 91%
ccmFN-ccmFC / 229 / 232 / 89%
cob-rtl / 670 / 1385 / 54%
cox2-cox3 / 809 / 750 / 86%
cox3-nad1c / 4749 / 5603 / 83%
nad1-cobc / 5807 / 6087 / 87%
nad2-trnRucu / 2871 / 3400 / 87%
nad3-trnVuac / 584 / 606 / 89%
nad4L-trnYgua / 48 / 48 / 92%
nad4-nad2 / 26 / 26 / 100%
nad5-nad4 / 927 / 1333 / 91%
nad6-trnNguuc / 1709 / 2394 / 78%
nad7-rps10 / 1439 / 1312 / 87%e
nad9-atp1 / 396 / 417 / 93%
orf_bryo1-trnHgug / 909 / 1049 / 92%
rpl2-rps19 / 3 / 3 / 100%
rpl5-rps14 / 4 / 4 / 100%
rpl6-rps13 / 3 / 3 / 100%
rpl16-rpl5c / 2041 / 2147 / 89%
rps1-atp8 / 504 / 472 / 93%
rps2-ccmB / 332 / 334 / 93%
rps4-trnGucc / 29 / 29 / 93%
rps7-atp6 / 1042 / 1087 / 89%
rps8-rpl6 / 18 / 19 / 94%
rps10-rpl2c / 848 / 819 / 88%
rps11-rps1 / 617 / 642 / 91%
rps13-rps11 / 126 / 127 / 81%
rps14-rps8 / 382 / 686 / 81%
rps19-rps3 / 6 / 6 / 100%
rrn18-rps4c / 2985 / 5355 / 88%
rrn5-trnMcau / 81 / 1032 / 78%
rrn26-trnMfcau / 550 / 577 / 88%
rtl-nad9 / 752 / 653 / 47%
sdh3-trnWccac / 2243 / 2302 / 90%
sdh4-nad4L / 430 / 433 / 85%
tatC-cox2c / 504 / 554 / 93%
trnAugc-nad7 / 859 / 1866 / 72%
trnCgca-trnFgaa / 2124 / 2199 / 88%
trnDguc-trnSgcu / 191 / 174 / 93%
trnEuuc-rps12c / 2264 / 2413 / 82%
trnFgaa-rps2 / 18 / 18 / 94%
trnGgcc-trnEuuc / 1656 / 1695 / 83%
trnGucc-trnSuga / 818 / 851 / 87%
trnHgug-trnLcaa / 18 / 17 / 88%
trnIcau-atp9 / 559 / 540 / 75%
trnKuuu-trnIcau / 760 / 748 / 84%
trnLcaa-trnLuaa / 1441 / 1490 / 89%
trnLuaa-nad5 / 897 / 913 / 90%
trnLuag-trnKuuu / 689 / 553 / 84%
trnMcau-rrn18c / 2356 / 867 / 86%
trnMfcau-rrn5 / 423 / 432 / 90%
trnMfcau-rrn26 / 1883 / 1359 / 76%
trnNguu-trnPugg / 927 / 3802 / 63%
trnPugg-sdh3 / 25 / 25 / 100%
trnQuug-orf_bryo1 / 1344 / 2048 / 90%
trnRacg-trnGgcc / 325 / 830 / 85%
trnRucu-tatC / 205 / 209 / 90%
trnRucu-trnYgua / 137 / 142 / 88%
trnSgcu-trnAugc / 2 / 2 / 100%
trnSuga-trnLuag / 456 / 489 / 82%
trnVuac-trnDgucc / 7505 / 6621 / 77%
trnWcca-nad3 / 23 / 23 / 70%
trnYgua-trnRacg / 1105 / 1938 / 90%
trnYgua-trnRucu / 137 / 142 / 91%

a The spacers that have very different lengths in the two mtDNAs are highlighted in boldface.

b The identity is calculated by dividing the number of identical nucleotides by the length of the shorter intergenic spacer in a two-sequence alignment, unless otherwise indicated.

c These intergenic spacers contain orf(s) longer than 100 codons in Pleurozia mtDNA.

d This identity value is for a 723 bp region that is alignable between the two mtDNAs.

e The length of this spacer in Pleurozia mtDNA is determined by the Marchantia annotation, because it is difficult to identify the end of nad7 in Pleurozia mtDNA.