Supplementary File – Sensitivity Analyses to Evaluate Robustness of Findings

Table 1. Time trends in readmission and mortality after patient discharge from ICU among the study group, a comparison of unadjusted data and adjusted data.

ICU Readmission within 72 hrs.
% (95% CI)
Unadjusted Data / Adjusted Data
Baseline Trend Change Quarter-to-Quarter / -0.1
(-0.2, 0.1) / 0.0
(-0.2, 0.1)
Immediate Change Post-Implementation / -0.1
(-1.2, 1.1) / -0.4
(-1.7, 1.0)
Change in Trend Post-Implementation / 0.1
(0.0, -0.1) / 0.1
(-0.1, 0.2)
Mortality within 14 days
% (95% CI)
Unadjusted Data / Adjusted Data
Baseline Trend Change Quarter-to-Quarter / -0.1
(-0.3, 0.0) / -0.1
(-0.2, 0.0)
Immediate Change Post-Implementation / 0.1
(-1.5, 1.8) / 0.2
(-0.8, 1.1)
Change in Trend Post-Implementation / 0.0
(0.1, 0.2) / 0.1
(0.0, 0.2)

Abbreviations: CI; confidence interval

Figure 1. Trends in unadjusted patient outcomes over time*†

A. Readmission to ICU within 72 hours of discharge

B. Mortality within 14 days of discharge from ICU

* Data are provided by quarter. Bars indicate the unadjusted proportion of events per quarter; dashed horizontal lines the overall unadjusted means; the black dashed lines the quarter in which the critical care transition program was implemented.

† Patients discharged within 3 months of program implementation (study quarter 0) were excluded from analysis to allow for a period of institutional adjustment prior to evaluation.

Figure 2. Trends in adjusted patient outcomes over time for study hospitals - interrupted time series analysis of adjusted event rates and associated 95% confidence intervals*†

A. Readmission to ICU within 72 hours of discharge

B. Mortality within 14 days of discharge from ICU

* Data are provided by quarter. The solid lines indicate the adjusted proportion of events (red) and associated 95% upper (purple) and lower (green) confidence limit. The broken lines indicate the adjusted overall mean (red) and associated 95% upper (purple) and lower (green) confidence limits.

† Patients discharged within 3 months of program implementation (study quarter 0) were excluded from analysis to allow for a period of institutional adjustment prior to evaluation.

Table 2. Time trends in readmission and mortality after patient discharge from ICU using different approaches to model the peri-intervention period

ICU Readmission within 72 hrs.
% (95% CI)
Implementation Quarter Excluded / Implementation Quarter Included in Baseline Period / Implementation Quarter Included in
Post-Implementation Period
Baseline Trend Change Quarter-to-Quarter / 0.0
(-0.2, 0.1) / -0.1
(-0.2, 0.1) / 0.0
(-0.2, 0.1)
Immediate Change Post-Implementation / -0.4
(-1.7, 1.0) / 0.0
(-1.4, 1.3) / -0.5
(-1.9, 0.8)
Change in Trend Post-Implementation / 0.1
(-0.1, 0.2) / 0.1
(0.0, 0.2) / 0.1
(-0.1, 0.2)
Mortality within 14 days
% (95% CI)
Implementation Quarter Excluded / Implementation Quarter Included in Baseline Period / Implementation Quarter Included in
Post-Implementation Period
Baseline Trend Change Quarter-to-Quarter / -0.1
(-0.2, 0.0) / -0.1
(-0.2, 0.0) / -0.1
(-0.2, 0.0)
Immediate Change Post-Implementation / 0.2
(-0.8, 1.1) / 0.4
(-0.5, 1.3) / 0.1
(-0.9, 1.0)
Change in Trend Post-Implementation / 0.1
(0.0, 0.2) / 0.1
(0.0, 0.2) / 0.1
(0.0, 0.2)

Abbreviations: CI; confidence interval