Goose Creek High School

1137 Red Bank Road

Goose Creek, S.C. 29445

(843) 553-5300

EnglishII Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Scott


Contact Information: (e-mail); (phone number)553-5300

Planning:1st Block

Subject:English II

Scheduling Parent-Teacher Conferences:Conferences should be scheduled through guidance. If you would like to know your student’s progress at any time, please call or e-mail me, and I will be happy to discuss this with you. Grades are updated regularly and can be checked using the Parent Portal.

Textbook:Holt Elements of Literature 4th Course

Course Description: This course is designed to meet the South Carolina requirements for English II. Students study vocabulary; various genres such as the short story, novel, drama, informational texts and poetry and analytical skills, which are applied to the literature. With a review of grammar fundamentals, students are challenged through the writing process, including argumentative writing, informative/expository writing, and narrative writing.

Course Requirements: To successfully complete this course, students will participate in class discussions, complete assignments and quizzes, partake in group and individual activities and projects, and take tests. Students will complete a research project during the semester. In addition, students will be expected to complete various performance tasks as outlined by the Common Core curriculum. Outside reading and other assignments will also be assigned throughout the year.

Materials Needed for Class:

  • A binder w/paper and dividers
  • Pens and/or Pencils

Make-Up Work:

Students are responsible for getting all missed work following all absences. Students should make every effort to make up work from an absence within five days of that absence. I will be available before school to assist any students with work; however, students should make arrangements with me to make up work.

Homework and Announcements:

Homework and announcements will be posted on the board in the classroom. These resources will be updated weekly, so please make sure to check them if you are absent.

Classroom Rules and Procedures:

  1. Be on time—be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Be prepared for class every day. Be ready to work.
  3. Be respectful, courteous, and polite to others in the classroom.
  4. Follow directions.
  5. All school rules and policies apply.


  • Verbal Warning
  • Detention/Parent Contact
  • Referral to Administrator

** Severe offenses will result in an immediate referral

Grading Scale:

Minor – Quizzes, Classwrok / 40%
Homework / 20%
Major – Essays/Tests/Projects / 40%

Grading Scale:

A= 100-90

B= 89-80

C= 79-70

D= 69-60

F= Below 60

Late Work Policy:

  • Major Assignments – 10%. deduction per day, up to 3 days late (includes weekends). After 3 days late, assignment will not be accepted, resulting in a 0.
  • Classwork & Homework – will not be accepted late.
  • Late work due to absences will follow district policy.

Plagiarism Policy:Using someone else’s words as your own is unethical and will not further your education. Plagiarism is not permitted and will not be tolerated.

This includes:

  • Buying or borrowing a paper from someone and turning it in as your own work
  • Extracting the exact words from a document without placing the text in quotation marks and citing the author
  • Using someone else’s published ideas without giving them proper cited credit
  • Having a parent, friend, etc. write part or all of your paper for you.

*****Consequences of Plagiarism - You will receive an automatic zero (0) on the assignment and will NOT get the opportunity to redo the assignment. Your parents will also be notified.

**Unless otherwise stated, all written work must be completed utilizing complete sentences, correct spelling, and accurate grammatical conventions. Points will be deducted where mistakes are made.