Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPI/E) in Research

Quick Checklist

This checklist is designed for Researchers who are more confident with PPI/E, to quickly check that everything has been planned for. If you are new to PPI/E or think you need more guidance or prompting, we strongly recommend that you use the PPI/E Planning Guidance for Researchers (link to be added).

If you answer ‘no’ to any of the questions on the quick checklist or flowchart, please use the PPI/E Planning Guidance for Researchers to help you plan your PPI/E.

We also strongly recommend that you read the INVOLVE Briefing Notes for Researchers before planning any PPI/E activity.

Centre Website:

Patient and Public involvement and Engagement (PPI/E) Flowchart

PPI_E Quick Checklist_March_14_vrd_V11

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPI/E) in Research

Quick Checklist

For more in-depth planning, or if you answer ‘no’ to any of the questions on this page, please refer to the PPI/E Planning Guidance for Researchers document.

PPI/E Checklist
Remember, you can use the useful documents section of the PPI/EPlanning Guidance for Researchersto help you
Do you know which aspects of your research you want patients and the public to support you with? /
Do you know who you want to involve in your research? /
Do you know where you are going to find PPI reps to support your research? /
Do you have a clear role description for PPI reps? /
Have you budgeted for PPI/E in your research? /
Do you know how you will involve patients and the public (eg focus group, ‘virtual’ advisory group)? /
Do you have a clear timescale for PPI/E in your research? /
Have you thought about any training needs for PPI reps and / or the research team? /
Do you know how you will communicate with key stakeholders and keep them informed / engaged? /
Do you know what you will do with the feedback and information you gather from PPI reps and key stakeholders? /
Do you know how you will record, measure and evaluate your PPI activities? /
Do you know how you will disseminate your research findings? /
Have you contacted the PPI Team to tell them about your plans for PPI or ask for support? /

Contact Details:

Jo Adams, PPI Lead
Telephone: 023 8059 5287
Email: / Vikki Develin, PPI/E Facilitator
Telephone: 0115 82 31719

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