Cincinnati, Ohio


Fifth Sunday of Easter


After Masses – Welcoming Sunday, “Café”

8:45-10:15 am – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, “Parish

Office Downstairs”

10:00-11:00 am – Jr. High Religious Education, “Chapel”

1:00 pm – Baptism Program, “Parish Office Basement”

1:30 pm – First Communion, “Church”


6:00 pm – Confirmation Practice, “Church”


7:00 pm – Education Commission, “Chapel”

7:00-9:00 pm – E-Case Choir, “Music Room”

7:00-8:00 pm – Daisy Meeting, “Café”


9:15 & 10:30 am & 4:00 & 7:00 pm, Music Together, “Parish

Office Upstairs”

3:00-4:30 pm – Daisy Meeting, “Café”

7:00 pm – Confirmation, “Church”


9:00 am – Nativity School Video, “Café”

10:00 am – Music Together, “Parish Office Upstairs”

11:00 am – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, “Parish Office”

4:30 pm – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, “Parish Office”


3:00-5:00 pm – 4th Grade Girl Scouts, “Art Room”


*Please call the Parish Office before scheduling any event


Acts 10: 25-26, 34-35, 44-48 1 John 4: 7-10

John 15: 9-17

Saturday, May 12, 2012 4:30 PM

Lectors: Kevin & Kate Clarisey, Sr. Trish Rice

Servers: Kevin Lake, Ryan Lamb, Justin Mackey, Arden Miller

Eucharistic Ministers: Michelle Fisk, Tyler Mitchell, Chris & Patty Ritter, Shelby Krimmer, Erin Murphy, Kristen Allen, Caroline Cusick, Matt Doyle, Iain Applebee

Sunday, May 13, 2012 9:00 AM

Lectors: Marilyn Maag, Patti Newberry, Eric Bertelsen

Servers: Michaele Townsend, Jacob Wendel, Oscar Zimmerman, Elizabeth Abel

Eucharistic Ministers: Lindsay Cronin, Eileen Beckman, Collin Cain, Casey Wagner, Anne Ramsay, Michael Yarbrough, Dave Morris, Henry & Donna Faulk, Sr. Janet

Sunday, May 13, 2012 11:00 AM

Lectors: Loi Latscha, Pat Dells, Mary Kaye Meyers

Servers: Kelly Harper, Divya Kumar, Will Jackson, Audrey Mello

Eucharistic Ministers: Grace & Sara Gurney, Kathryn Hook, Shawn Hostiuck, LeAnn Cummins, Mary Lennard, Sandra Mertes, Lisa Harper, Sue Odeh

You are asked to remember in your prayers those who are housebound and ill: Ryan Anders, Kris Egbers Andrew, Bill Bach, Laura Bain, John Balling, Paul & Dottie Brinker, Patricia Cain, Dan Casey, Barbara Cottrell, Kathy Derrick, Marie Donovan, Stella Evans, Jackie Goetz, Lillian Hansel, Bob Hatfield, Rose Hedberg, Kathy Kelly, Barb Kenny, Elena Maio, Molly Matre, Dick Meder, Ron Miller, Joe Obermeyer, Ruth Oenbrink, Bob & Fran Pielage, Randy & Rhoda Rupp, Kathy Scarberry, Sandra Schwartz, Mary Ellen Spaite, Anderson Turner, Pauline Villari, Joe Wessel, Vera Wettenkamp, and Mary Beth Wuebker.

Church Support

April 29, 2012

Offerings $9,551.00

Budget 11,800.00

Over (under) Budget (2,249.00)

Year to Date 521,007.00

Year to Date Budget 510,600.00

Over (under) Budget 10,407.00

St. Vincent de Paul 678.09

Thank you

Sunday: 9:00 am – Patricia Daugherty

Sunday: 11:00 am – For the People

Monday: 8:15 am – Shut-ins

Tuesday: 8:15 am – Isabel Bongey

Wednesday: 8:15 am – Benefactors

Thursday: 8:15 am – Joseph Speaks

Friday: 8:15 am – For those serving in the military

Saturday: 4:30 pm – Dorothy Muenchen

Next Week’s Outreach Collection will be going to our St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Sacraments of Initiation Announcements: Confirmation practice is Monday, May 7th at 6:00 pm in church for Confirmandis and sponsors (if sponsor is out of town, a parent can replace the sponsor for this practice.) Confirmation is Wednesday, May 9th in church at 7:00 pm

Lay Ministry Formation Opportunities: Grow in faith, knowledge and skills. The Athenaeum of Ohio Lay Pastoral Ministry Program equips men and women to evangelize and catechize more effectively. Degree and non-degreed options on Saturdays and weeknight evenings are available, fit into a busy adult schedule. Classes forming now for fall in Cincinnati and Monroe. Please call 513-231-1200 for more information.

Nativity Fall Sports Sign Ups…Deadline is May 12th! This is the final week to sign up to participate in a Fall Sport at Nativity: Boys and Girls Soccer, Girls Basketball, Lego Robotics, Football and Co-Ed Golf. Sign up on-line by going to Nativity Boosters website:

9th Annual PTA Walk-a-thon Another Huge Success!

Thanks to everyone who helped with our walk-a-thon last Friday, April 27th. Students, staff and parents enjoyed a beautiful afternoon for walking around the school and church grounds for 1 hour. Nine students won top fundraising awards and three classes won pizza parties for having 100% participation with turning in sponsor sheets. Our generous business sponsors contributed $4,000 toward our fundraising goal. Along with the student’s efforts, we raised a total of $11,155 for Nativity PTA. What a great afternoon!!! Please see the enclosed list of business sponsors from this year’s event and patronize them whenever possible.

Back by popular demand: The Nativity Alumni Association will be sponsoring a beer tasting event on Thursday, June 7th, from 7:00-9:00 pm in the courtyard/new gym area. Music by the Ne’er Do Wells and premium beer tasting by Cavalier Distributing. There is a $10 admission fee. Watch for registration information in the coming weeks. Invite your friends!

Join the Caring Place Hunger Walk Team on May 28th at 9:00 am at Sawyer Point (5K Walk or Run.) Help support The Caring Place to provide food for families in need in the Kennedy Heights, Pleasant Ridge, Silverton and Golf Manor areas. All registration fees and donations made in support of The Caring Place will go directly to The Caring Place’s account at the Freestore (even if the registrant does not actually run or walk on the day of the event.) Join us for the walk and stay for the party on Sawyer Point immediately following the walk! Please contact The Caring Place at 841-1499 or for further information.

On Thursday, May 10th everyone is invited to coffee at school after the 8:15 am Mass to see a short new video about Nativity School produced by award-winning videographer Dave Ashbrock. We want you to know all the new things and wonderful opportunities happening in our school. Please call Nancy at 458-6767 to rsvp. Invite your friends and neighbors too!

McAuley again is offering sports physicals: As a service to the Greater Cincinnati community, and especially busy parents, McAuley High School will again offer sports physical examinations to all student athletes in grades 7-12, girls and boys alike. These exams and the appropriate forms are a conditional requirement to play competitive sports. On Tuesday, May 22nd, from 6:00-8:00 pm, staff from the Cincinnati Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Center will be at McAuley High School to give the exams. Parents are asked to fill out the Ohio High School Athletic Association pre-participation form, except for pages 3 and 4, and bring this paperwork to the physical. These forms can be found and printed at under Sports Medicine. The cost of this service is only $20, and can be paid in cash or check. Athletes are asked to wear shorts and tee-shirt.

Catholic Ministries Appeal: Thanks to all those at Nativity who have made a pledge to the 2012 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Remember that every pledge matters in helping us reach our goal…which enables us to participate fully as a parish in “Sharing in the Work of God” in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Please consider making a pledge if you have not done so already. For more information please visit

2012 John Castellini Coach Award Nominations Requested: A $500 award is given to 2 Nativity coaches per year with the award being announced at the Closing Ceremony of the Nativity School year. The award is to be applied to tuition at a Catholic elementary or high school and the check from this fund, administered by the Nativity Athletic Boosters, will be made payable only to a school. Nominations are being sought from parents or players of any Nativity sponsored sport and from any Nativity Sports Coordinator. A narrative of 100 words or less is desired with the nomination but “name only” nominations will be accepted. Nominations are to be submitted to the Nativity Athletic Director Joe Muenchen via e-mail to . The criteria for the award is a coach who exhibits the qualities John showed during his all too brief coaching career at Nativity, including: teaching sound fundamentals, encouraging each player regardless of their natural athletic ability to always do their best and recognition of that performance, an emphasis on sportsmanship…win or lose, and a focus on imparting Christian values.

Church of the Nativity of Our Lord

First Holy Communion

May 6, 2012

Margaret Allaire Caitlin Kirwan

Ella A. Arcuino Lauren E. Laake

Adam T. Badinghaus Ainsley Lauer

Jacob D. Badinghaus Aubrey Lauer

Andres Beluan Nina S. Leon

Alexander J. Bock Lenora A. Loebker

Thomas J. Bock Leela W. McCart

Grace Christenson Isabella Mogg

Lucy C. Dale Mattie E. Mulligan

Ruth Debono Jessica L. Mumper

Katherine DuMont Sophia L. Pramuk

Madeline E. Frank Jack R. Renneker

Emma Gaver Anthony J. Rimele

Isabella R. Gillotti Evan P. Schlick

Jackson D. Glass Caroline R. Schwartz

Adam Scot Goodrich Grace E. Sherman

Catherine Green Quinn P. Smyjunas

Kyle S. Guyer Aine K. Steele

Jacqueline R. Hagerman Catherine E. Strode

Leo H. Hennegan Ky Chi Tan

Maya M. Herrington Ashley Trew

Luke A. Hillebrand Madeline M. Volker

Molly G. Hull Anthony M. Zelinskas

Madelyn M. Jones Ingrid D. Zimmerman

Congratulations to the above children who will be making their First Communion, today at 1:30 pm in church. Many blessings to all of you now and in the future.

~Please remember Nativity in your will~