General Publication Policies

  1. The journal is published two issues per year and accepts original research articles, review articles,short communications, technical notes and letter to editor in various fields of agriculture at both national and international levels. Priority is given original research articles. Articles should not have been simultaneously submitted to or previously published in any other scientific or technical journal. Papers may be written in either Turkish or English. All manuscripts will be subject to peer review. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they do not comply with the instructions to authors or are beyond the scope of the journal. The editorial board decides whether a paper reviewed and evaluated by referees is accepted or rejected for publication.
  2. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced (one side only) on A4 paper and preferencelynot exceed 16 printed pages and with margins of 4 cm in the upper-hand side and 2,5 cm in the left, right and lower hand side. The text should be prepared using Microsoft Word 6.0 or upper versions with Times New Roman, font size 12 pt. Page numbers should be given at lower right side of pages and line numbers starting from the title.
  3. Manuscripts are submitted electronically all steps are followed by electronic media.
  4. Publication cost; 70 TL for 16 pages and plus 10 TL for each extra page should be paid to the journal bank account (IBANNo: TR780001500158007287616201 TC Vakıf Bank, Atatürk UniversityBranch, Erzurum, Turkey) at manuscript submission processes.
  5. After having received the paper the editor will forward it to at least two expert referees. Following referee’s suggestions, revived manuscript is forwarded tocorresponded author for correction.
  6. The proof stage is the author's last chance to make corrections or changes. Galley proofs are also sent authors prior to publication.
  7. All manuscripts must be accompanied by the Copyright Release Form. This form must be completely filled out and signed by all the authors and submitted with the proof copy. The original copy of the Copyright Release Form should also be sent to the journal coordinator via mail.
  8. The maximum time period for manuscript evaluation is 3 months. Manuscripts are not returned if rejected.Off prints will be sent as PDF file to the corresponding author’s by e-mail.

Preparation of manuscript

  1. Title: Only the first letter of each word is capital. The title should be brief but should reflect all aspects of the work published.
  2. The names and addresses of the author(s): The byline consists of the name(s) of the author(s) and addressessetting on separate lines. Do not include academic degrees or professional titles. Corresponding authorshould be indicated. The e-mail of the corresponding author should be givenat the end of address. The institution(s) supporting the research and the project or thesis etc. based on the paper should be indicated as footnotes. The footnotes should be marked as “*”.
  3. Abstracts: The abstract should state concisely the scope of the work and give the principal findings. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph, with a limit of 200 words. The abstract is published in both Turkish and English. Keywords should not exceed 6 words
  4. Organization of text: The main text should be divided INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS (optional), ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (optional) and REFERENCES. Results and discussion may be presented as separate sections or combined under one heading.Main headings should be capital letter and in subheadings first letter of the wordsshould be capital, followed by small letters.
  5. Tables and Figures: Tables and figures must be numbered according to their sequence in the text, have a brief title, and be referred to in the text. Figures should be drawn or printed by using a laser printer clearly.
  6. Units, Abbreviations and Nomenclature: All units and measures must conform to the international standard-system (SI-system). Genus and species names should be set in italics.
  7. Citation style: Author-year system (e.g., Baker, 1996; FAO, 1998) for giving references is strongly preferred. For within-text citations of papers with two authors, name both: Macit and Canbolat (1998). With three or more authors, use ‘et al.’: Aslantas et al. (2007). For two or more articles with same author name and date; add a distinguishing letter to the year in both text and list. These citations take the form “Oztas (1996a, 1996b)” or “(Smith et al., 1997b).”
  8. References:The references used in the text should be listed in alphabetical order according to author-year system as follows. Abbreviations shoul be given as indicated by journals, for instance Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak Derg. or Agron. J.

Journal Article

Bhagsari, A.S., Brown, R.H., 1986. Leaf photosynthesis and its correlation with leaf area. Crop Sci. 26:127-132.


Draper, N.R., Smith, H., 1981. Applied Regression Analysis. 2.nd ed. John WileySons, New York.

Chapter in a book

Harris, W. 1990 Pasture as an Ecosystem. In: Langer, R.M. (ed.) Pastures, Their Ecology and Management. 75–31.Oxford Univ. Press.

Congress and Meeting

Bilgic, A., and Florkowski, W.J. 2006. Growth Expectations and Decision to Renovate a Golf Course: An Application of a Censored Model with the Simultaneity Test. American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California, USA, July 23–26 .

Published by an organization

FAO, 1994. Production and Trade Yearbook, 1993. Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome.

AOAC, 1980. Official method of analysis. 13th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, DC.

Computer program

SAS, 1990. SAS user’s guide: Statistics. 4th ed. SAS Institute, Cary, NC.

Published on the Web

Bustamente, P.I., Hull, R., 1998. Plant virus gene expression strategies, Electronic J. Biotech (Online) (31 August 1999).


Fan, Q., 2013. Climate Change Impacts on Household Location Choices in the Us and Economic Consequences. Doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University.